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Everything posted by Zipper

  1. >Go to local Walmart >Buy sets half off >??? >Profit
  2. Man, I want Evo. Better than Stormer, in your opinion?
  3. Zipper

    Fire Lord

    Ugh, don't remind me. BTW, what else was half off? Only the TIE Interceptor (I think that's what it's called). There were a couple other sales but overall pretty lame. That's usual for the stores here, though. Clearance is like two dollars off. (You mean TIE Defender?) No Lunar Limo? D=
  4. Zipper

    Fire Lord

    Ugh, don't remind me. BTW, what else was half off?
  5. Zipper

    Cyber Rex

    Cyber Rex, meet Sky Rex:
  6. Zipper

    God My Ohhhh! Pt. 2

    Not a money issue, more of a I-can't-go-to-a-store-to-buy-them issue.
  7. >Walmart has 50% off Lego >Lego Stores have 50% off Lego >I can't buy any of them sadface.gif
  8. Zipper

    God My Ohhhh!

    More TROLOLOL There is that BD episode that's supposed to come out later, but I highly doubt it will have a 2nd season anytime soon. Oh, and DnS is Gainax's next project after Panty and Stocking:
  9. Zipper

    God My Ohhhh!

    If there's a season 2, maybe (but I highly doubt it, unless Dantalian no Shoka has something to do with it). That would make sense though, since isn't that girl-who-looks-like-Stocking from DnS also a Demon? IDK, Gainax is referencing DnS?
  10. Zipper

    God My Ohhhh!

  11. Zipper

    God My Ohhhh!

    The Ultimate Gainax Ending.
  12. I'm also curious- do the 2 clashing colors have to be primary colors? Some people might just make them accents to something like a fully black MOC.
  13. Zipper

    Thunder Eyes

    That's not bad. Might consider using it once I get Thunder.
  14. Zipper

    Tron: Legacy

    Would you say that it's overall better than Avatar?
  15. Iwasaki Taku -Bahasa Palus I really can't think of anything catchier than that.
  16. No, it doesn't. Fire Lord is ugly, but that thing is horrendous. Exactly how is Fire Lord better than this? He has a semi-decent color scheme. He's not much better, but yeah, he's better. Fire Lord has at least 6 colors (not counting pins/axles) on him. This has only 3, and none of them clash.
  17. No, it doesn't. Fire Lord is ugly, but that thing is horrendous. Exactly how is Fire Lord better than this?
  18. Someone's never seen anything like K'nex. The only reason it looks "horrible" is because it has no armor. I'm pretty sure Hero Factory could change that pretty quickly. And heck, it looks 10x better than the Fire Lord.
  19. It may be Mega Bloks, but it gives a pretty good idea as to where TLC is heading with this new building system. I like it, personally. Thoughts?
  20. Zipper


    I'm just going to leave this here.
  21. Zipper

    Need 2 Pieces

    Anyone have two of these that they'd be willing to send to me? I can't trade or send back the pieces, but I'd be willing to advertise something in my blog/sig or take one of your MOC requests.
  22. Zipper

    Villain Factory

    Glad someone noticed.
  23. Topics later. All the reasons why no BBCC 60 entry.
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