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Everything posted by -MX-

  1. -MX-


    I'm finally in the Top 20 Posters! Go check and my name is number 20! Now to push everyone else off... BTW, I made 13 intelligent posts. EDIT: I am now number four! Just have to get Lego Transformers Guy off the number one spot and the title of "Number One Poster" will be mine! (Note: The title is self-imposed.)
  2. -MX-

    Mass Rickroll!

    I am crazy. Why? Because on my last day of school, June 16th, I'm going to gather my entire grade, grab a stereo, find a "Never Gonna Give You Up" CD and play it through my entire school, until the end of the year at 12:41. Comment away.
  3. *überkick* *super uber kick*
  4. Welcome to my blog once more. Today I'm going to tell you about the first two days of NJ ASK (New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge) Both of these days were comprised of Language Arts and Literature. To sum these first two days up in one word would be: easy. The test is a joke. It's sooooooooooo easy, even my dog could get a perfect 300 on the test. Tommorow and Thursday I'll be taking the Mathematics portion of the test, so I expect some sort of challenge. Thank you and goodnight!
  5. -MX-


    Tommorow, I'm going to email everyone in my grade the link to Rick Astley's song "Never Gonna Give You Up" and RickRoll forty-eight people at once.
  6. ... What your rank name be? Mine would be the "The Matrix Butler" to go with my next screenname that involves the Matrix and that the Staff needs a butler.
  7. I'll be the butler! I wonder who'll be moving up in the insane wonderful world of the staff?
  8. -MX-

    It's Greeen. : D

    ...And you say the staff isn't insane? I laughed so hard when Jaller said, "IT'S KONGU RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!" Great Job.
  9. RAGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! If you're wondering about the yell of rage and fury, then I'll tell ya! Next week, May 5th of the year 2008, I have a standardized test known to New Jerseyans as the NJASK. One week of h-e double hockey sticks! And I can't be late! Oh yeah, and this is the first year I'm taking NJASK. (all this just to get into AP classes...) Thank you and goodnight/good morning! -MX-
  10. You shouldn't feel sorry. The stuff they have for 6th Graders is so easy, I get As in every class. Yes, my day is 6 1/2 hours.
  11. Welcome to my blog once again! Today, I'm here to tell you about my school day. Well, into randomness and wise-cracking! Homeroom: Nothing much happens, I just sit around and listen to the morning announcements and catch up on my sleep... zZz. Period 1: English: The third most boring subject ever. We just do English stuff and write about random things that pop into our 11-12 year old heads. Grade: MP1: A MP2: A+ MP3: A+ Period 2: Literature: The subject I excel in. We have almost finished a book called "The Egypt Game" and my class and I are about to do a project on the characters. Nothing funny or random usually happens in this class. Grade: MP1-MP3: A Period 3: Science: We really don't do much science. We talk about current events since the class after my science class is a current events class. Grade: MP1: A+ MP2: A MP3: A Period 4: Physical Education/ Health: The class that makes me use an emote I haven't used in a long time: OK, with that out of the way, the games we usually play are creative and fun, but they are usually anger provoking. According to my gym teacher, I'm eight years behind in physical activity and fitness. Great. P.E. Grade: MP1-MP3: B Period 5: Study Skills: A class that teaches us different methods of studying. 'Nuff said. Grade: MP3: A Period 6: Math Enrichment: A class that enriches us in random areas in Math. 'Nuff said Grade: Not available at this moment. Please dial 098-765-4321 for assistance. Period 7: Math: My favorite subject! Mostly because I get to make wise cracks about my teacher. We learn random things and right now we are doing NJASK prep. One time I asked my teacher if I could borrow his shoes for something, and he said no. I made a random wise crack and the entire class laughed. One time he said that math should be 50% of one school day, and before I said anything he pointed at me and said, "No comment on that." Grade: MP1: A MP2: A MP3: B+ (Liek, ZOMG, he gto a B+ 1111!shift+2) Period 8: Social Studies: The most boring class ever. 'Nuff said. Thank you for reading and good morning!
  12. If you were to compete with TtW... the results would be catastrophic. Catastrophic Resluts of Adventurella and Takua the Wanderer's competition. I'm guessing you'll win.
  13. Just so you know, your avatar was made by Lyger.

  14. -MX-

    Spring Break!

    Nope. I get out of school June 16th.
  15. -MX-

    Spring Break!

    YES!!!! If you're wondering about the 'yes', I have one week during the spring which is known as: SPRING BREAK! For my comedy slaves followers, the next chapter will be up by next Thursday.
  16. -MX-

    Next Name

    What should my next name be? I have six choices: Tahu: Ninja of Fire Gali: Sniper of Water Onua: Shield Dude of Earth Pohatu: Coolified Vahi Wearer of Stone Lewa: Lime Dude of Air Kopaka: Laser Eye of Ice Well?
  17. (Note: No offense to any 8th Graders that may read this entry.) I hate 8th graders. Last summer they stole my best Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Oh and some giant 7th Grader stole my Elemental Hero: Phoenix Enforcer! And now said 7th Grader is in Tennesse... Post comments, not threats, below.
  18. -MX-

    Smeagella And Makandra

    I think you may want to add a new name to that list... Janus got pranked too! His new name is Janice. Has Tufi gone mad with femininity?
  19. -MX-

    Did you get pranked by Tufi too?

  20. -MX-

    Senior Skip Day

    I want to know about the pig. The other prank was good too.
  21. -MX-

    Smeagella And Makandra

    Oh god. Has the entire staff gone mad? (or madder, depending on who you ask.)
  22. Wow! Are you and the rest of the staff this strange?

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