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Everything posted by ~Hihkan

  1. I know. I saw the pics leaked too.
  2. ~Hihkan

    Next Tattoo

    did you really have to show the second one?
  3. how can you hate halo? And you were one of my fav mods too.... jk
  4. I like Canadian bacon better... But both are pretty good. My hearts to Pork Roll though... But i still like bacon and all it's trans-fatty goodness.
  5. I'd eithe: A: Grab the Lego job, but save up first B: Shoot somebody with a sawed-off
  6. ~Hihkan


    Take a digit count! Yeah, I'm at that point too. My most bestest friend is a girl...
  7. I was, but Pikachu's tail is longer; easier to cut off XD .

  8. It was nessesscary. Who didn't see it coming?

  9. like my new pic? LoL

  10. ~Hihkan

    He's Da Man!

    That's a creative MOC...
  11. ~Hihkan


    $18.99?! That's a rip!
  12. ~Hihkan

    Science Is Fun!...

    woot! Science rocks! Woot! I have to do the atmosphere...
  13. ~Hihkan


    June? Ouch...
  14. LoL. That's one way to put it...

  15. *gives shotgun* That should help with your newb problems.. I'm an old member magnet!
  16. ~Hihkan

    Epic Fail

    Don't you just hate that?
  17. ~Hihkan

    Sad Face D;

    I'm sick too!... For three weeks now...
  18. ~Hihkan

    One Of Those Days

    me too. That's why i want to make a real scale functional cordak blaster...
  19. Yarr? What be this pirate talkin' business Captain Roa?
  20. thnx takia *glances behind back, making sure takia isn't there with a machete*

  21. hello. What do you think of tha amaja-ables? They're kinda like a mini-you. lol

  22. so, who his Diox gonna fall for? Splash of Nameless...?

  23. ~Hihkan

    Super Mario Rpg

    working.... You could play as those toad-things...
  24. ~Hihkan

    Gimp Art

    atleast GIMP works for you *fox growl in the background*
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