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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Not a single person got the Red vs blue reference in question 7. Unless it was unintentional...


    1. If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?

    Sugar cookie.

    2. Have you ever had your head shaved?


    3. What color socks are you wearing? If you're not wearing any, what color feet do you have?

    White socks.

    4. If you could be any character from TV or a movie, who would you be?


    5. If pies had feet, where do you think they would go?

    Same place as always. Down people's throats. But they could put up a fight.

    6. Quick! Cake or brownies?


    7. What does the word blargh mean to you?

    It means yes or no. Depends whose side you take. Personally I think it means yes.

    8. What flavor of jello is your favorite?


    9. Do you have any stains on the shirt you're currently wearing?

    Nope. I love my guitar shirt!

    10. What do you think of the current war between spiders and crickets? (When you're sleeping, your home is a battleground!)

    I think the spiders will win, they're better at sneak attacking, especially the bolas spiders.

  2. Heck yeah. Especially with the things most people don't know about me. I've thought up some very elaborate things to do to reality. Most of them are far too not-following-BZP's-appropriateness-rules to post on BZP. But they involve guns, big trucks, noogies, and explosions. Lots and lots of explosions.


    Kativa will know what I meant by the things-people-don't-know part.

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