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Captain Marvel

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Everything posted by Captain Marvel

  1. Captain Marvel


    :D Well maybe I spoke too soon-
  2. Captain Marvel


    Well, I haven't been on this website in almost a year, and I haven't been on this blog in almost two years. All of the people I know from this place are probably gone. Well, LOL I guess?
  3. I think this is my fifth or sixth year of membership as well-- and I'm just coming back to the site now, after a very long period of absence. Probably the main thing for me would be getting 10+ replies, comments, etc. on MoCs of mine, and I also look back fondly on the storylines I had going in the BZPRPG. That's about it for me, and probably will be for a long while after this, unfortunately. School just has me too busy.
  4. That takes some serious skill!
  5. Yes, I'm a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer,I am a pretender, I sit by the fire,While tales of uncharted new worlds I spin.Yeah basically sign me up. I'm not actually very good at this, but Aderia suggested I sign up so here I am. Maybe you all can help me improve?-CM
  6. How many penguins is too many penguins?
  7. I played a game once where our party was trapped in a seemingly inescapable talking box, and through sheer idiocy one of the members of my party managed to set the room on fire. This was promptly followed by everyone's death.
  8. Well yeah, when I have the time of course. Most of it will be my opinion on interesting tidbits of information but occasionally there will be something more major in here.
  9. Captain Marvel

    My Mood Today

    I think it's more of a deadpan psychedelic old-lady mood.
  10. I like it. And the content blocks are just people smashing things.
  11. I seriously haven't posted in this blog for almost two months. This needs a MAXIMUM OVERHAUL. I'm just imagining that being said in a voice similar to Optimus Prime's, a deep gravelly mechanical voice. You know what I'm talking about? Anyway, I'm changing the theme, I'm changing everything. To what, I don't know, but I will change it. I am determined...to be a model of determination. If that makes any sense. Yes/no/maybe/am I crazy? I guess this means I'm becoming more active again, I'm not sure. I kind of had a dark ages with BZPower for a while, but Brickworld 2012 (I did attend the convention, yes ) changed that, to be honest. So if you're interested in what I'm saying (I promise I have a different outlook on life than most people) drop a comment every now and then, or at least let me know you read this hunk of junk in some way or another. To start off, suggestions for a MAXIMUM OVERHAUL would be nice. -CM
  12. A Wonderful Pistachio obviously the best one people
  13. 1/5I've honestly never seen you before.
  14. This looks great! It gives off a heavy sort of vibe, (hence the name "Heavy Gear," I presume) but it also flows very well, which is something very difficult to pull off. You did it right though, and it looks very good that way. I especially love the layering of the gears on the chest. The photo editing is also very nice, by the way. Great job!-CM
  15. Eleven years from now is a long time. If Bionicle did come back and did stay around until then, it might still be in existence, but with a smaller quantity of active users. But there's a small chance that it will work out perfectly like that. As for what we'll talk about, if Bionicle does come back, obviously we'll talk about Bionicle. But if it doesn't and BZPower is still around, we might just be a bunch of sad forum-goers reminiscing about the good old days. That's kind of a sour note to end with. -CM
  16. Brickworld 2012 was awesome!

  17. So guys. Dark steampunk, almost like a Victorian noir?Y/n?Opinions?-CM
  18. I think my Gemini is going to be a sort of wild card. Because he's bipolar one self might not be able to access the memories of the other self. This would mean that while one self would be beneficial to the group, the other self might be working against it secretly. I don't know, this is just an idea.
  19. Sweet, thanks for letting me know!
  20. From what I've heard about it it seems fun, but of course I don't know the server ip so I can't get on. Does anyone care to tell it to me?
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