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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    Years ago, my parents painted my room using a sponge. Somehow, a skull-shaped mark showed up on the wall. That "skull" haunted me for years.
    Until today.
    So I'm getting my room redesigned to look like a hotel room. (I don't think it will come up looking exactly like one.) Today we started painting the walls. I grabbed a roller and painted an entire wall. Then, I crushed the skull. I painted dead over it. Now it's gone for good.
    Oh and by the way I'm not doing the kit anymore.
  2. Nathan Evo
    I've been getting bored on this forum lately. So I've decided to make my own kit. I'm not sure if it will come out anytime soon. It'll probably come out in the summer at least.
    Just for the fun of it, I've provided a sneak preview.

    And no, I did not take inspiration or dead-copy off anyone's kit here in the forum. There's one thing I did take inspiration from... and it has nothing to do with Bionicle or BZPower whatsoever.
  3. Nathan Evo
    So today I got bored. Obviously.
    So an idea popped in my head. I decided to build something.

    Hey, I did say it was awesome, didn't I?
  4. Nathan Evo
    So I was looking in a topic when I was waiting for it to load. Then, I accidentally clicked the mouse.
    Coinicidentally, the location of where I clicked went to the "Log Out" link.
    Next sight I saw was:

    Don't click anywhere before the page loads, folks.
  5. Nathan Evo
    On this day in history, I ate the worst slice of pie I have ever eaten in my life.
    It was "Buttermilk Pie" if I remember correctly. I guess the cafeteria thinks buttermilk pie is essentially melted butter and old milk for the filling.
    A friend of mine wanted to get the pie (but this was before I decided to get it!), so after lunch I told him to be glad he didn't get it. I gagged twice today thinking about it.
    Hopefully, your school cafeterias are (or were, if you are an older member) better than this.
  6. Nathan Evo
    I found a website that kind of has a video-game music archive. Though they aren't the originals, they are pretty cool songs. I liked one so much I actually saved the target.
    This is a big deal, people.
    Oh, and if you're looking for a link, then sorrry. (Yes, with three "r"s. (Yes, I copied off VTK.)) The website has forums. Major no-no on BZP. This is why I didn't put the site name.
  7. Nathan Evo
    Okay. I found the error of the last one. Don't expect to see anything like it again.
    And please don't discuss it here. I know what it is. That doesn't mean, if you don't know it, that you have to know it.

    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. Is this Brubby?!
    BRUBBY. This is Brubby!
    MR. ALDERSON. What do you want, Brubby? I'm expecting an important phone call and I don't want to waste my time talking to you!
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is your refrigerator. . . um. . . on fire?
    BRUBBY. Then you'd better go catch it! Ha ha ha. . . ha. . . Bye.
    MR. ALDERSON. I'll get that Brubby!
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson? This is Brubby again. . .
    MR. ALDERSON. Wha- What do you want this time, Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is Mr. Roof there?
    MR. ALDERSON. You've already asked me that!
    BRUBBY. Okay. Um. . . Is Mrs. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Are there any Roofs there?
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is Mr. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Then, what's. . . holding up your car? Ha ha ha. . . ha. . .
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
    (Sound of phone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Now what is it, Brubby?!
    GUY. Hello. This is your very important call.
    MR. ALDERSON. Finally.
    (Sound of beep.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hang on. I've got another call. (Switches calls.) Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. What now, Brubby?!
    BRUBBY. Is your refrigerator on fire?
    BRUBBY. Then, what's. . . holding up your car? Ha ha ha... ha...
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
    (Mr. Alderson switches calls.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Sorry. Now, let's discuss this...
    GUY. I'm sorry, you ignored me for so long that I found someone else to sell the cruise tickets to. Sorry. (Hangs up.)
    (Sound of phone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. What?!
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
  8. Nathan Evo
    My sister and I have been known to invent "characters". I'm not going to post them all here for "security reasons". However, I have decided there is one character that I figured I could introduce to BZPower (via FREE EASY MONEY!!!). If it gets enough replies from different members, I might post another one.
    So there is one character I can post here. His name... is Brubby.
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson?
    MR. ALDERSON. What?
    BRUBBY. Is your refrigerator... on... fire?
    BRUBBY. Then... you'd better go catch it! Ha ha ha... ha...
    MR. ALDERSON. Who is this?
    BRUBBY. Brubby.
    MR. ALDERSON. Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Yes.
    MR. ALDERSON. Where do you live?
    BRUBBY. Next door.
    MR. ALDERSON. Don't you know prank calls are against the law?
    BRUBBY. I... take... special vitamins...
    MR. ALDERSON. I didn't want to hear that!
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. What?!
    BRUBBY. Is Mr. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Is Mrs. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Are there any Roofs there?
    BRUBBY. Then... what's... holding up your car? Ha ha ha... ha...
    BRUBBY. Aaaah! (Hangs up.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Whew. Glad that's over.
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson? This is Brubby...
    MR. ALDERSON. What do you want, Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Um... Is your refrigerator on fire?

