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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. Soooo... My family and I have arrived in Wake forest and we will be here for the next week (I believe we leave on Saturday morning). For those of you who didn't read my last blog entry, my dad is here to teach at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. Prayers would be welcome for my dad though; he did not sleep well at all last night, and considering that he will be teaching for about eight hours a day he's gonna need alot more rest. Please pray that he will be able to get to sleep faster and sleep more soundly for the remainder of the week (I think that he was just wired because of his teaching) Thanks! What have I been doing though? Well, for the most part I have been reading Showdown by Ted Dekker (if you've never heard of him, you have to look him up! You will love his books if you like good, solid, christian fiction/fantasy. His plots will twist themselves around your brain until you're dizzy! He is an amazing writer!) In addition, my sister and I have been playing through Myst IV: Revelation like crazy. We are approaching the end already (I think) Oh, and I also purchased a used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes the other day! While the box is pretty banged up, the disk is in near-perfect condition. Sadly though, I failed to bring my Game Cube, so I'll just have to wait until I get home to play it... Ah well.
  2. So, the fam and I are on vacation at the moment. We are currently located in Morristown Tennessee, and are on our way to Wake Forest North Carolina. It's actually a kindof work/vacation trip, seeing as my dad will be teaching at Southeastern Seminary this next week, but after that we are going to be in DC for a week of being tourists. I need to find out where the LEGO store is located there... Anywhoo, We spent the evening with the family of a very good friend of my mother's whom she went to Seminary with way back when. We had a great time. Also, @ Velox: Good job with the Critics Club! I hope to get all caught up this weekend!
  3. GreenBioGuy


    I'm heading over there right now! Also, prayers: you got 'em!
  4. Yeah, me too, which is what's so odd. I thought for sure that the games would work, but perhaps it's just a Windows-to-Mac transfer thing. I dunno. The laptop's not even a year old yet...
  5. Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Congrats Sunneh! I'm glad that you did so well! Now, to bed...
  6. back at you, you PC person you! Actually, we have one of those programs on our iMac downstairs. Unfortunately, the program does not support pixel shading and what-not (although the games work fine when you boot the whole computer as Windows). Thanks for the two cents sir!
  7. I guess I can has! Well, I'm a avid Mac user, but there comes a time when one would like to have your old PC games to play all portable-like on your laptop, so I went and downloaded Windows XP onto my Mac using Boot Camp (yes, you can do that; nifty, huh?). The copy of XP is the one my family has downloaded on our iMac downstairs in the school-room (I home-school, for you people who haven't read my Bio content block), and we rarely ever use it. Anywhoo, I attempted to install and play several of my Star Wars games including Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Knights of the Old Republic. Unfortunately, neither of them would work due to an insufficient graphics card (something about pixel shader 1.1 support and insufficient 3D graphics). I made sure to update all of the latest drivers for Boot Camp and any Windows updates that I could, and yet it still wouldn't work. They work fine on the family iMac, and I am using a MacBook which came out at about the same time as the iMac I believe... way after these games were released for sure. Does anyone have any thoughts on a way that they could be made to work? I installed the latest version of DirectX... Perhaps my version of laptop just wasn't built for Star Wars gaming... However, I was able to download and play Myst IV: Revelation! I am assuming by looking at the requirements that my 10th Anniversary Myst Pack (Myst, Riven, and Exile included) will work fine as well. I am very happy with this because I haven't played these games in ages and will be quite fun to play again (I have beaten Riven and Exile, nearly beat Myst (don't know why I never finished) and only got partway though Revelation). I am thinking that my sister and I will play them through in order for the summer. Our vacation begins Friday!
  8. Oooh! Tell me what'cha think afterwords, okie dokie? And yeah, lamer than lame duck sauce. ... 0.o That was random.
  9. That's good to know! I'm not sure if I'll be able to enter though, seeing as I will be gone 3/4 of June... ( ( ( ) ) )
  10. It was super brief and not that bad, anyway. IMO. IMO on the not that bad, not the super brief. It -was- super brief. BtB Hm, but it was there none-the-less. All the same, I loved the movie though!
  11. Did what? Stopped procrastinating? Well, I figured it was about time. Anyways, I'm jsut posting here to say that Major Marvellous gave me an EXCELLENT review, it was amazing. Thank you, and I'll be back! [in a good way lol ] -Z- Yes, that's what I meant, and I agree on MM; he is a good reviewer! I'm glad you'll be back! ( ( ( ) ) )
  12. So, my dad and I went to see Star Trek today; and I've gotta say: I enjoyed it quite a bit! I don't have alot of time here, but I will say that if you like complicated plots, futuristic spaceships and blast fights, as well as blackholes and time warps, you'll love this movie! The story was pretty neat, and the action was superb. There were quite a few intense on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments (even though I wasn't on the edge of my seat, lol) I won't even try to explain the plot line to you; it would take up a bit of space (lol) The only part I didn't like was one adult-themed scene near the beginning, but I just slipped my ball cap down over my face and it was fine. Besides that one scene, the whole movie was spectacular, and if it hadn't been for a slightly crummy speaker in the theater it would have been a near perfect movie experience. Ah well. I would probably give it a 8 out of 10 rating. Definitely worth watching again! Oh, and I haven't seen any of the original movies, so I didn't have them to compare it too...
  13. GreenBioGuy


    Ok. It does mean something, I just don't know what. Nice sign-off by the way! *Goes off to make one for himself* Nvr mind. Exactly what technique did you use to get the glow to extend that far and yet only appear to come from the letters?
  14. GreenBioGuy


    See, he actually lives in a parallel dimension where the rate of time is slower than it is here, thus giving him the afore questioned extra time.
  15. You are quite welcome, and glad you think so! ^^

  16. June? June?! I'll be gone for half the month! Erm, B6, would it be at all possible for you guys to postpone events until I get back? Jk! I'm looking forward to it all none-the-less.
  17. thankee! Naw, Emerald city sounds too much like the Wizard of Oz... >> << Wait... it is... @ Velox: the program I use is indeed GIMP. @ CF: Thanks!
  18. GreenBioGuy

    Kanohi And Stuff

    O.o Is there any way you could send me the names of your favorite shops?
  19. GreenBioGuy

    Kanohi And Stuff

    Dude, like, how many orders do you place?
  20. (A quote from Bink's blog!) Yay!
  21. *gasps* Yayz! We can finally know the winners! And pretty nifty prizes too? Oh boy! Thanks for the updates Bink! ( ( ( ) ) )
  22. Yeah, I'd kindof like to have it just as a personal one thanks. I'm glad you like it though! ( ( ( ) ) )
  23. Actually, it did use to be "Emerald Bricks", but then I changed it a good while ago. I kinda just wanted it back. Also, what thinks ye of meesa new banner? Also also, just as an fyi, I used a special brush (or stamp, rather) for the swirly designs. ( ( ( ) ) )
  24. So, I made some new bloggish art today! I would love to know what you think! (as well as about the name)
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