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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy


    I agwee with this blog entwee most emphaticawee! *Ahem* Yes, please do! ~GBG~
  2. GreenBioGuy

    Ewww Soda!

    Good for you! Water and Milk rocks, by the way! EDIT: NOT together! ~GBG~
  3. Use fishing line... (to hold him up from the ceiling) Heh, this is why I quite yesterday; I knew I would be panicking right about now. GO GO GO! I know you can do it! ~GBG~
  4. GreenBioGuy

    Wip Pics!

    Well guys, here is my BBCC #53 WIP pic: Heh, as is evident by now, I will not be entering. Ah well. See the gallery for more shots of him (they are at the bottom below Certavus) Please post any thoughts you have on him! Also, I just need like 2 more votes in the Final Final Certavus Poll to place fourth! ~GBG~
  5. Actually, I did start at the very beginning, the process just got rather... drawn out. Fear not. WIP pics are underway! ~GBG~
  6. Great! um... pics? ~GBG~
  7. You read correctly: I'm not entering. It was a very tough decision, but I had to make it in the end. Simply put, I just wasted an entire school day trying to finish it up (I'm homeschooling, so I'm flexible). Ok, not the whole day, but most of it. The whole time, I just felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. I couldn't figure anything good out for the arms with the pieces I had left. I can't tell you how aggravating that felt. Just making no progress at all really... Considering the deadline is tomorrow, I just decided (with my parents help) to just drop it. Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, this contest is not all that important. I don't want it to deprive me of sleep and my school work of quality (which is what it was starting to do). Canon story as a prize? Nice, but it won't improve me as a person. Neither will prototypes, for that matter... So... yeah. I can't wait to see how everyone else's turns out though! Oh, and don't try to convince me otherwise; I've made up my mind. Tomorrow is way too busy anyhow. Also, I am planning on finishing up the MoC in the future (but probably the summer). I might be able to get a WIP pic up over the weekend though. Heh, this is exactly what happened with Skotraxx. ~GBG~
  8. Dude, I am so totally with you there. I've got pretty much the same problem (although I'm not working on a second entry). I hope all goes well! ~GBG~
  9. Ok, I'm about fed up with MoCing at the moment. I've used most of my good pieces and I'm running short on small technic connector pieces (specifically the (+O+) ones). Gah, I'm hitting a serious block for the arms. I think I may have something going, but we'll see. I love the rest of the MoC, but the tough part will be fitting in the arm's style with the rest of it... For those of you who do, prayers for inspiration would be wonderful. ~GBG~
  10. Patience... ;P Either tomorrow or (at the latest) Thursday evening, though I hope it won't be that late. ~GBG~
  11. GreenBioGuy


    #5 is my first pick, but I wouldn't mind #1 either. ~GBG~
  12. I understand, and I'm not complaining. Just thinkin' out loud... ~GBG~
  13. Wow. I made it into the FINAL FINAL Poll by just 2 votes! I'm not so sure that this is a good idea though (the extra poll, not my making it in ) It's liable that the results will change, in which case people will get upset and blah blah blah... Humph. BZPower has been rather annoying and stressful as of late. In other news, I got my second parts order in yesterday (you hit it right on the nose ~BD~, one week!), and the parts and in perfect condition and work wonderfully for the MoC. I have finished the legs, torso (for the most part), and the feet. I'm gonna work on the arms next. And then (in true GBG fashion) the head will be last. It's gonna be close for the entry period, but I'm sure I can pull it off. ~GBG~
  14. *manly pat on the back* just hang in there! I've got a majorly busy week or two as well... Hehe, I'm home-schooled = no prom. ~GBG~
  15. Heh, maybe. But it may just be a coincidence. I'm inclined to think otherwise though... What with the huge jump he got. Meh, strike that. I can't really call a judgment either way...
  16. "Gargantuan" is an adjective. I would recommend you try something else. Not sure what, but I think it's a good idea. ~GBG~
  17. Explain your reasoning please? (not that I disagree) ~GBG~
  18. You won the BIONICLE Piraka Fusion contest and got your MoC featured in a BIONICLE comic; that's pretty big if you ask me! ~GBG~
  19. either that or "MoCing Sister"

    which do you like better?

  20. Well then, I guess I shall now calling you "sister MoCist"! :P

    I like the term... ^^

  21. Oh good! I'm looking forward to seeing it! ~GBG~
  22. GreenBioGuy

    Back To Work!

    Good point. But don't you mean, "been DQed", and not just "DQed"? All the same, I'm really sorry that you got DQed like this. I know how you feel making a silly mistake like that... (although yours wasn't in a final poll, no siree) ~GBG~
  23. Duuuuude. B) Nice. I give you my heartiest congratulations! *manly pat on the back* You should get some scholarships for that... Where are you planning on going to college? Personally, I would recommend you check out Union University in Jackson TN. It's where my dad works and I love it there. ~GBG~
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