    THE END.
  9. Nathan Evo
    I'm stuck in my house and I'm being forced to clean it.
    I'm on one of my infamous three-hour breaks. >=D
  10. Nathan Evo
    I looked in the Artwork III forum and almost all of the comic topics were GONE. My comics, VakamaTK's comics, Turaga Dlakii's Comic Emporium, they're all GONE. Strike that, they're still there, but I don't know if posting there counts as revival or not.
    But, involving mine, this is a blessing.
    Now, you're probably saying "WHAT?! Most of the topics are deleted! You're a nutcase!" No, I am, not. I am a genius. There is scientific evidence proving this.
    Anyway, I was hoping originally that I could close the topic. I'm not in the "comic-making fever" anymore. Now, I can start fresh and not worry about revival.
    If your life depends on my comics and you need to see them, they're on my majhost so you can view them there.
    (Man, I hate having a band-aid on my index finger.)
  11. Nathan Evo
    Looks like I finally managed to find game-making software! Too bad I didn't buy it yet.
    Expect a game before I'm 21.
    I've started on the sprites. It's a cartoony RPG nightmare. (If you've ever seen the "wall decoration stance" from TMUCW: Episode VIII, it's essentially that)
    Pics later. Maybe. As well as those motorcycle pics.
  12. Nathan Evo
    So, last week, I bought the Race Rider (LEGO Racers motorcycle). I built the chopper-style one and crammed Axalara Lewa on it (barely).
    I'm going to get another one this week so I can put Onua on it. Or Pohatu or Antroz.
  13. Nathan Evo
    Man, I absolutely HATE these headphones I'm using right now.
    Why am I using bad headphones? Because A. I lost my other pair and 2. You don't want to hear Weird Al's "Eat It" throughout the entire house, would you?
    Anyway, these blasted headphones have to be adjusted in a certain position to get sound in both speakers. I have to adjust these blasted things so many times, I lost count. If they are adjusted incorrectly, sound only comes out in one speaker. Or worse... that nerve-racking "KKKKLLLLSSSHHHTTT" sound.
    Okay. Next time I get my allowance, I'm spending it on headphones.
    Okay, Tarix, THEN headphones.
  14. Nathan Evo
    I have 130 USD waiting for me at the bank. I have decided to save it for summer sets.
    I'm not allowed to buy any Bionicle sets, but I did get an Indiana Jones one.
    Last night, I was at an expensive restaurant eating dinner for three hours.
    But. . . WHY?
    Today is my birthday.
  15. Nathan Evo
    The past couple of days, I managed to buy Tuma and Berix, in case you couldn't tell by the last entry.
    Tuma's pretty cool. The black and lime color scheme reminds me of Exo-Force. I wonder what happened to it that made them close it down? Sales? Out of ideas? Sheer laziness? Best to discuss later.
    Now, I have every color of those blades Atakus carries: Lime green, red, and glow-in-the-dark. I have to admit, they're cool pieces.
    AHA! Tuma does NOT have a 2008 Av-Matoran head. Chimoru, Rayg, and any other kit makers had better change it if they used an 08 Av-Matoran head.
    As for Berix, I was considering not getting him. Then I heard he was a guy. This is sheer win material, right here. I don't like female Bionicle characters. When people complained that Gali was overly masculine, I couldn't wait to get her. To have a main hero water-based Bionicle guy? Pull me in.
    I absolutely love his sword. It's a Tahu Mata sword... in bright blue! It doesn't fit with the element, but it's an awesome piece. Use it to make blue Tahus!
    Oh, and the only dark blue pieces are his feet. The rest of the pieces are either bright blue, transparent lime green, and... the original Mata blue from 2001! Every time I open a new set that has the old 2004 colors in it, I scream. I believe you have probably heard me say that before. If I had bought this guy first, I probably wouldn't scream. Until I buy someone like Raanu or Tarduk, that is.
