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Everything posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy


    Nice. I hope it all works out!
  2. Well, I'm home from DC! *waves frantically* Yep, it was a very tiring week, but totally worth it. Here are some highlights: - The museums. We visited many of the Smithsonians (yes, it's plural), and while I enjoyed some more than others, they were all very interesting. One thing which was very fun was we went to see Night at the Museum 2 at the IMAX theater at the Museum of Natural History! At first, I wasn't so sure of how the movie would be. However, at the end, I really wanted to see it again. The movie was very, very fun and enjoyable (if a little dorky at some parts, especially the beginning). Some of the scenes were very creative in how the directors worked in little jokes involving characters from the actual Smithonian museums as well as historical figures period. It was truly a fun family movie, and I highly recommend you seeing it. Anyways, we also saw the National Art Museum; that was really neat. - The monuments. These included the Washington monument (though not up close; not that that made a difference or anything though!), the Lincoln Memorial (my favorite), as well as the War Memorials. The World War II memorial was especially moving. - Tennessee Tuesday. You are probably wondering what this is. Well, basically put, every Tuesday the two Senators for Tennessee (Senators Alexander and Corker, I believe, who are both Republican) come to meet with anyone from Tennessee who would like to meet them. There are donuts, juice, and coffee (of course). There were actually quite a few people there, more than I was expecting. Anyway, you also get your picture taken with them after meeting them. This is also a time which they take to talk to their supporters about what there plans are; most of what Mr. Alexander had to say was about climate control stuff. My family was specifically wanting to talk to them about some concerns we have with where the International Law is heading (specifically pertaining to the subject of parental rights), as well as the need for a constitutional amendment protecting said rights (please do not turn this into a political argument). Sadly, they were to busy with other people. However, many of their representatives were there, and we had great success speaking with them about the subject! They were very attentive and responded well. It was neat to be involved in it all... I believe those are the main highlights of the trip. Oh, and we also rode the metro alot (which was fun) and walked approximately 30 miles over the course of the whole tripe (that includes Mt. Vernon and Williamsburg) ... good exercise! Other random stuffz: - My sis and I completed Myst IV: Revelation on Friday. We only had to look up one tiny hint in the course of the whole game. We had actually solved this one part, we just didn't know it. There was one particularly hart part (the one with Sirrus' frequency throne, if you've played it before) and we were about to give up and look it up online. My dad didn't want us to though, and so we kept at it. Eventually though, we solved it! Man, I love that feeling of being accomplished in solving something on your own! If you are not familiar with the Myst series but enjoy good quality mind stretching puzzle games with a plot to them (no action/fighting involved), then I would highly recommend Myst. You don't have to play them in order, but it's best that way due to the fact that they are linked according to plot. I will warn you though: the old one lack good graphics and controls (they were some of the first computer games every created). However, the puzzles are still there and strong, so it's still totally worth it! I know that you can get them in anniversary packs for less than buying them singly. - The Wii shipped yesterday, and the estimated arrival date is this Wednesday! Yayzorz! Brawl here we come! - The deadline for BBCC #54 is Tuesday! ... Ack! Ok, time to get to work. I plan on doing alot of building tomorrow, although I'm not sure of what I'm going to build. I don't want to do a humanoid though; I want something unique, something which will stand out and shine... something to beat the system. But what? I'll think of something though... hopefully. :blush: - I started playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes today. Pretty sweet; I'm lovin' the gameplay and plot thus far: it's very sinister and mysterious. The multiplayer is pretty fun too; I just wish my sister was as into it as I am. Heh, I've got a ton of personal stuff going on too (catch-up school, driver's permit test, e-mail catch-up work, beginning to write my trilogy, among other things). Prayers would be welcome in this area. One big thing my family's got going is we are going to completely clean up, rearrange, and fix up our playroom (also known as the rec room, but with a "w" right now ) We are hoping to get a new (digital) TV soon, and we also want to make the room all around organized (it's a mess at the moment). That will be fun, but it will also take alot of time. The main thing that I need prayer for at the moment is that as I work towards making progress in many areas I will also have some good off-time (it is summer vacation after all) I need prayer for balance... I don't need to over-exert myself. I think that's all. Now to finish unpacking...
  3. Very cool. I might be able to write you a short something up...
  4. GreenBioGuy

    My Dear BВⅭ

    I agree with ya completely there (we usually do ) Sorry I haven't been able to help out with the BBCCC, I've just been so busy the last week! It's my plan to do alot more this week, don't worry! ( ( ( ) ) )
  5. I'll get to it this week sir! *salutes* ( ( ( ) ) )
  6. GreenBioGuy

    Q F T

    He was the construction worker who talks with Carl near the very beginning of the film. And yeah, I agree with that quote 100%. What does Q F T stand for? Sorry for my ignorance...
  7. GreenBioGuy

    The Bioni-grips!

