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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    I voted, and that's all I'm gonna say.
    Actually, check that- I'm gonna say something else. I wanted to enter this time around, but I've had a lot on my plate lately and I just wasn't able to churn up the entry I wanted. I have a feeling I probably would've won had I found time to enter (well, assuming it came out perfectly), but after seeing the prizes the winners will receive... well, I don't need 'em. Someone else can have 'em. I've already got 'em.
    Maybe someday in the future I'll actually get to work on that idea. Not for contests, but just for fun. It was a pretty neat idea, but I guess it would kind of spoil the big exciting new project I've been working on for a few years now.
    (which has hit a major bump recently seriously the part I'm on now is a total slog)
  2. Nathan Evo
    Honestly I was kinda torn about writing this because obviously I'm going to be shot down, but I really want to get this off my chest.
    I don't WANT Bionicle to return.
    I know, it's likely not going to get the most positive feedback on a bonkles forum, but everything about this just feels... wrong.
    First off, if this happens, I shudder at the thought of the reactions. Primarily those of the bring-back-bonkles crowd- the whiniest, most obnoxious part of the fandom, now celebrating and dancing on Hero Factory's grave because they "won" by throwing temper tantrums over a toy line ending and LEGO took notice. I doubt that was the case. Besides, what are they going to do once New Bonkles ends?
    And then there's Hero Factory. I'm not calling it flawless- it was pretty far from that. Unresolved cliffhangers, a highly groanworthy TV program (honestly, can we even call it a show?), and, of course, the now-infamous Nathan Evo scene where he almost killed a bunch of babies just because one member of their species happened to be a criminal.
    That being said, Invasion from Below is possibly the worst place for the series to end- with an ending slopped together in the last twelve hours of production featuring the complete genocide of a species and yet another unresolved cliffhanger. I have to admit this doesn't really have much to do with bonkles, but if we could see at least one more Hero Factory wave that somewhat resembled an ending before bonkles' triumphant return or whatever the next constraction line is comes out, that'd be a lot better than what we have now. Unfortunately, given LEGO's track record, I sincerely doubt that'll happen.
    And lastly, possibly the biggest reason I don't want bonkles returning is because if it returns, it'll be, well, bonkles. Getting anything resembling 2001-2004 or any other period when bonkles was great is highly unlikely, and we'll likely get something more like the ending years of bonkles when the storyline was extra convoluted and Farshtey favoritism ran rampant. I don't know- the story serials were my least favorite part of bonkles.
    However, I will admit this: I will gladly accept bonkles' return if these conditions are followed:
    1. The Toa Mata/Nuva return, and resemble the Toa Mata/Nuva
    2. The storyline gives us some look at the story through the Matoran's point of view and doesn't portray them as worthless objects the Toa need to defend (assuming New Bonkles has Toa and Matoran)
    3. The Piraka return, because from any perspective, ironic or otherwise, they were a lot better than that big gold thing from the serials
    (addendum, actually, I'll just lock this entry because I don't feel like dealing with fallout. if a staff member informs me that for some reason this entry needs to be removed, I will gladly do so. otherwise, I'm sticking with my thoughts here)
  3. Nathan Evo
    I'm pretty sure the main reason why I had so much fun with Pokémon Y is because I named my team after the Piraka.
    First, we take on the Pokémon League... then we kidnap the All-American Rejects!
    Still a pretty fun game. I'd probably play it again... and also probably name my team after the Piraka again.
  4. Nathan Evo
    So, I'm officially in possession of five of the new Hero Factory sets which I shouldn't even need to tell you are on the LEGO Shop@Home website because I'm willing to bet someone will report it to the news before this entry gets published, but anyway. Got Bulk, Rocka and Scarox on Christmas, and Pyrox and Bruizer today.
    So yeah. If you have any questions regarding them, feel free to ask. Also, no, I don't dream of farm animals.
    (and don't ask me if they're any good because being a HF set collector they all pretty much look the same to me)
  5. Nathan Evo
    As of the first Breakout wave, Furno has been released as a constraction figure more times than any character from BIONICLE. However, that's not counting the BIONICLE sets with minifigures. In that regard, I believe Hewkii was the winner with ten appearances:
    1. Huki (2001)
    2. Hewkii (2003)
    3. Toa Hewkii (2006)
    4. Lava Chamber Gate (as a minifigure, 2006)
    5. Piraka Stronghold (as a minifigure, 2006)
    6. Race for the Mask of Life (as a minifigure, 2006)
    7. Toa Hewkii Mahri (2007)
    8. Barraki Deepsea Patrol (as a minifigure, 2007)
    9. Toa Undersea Attack (as a minifigure, wearing a Volitak for some reason, 2007)
    10. Toa Terrain Crawler (as a minifigure, 2007)
    Taking that into consideration, Furno has a ways to go before he dethronres the true King of Being Released Over And Over Again.
  6. Nathan Evo
    Got Natalie Breez the other day.
    Lewa Mata and Gresh Star are both cooler, though. Even though the latter leads to false nostalgia.
    Speaking of which, this leads me up to five heroes and we STILL don't have the villains yet. :angry:
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