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Blessed Blade

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About Blessed Blade

  • Birthday 11/11/1992

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  1. Ahahaha! Fighting the final boss of Abyss for like the third time, and this time, I went and defeated it with a POW HAMMER of all things. One of the weakest 'spells', and that's the 'final attack'. xD

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    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I use fused Raptor claws, and they're rather brutal against enemies, but they leave me with lacking defense do to trying for high star numbers in both ranged and melee.


      And I use my Taurus Arm. Not such a great shooting weapon, but it packs a punch and was days worth of weapon collecting and fusing to make it into a monster.

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Very true. I honestly haven't dabbled into fusing much, but if I could somehow figure out the best way to fuse everything into something amazing...

    4. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Whenever a game has fusing items together for more power, I tend to put a lot of work into it in my free time, trying for better and better items. Then I end up liking an item despite it not being what I had planned to make, and keep it instead.

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