    Sweet entry! Yay blacklimegreencolorz! I hope to be able to review it sometime soon...
  8. Ok, first things first. How exactly do you place two capital letters right after one another in a blog title without the second one being a little letter? Thanks for any input. Now, on to the news! My family has officially arrived in DC, and we will be here for the remainder of the week. Today we went to the Udvar-hazy Air and Space Museum in the morning and had a blast there looking at all of the cool planes, missiles, space probes, and of course the Enterprise. This afternoon we went to the Museum of Natural History which was neat, even though they tried to smear evolution in your face at every chance (which is understandable for an organization which believes that and has supposed "evidence" for it) That's the only part that I disliked about it, but besides that I really enjoyed it. I am SO tired right now though, I'm not sure if we will be able to take a week of this! I just need to get some good sleep... In other news, my parents have given my sister and I consent to purchase a Wii! My dad and I just ordered it not 5 minutes ago actually. For the extra game, we are going to start of with Smash Bros. Brawl (at long last!). I'm quite pumped, although this is still a bit of a hard decision for her and I to make, seeing as it's so much money. Ah well; we have been wanting it for a long time and we now finally have the money. I believe we should have a blast with it. If there are any of you guys out there who are Brawl fans (or Wii Sports players), the please let me know and we can exchange codes! I won't be able to play until we get home though (we are having it shipped there). I've gotta go get ready for bed now, and I believe my internet access will be limited over the week due to the fact that you can only access it in the lobby for free (silly hotel charges; don't they know free wireless is standard now?!). Man, I'm gonna have to scramble when I get home for BBCC #54. Getting a new Wii won't help either. =P
  9. Green green green green green!!!!!!!!! *runs around in little circles frantically* That will be all...
  10. Nice pictures. I just may have to get Mata Nui... Where did you get them by the way?
  11. GreenBioGuy


    Well, I meant to blog about this last night, but forgot (it was late anyway). My family and I went to see Pixar's UP last evening with some friends of ours. The movie was extremely unique, creative, fun, and I really enjoyed it quite a bit! Definitely worth going to see and even owning if you enjoy good quality plots and animated comedies that are family friendly. There were very few characters, but I never found myself getting bored with them. They were all so different, but Pixar did an amazing job making them all work together for the story. The whole plot was far fetched, true, but with animated films you've just got to suspend logic for a while. The only truly weird part was when the doggies flew the planes... it was funny though. I think one of the greatest strengths of the movie is that it can appeal to a very wide range of ages. Not only does it cater to the kiddos, but it was something that the adults could truly enjoy as well. Very well done. Not to mention that the animation and 3D was Amazing. I was expecting the 3D would be through those little blue/red glasses, and would thus distort the colors. But nope. The glasses affected the color none what-so-ever (they were clear, I still have yet to figure out how they worked), and the 3D effect worked perfectly. I'm excited that this is becoming the new standard for animated movies. So, what's my take on this movie? In case you haven't guessed, I'd give it a 5/5 star rating. If you like this sort of movie, I'd highly recommend it! Also yay Toy Story 3!
  12. I'm with ya. Of course, you have like two weeks to build. I, on the other hand, will have only two days! Also, I dunno about my winning for sure there... DV and Laka are planning on entering, and they are definitely better builders than myself. Yeah, like, 50% percent of each? That would be neat... The only problem is that this is a BIONICLE fan site, and thus not everyone here will actually have alot of system in their collection, thus giving them a severe disadvantage. I think that the average member can see that there are other aspects of LEGO out there just by looking at some of the better builders who win the contests. Many of them use fusion... Anyway, good luck to all!
  13. Yay! You're entering! I'm glad that one other really good MoCist is going to at least attempt it other than DV! I'm looking forward to your entry!
  14. Yay! long text with substance! :D I can't wait to respond! :)

  15. Ok, take your time! ^^

  16. Drat. Your punishment isn't working. For how many contests is your bannishment in effect?
  17. Arg. Why does every contest that's popping up have it's deadline the day after my arrival home from vacation? :angry: Oh well, this will be interesting to see develop...
  18. Fine then. I guess that there are just some people who can't build with just technic... Some can though, and you would do well to realize that. Just because you sucked in that direction, doesn't mean that everyone else will.
  19. Yeah, I saw your comment in the topic. I really wish you would enter; It would be good for you to be stretched in a new direction for once.
  20. GreenBioGuy


    I'm simply hoping that more and more people vote for ya! Also this:
  21. Yayzorz! A bloggorific approval! Thanks JG!
  22. Yar, take that you system lover people! Wait... I was just starting to use system in earnest! *facepalm* Oh, the irony! Well... due to the fact that I will be gone right up until a few days before the deadline, I'm unsure if I will be able to enter. (though I will try, oh yes!) I'm gonna have to place a larger-ish order from you-know-where in the next few days... Oh, and there will be no green present! Regardless of whether I can enter or not, I will be very intrigued to see what such builders as DV, Cags, and others will build with the no-system rule in effect. Most intrigued indeed...
  23. Ohhhh. Nice game! I really enjoyed it. My sister and I played through it together actually... We got all 120 Shine Sprites! Let us know when/if you beat it!
  24. I'm not so sure. I am guessing for BBCC #54, but I'll have to wait and see what the theme is first...

    Thanks though! ^^

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