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Everything posted by -MX-

  1. -MX-


    How dare you.
  2. -MX-


    OK, these are my grades for the 1st and 2nd Marking Periods: MP1: Spanish: A+ Literature:A English:A Physical Education:B Health:A Social Studies:A Music:A- Math:A Earth Science:A+ MP2: Spanish:A+ Literature:A English:A Physical Education:B Health:A Social Studies:A Art:A- Math:A Earth Science:A+ Now bask in my supreme intelligence!
  3. Hello again, Blog commenters. At my school, we have now entered the 4th Marking Period, which means I'm one marking period away from the 7th Grade! I'll update later on showing my amazing report card grades. P.S. It's my first year in this school, and I've been on the honor roll twice (and possibly a third time after third marking period grades come out.)
  4. -MX-


    Umm... Hi! I'm Ravnos, I'm new to this Premier biz. I'm going to use this blog to talk about random things like school, life, and of course BIONICLE. So... umm... comment away!
  5. -MX-


    That was beautiful... You opened my eyes to the power an alliteration has... I... worship you! KEX: MASTER OF ALLITERATIONS!!!
  6. What happened that you aren't an admin anymore?

  7. Have you ever had a dream in which you were a higher or lower rank? Last night I had a dream that showed me as an FA.

  8. -MX-

    OMG! You live NJ! I live in NJ too!

  9. I'm down with the idea of member interviews. Can I be the first one interviewed?
  10. Hello! Ch.6 of Mutran Makes A Movie is up!

  11. Hiyas! When did you go green?

  12. I will join! The Dark Hunters are made up of stupid warriors who get paid for their work! I want to crush them under my cleeted golf shoes. You certainly got the passion.
  13. -MX-

    Ch.5 of my comedy is up!

  14. They're liars! All the double connectors in my Tanma have slight cracks, my Radiak's neck is cracked(funny, he should be dead by our standards ), and the double connectors in my Antroz and Lewa are slightly cracked. I don't like the plastic they're using now. It stinks. But prices on the items needed have risen through Karda Nui's dome, so its kinda expected for the plastic to be fragile or breakable.
  15. Congrats new FA! Maybe you can put me in good word with your bosses. :P

  16. I want to be there next year so badly! I wonder if I can go with you guys, because I also live in New Jersey. Close to the Garden State Plaza
  17. -MX-

    Aaahh! Yoda!

    Oh my! I knew this day would come... When the world and blogs are ruled by green midgets... I said Turakii and pigs would fly
  18. -MX-

    Giants Win! Yay!

    YAY!!!!!! I got extra credit in Math for almost predicting the score: My score: Giants 18 Patriots 16 Actual score: Giants 17 Patriots 14
  19. What grade are you in? Whatever. That's pretty good,because in my school, midterm grades are pretty low.
  20. Yo! Toast Busters Episode III rocks!

  21. Ouchies! Popcorn from IAIA triggered that blast!
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