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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Ooh that sounds good :lol: What about a Matoro set or something?(JK :lol:) Hmm... Time to go searching. EDIT: O.o Walmart's kinda not that smart... In the Inika and barraki two pack they say to choose a Hero and Villain set, and for each dropdown box, it's either Ehlek or Pridak... o.o' That's just not right... Ah well. Hmm... Is it the fact that it looks like the two "Mega" sets are just pallet swapped things with a few tiny differences? Or are all of them Clone Sets?

  2. Is it the Vs. Thing on it? *Grumble* Stupid Cancel Edit button being where Complete edit is on the forums... I know! Is it the fact that you can't get the Neo Shifters in the dropdown? Or is it the afct that it says for figures, Bionicle and not Bionicle and Neo Shifters? And I have 3 of the sets listed for BIO! (Jaller, Ehlek, and Pridak... Ehlek snapping like crazy :annoyed:)
  3. Brutaka is team leader because he was an OOMN member, and as gets revealed in 2008, is back working with them again.

    Oh, so it gets revealed in 2008, yet you say that now? Heh heh heh... Oh how early revelations can be fun :lol:


    Anyway, great team! Can't wait to see what Spiriah looks like, and to read what he's like in the serial. Strange team to pick... But very good! Brutaka's just about abck to being good(And as Greg early revealed he's back with OOMN :P), Roodaka's probably having the Hagah's spears poking her in the back to join the team, Spiriah is understandable, Takadox probabl just wants to get away from the Barraki, and hypnotised Carapar to help him, But Vezon is the only one I don't get. Ah well. Can't wait to read this!

  4. A few things KW... 1, That's not X's pic, that's Megaman.Exe ;) 2, Omi's right actually... Mega's known quite a bit more than Sora... But meh, I doubt being known will or won't make it. 3, Megaman X isn't Kiddy. 4, Megaman X is as normal lookwise as Mario or Link. 5, Well, if they give him Zero's sword as an attack and a few of his transformation attacks, he'd be pretty different. He could also have something like Kirby that let's him copy a main attack for a few times.

  5. Whoa... Awesome. You're right, they are MOCer heaven... I never noticed some of them though, like where's Hewkii's Warblade? Didn't you say it was in there? EDIT: Oh, and the "Metru armour" is Hordika Armour ;) Right? You're talking about the Matoran chest armour pieces?

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