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Status Updates posted by Tronec

  1. Hello Toushi Katou!

  2. Here is *FCG*.

  3. Hey A, when is KJ coming?

  4. Hey B, when's KJ coming out?

  5. Hey Chrome, check your email.

  6. Hey Tums! Did you check out the new Bionicle Universe artwork?

  7. Hey, would it be okay if I used your "instrumental" version of The Rising in a BIONICLE Audio Archive I'm making for BZP?

  8. Hi there! Could you check out Blue Crystal Games?

  9. Hi there! I see you are looking at our topic. :)

  10. Hi there! I thought you might want to check out my Bionicle RTS game, "Bionicle Universe" here:


  11. Hi there! I would say welcome, except that you've been here longer than me. :P

    You might want to check out my RTS, Bionicle Universe.


  12. Hi there! If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to ask me!

  13. Hi there! Love your 2nd self moc!

  14. Hi there! Nice Av moc!

  15. Hi there! Welcome to BZP! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. :)

  16. Hi there! Welcome to BZP!

  17. Hi there! Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to ask me!

  18. Hi there! Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to ask me.

  19. Hi there! Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to drop me a comment!

  20. Hi there! Welcome to BZPower! If you have any questions about anything here, feel free to drop me a message. That is, once you post 10 times. =)

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