    I think Berix would have a few more epic win points more than Tarix. Who I'm going to buy, by the way.
    With Tuma, only one Roxtus inhabitant remains for me to buy: Fero. Skirmix reminds me of Kardas... But I'm wasting my time. Right?
  16. Nathan Evo
    Man, I'm stuck without MLN. Why? The server's acting up. Weird thing is, people are bragging about being friends with Tuma or whoever WHILE THE SERVER'S DOWN FOR ME.
    If anyone can play it right now, let me know, OK? Maybe I can find a way to fix it, too?
    By the way, I'm stuck on Raanu and I need clicks for my thornax plant. YOU ALL VILL CLICK, SCHNITZELS!
    Speaking of Tuma, I went to Target today. Three sets were available:
    Jetrax T6 (Blue)
    Jetrax T6 (Yellow)
  17. Nathan Evo
    Hmm. Nothing to do today.
    I know! I'll ask a riddle! Who can figure this one out?
    (though it might be more than easy for you)
    1. A man leaves home, turns right around three corners, and returns home to see two masked men. Who are they?
    HINT: It's NOT Halloween!
    Guess away!
  18. Nathan Evo
    So, the January 2009 catalog came today. It contains all set information that I didn't know before and DIDN'T HEAR ANYWHERE, in case you want to say that "we've" known about this for "weeks". It's not 2008.
    It says:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Tarix and Berix are both MALE 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Zesk is NOT an Agori 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «GregF's right. Earth is tan, rock is black 
    Sorry if this isn't allowed. Of course, I'm not sure the spoiler tags are needed...
  19. Nathan Evo
    I'm currently on vacation right now and I have limited access to BZPower. So be glad I'm here!
    I managed to recieve Gali and Gorast, and Krika from McDonald's. So I've only got Vultraz left. And with $25 gift cards for Wal-Mart and TRU, I might succeed this year!
    I miss my Axalara T9 and Rockoh T3...
    So, basically, if you want to contact me for the next few days you might not get a response. But still, feel free to comment here and in the other two entries.
  20. Nathan Evo
    I know I didn't go over this in the last blog entry, but I'm sure if you remember me at all for some reason, you're probably curious as to where I've been or what I've been doing. The short answer is "none of your ding-danged business."
    I will say this, however: I do have a handful of things I was working on that were meant to be seen by the BZP public. This includes PIRAKA COMICS, which I know I haven't posted in what, three years? Yikes. Anyway, I've still got plenty of ideas left for it and they're all super amazing and I'm definitely looking forward to unleashing them upon an unsuspecting BZP audience. However, at this point in my life these things unfortunately need to take lower priority.
    Yeah, sorry about this being so vague. I will say this, though: I'm still here. I've always been here. I just don't post because, well, I really don't have anything to say these days.
  21. Nathan Evo
    Y'know, I could waste everyone's time with some flowery speech about this, but right now my thoughts boil down to three main ideas:
    1. We're never getting remakes of the Piraka? Bummer.
    2. So, does this mean we're getting Hero Factory back? If so, we'd better have Evo and Bulk.
    3. Honestly, it's sad and all, but I got two new waves of the classic Toa out of it all, so I can't say it was all for nothing. I expected it to be a short run anyway, but, hey, glad it happened.
    Okay, 4. Better get some spare sets and put a Makuta together.
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