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Everything posted by ~Hihkan

  1. ~Hihkan


    Angels and Demons is good. The fallen angel is ok, but I didn't see it.
  2. ~Hihkan

    I Am Inspired!

    You should draw a bone hunter or vorox. The dark, lonely feeling would be something you could easily express.
  3. Be proud of who you are Taka Nuvia. Works for meh! When they tease me and harrass me (and ironically then ask for my help in school), laugh with them or at them, and return with kindness. Don't try to change yourself, be who you want to be. Most of us have had to deal with this, and you can seek refuge here. There are bullies everywhere, and alot of them don't even know what they do. Just ignore their teasing, you know who you are. If you dont fit their standards, tell them to deal with it. I have silent tears of my own (most of us do). Whether if it's from finding a true friend (like in my case), or other cases, you must learn to have pride in yourself.
  4. I totally agree. I don't give a hoot about all that flammable health hazard they call lotion...
  5. ~Hihkan

    Sleeping Woes

    Well, I too have troubles sleeping. I generally fall asleep wait later than I should, so idk... Go to bed earlier? A flashbang as an alarm clock might work...
  6. Quick! Use your super duper mind control powers to make him a full-fledged fan!!! That's what I would do.. Oh wait, humans can't do that. lol You serious Rho...??? That can't be fun to pass. >.<
  7. ~Hihkan


    You mean mentally. I hurt my back lifting my younger sibling too. Mata Nui knows how bad it felt. So I get your pain. Get better soon! NtM, its a rip in a ligament that connects your bones. You ripped a muscle basically.
  8. I really don't thinkg the ideas for the RPG are realistic in this case. *grabs root beer, runs off with*

  9. ~Hihkan

    Work Is Awesome

    Cool! You get a discount?
  10. ~Hihkan

    One Year Of Bzp

    My year: -rotted on BZP -earned posts -never opened ideas for RPGs to judges -Never acomplished anything -added peoplez to my friend's list -plotted routes into area 51 -plotted torture for Exo
  11. Don't worry, I will allow you to win. lol
  12. ~Hihkan

    For Niki

    good eyes, hard to tell where glooves end and where hands begin (if the hands aren't covered :S )
  13. ~Hihkan

    Power Chords!

    Figure out Viva la Vida yet? lol I can play it on violin... woot! notes: A string: B + D for the first part D string: E + G for the second part.
  14. No clover?! How dare thee! I have the 2-foot model of Clover sitting on my top bunkbed right now staring at me. Kinda creepy. But i him. lol So... The thing is kool, but wut is it?
  15. ~Hihkan


    Hey, atleast your good at art. Don't take it too hard, some people are blunt with their comments.
  16. [Verifying signal; signal confirmed as Unit #HIKN] [Relaying Message] Makes two of us. By the way, listen to Viva la Vida, you won't feel empty. [Message finished; ending feed] [stream ended]
  17. ~Hihkan

    Tweety Bird

    Tweety bird? Is that the yellow bird i set on fire love?
  18. Know how you feel. I'm pretty bright, and finish early. Then i get nervous. >.<
  19. No. Thou shalt OBEY! Cometh back! lol have fun... or else...
  20. ~Hihkan

    Outbreak Is Dead!

    Woah! Out of nowhere! Suddenly only a week after I decided i should leave. They missed me too much. Outbreak went way too fast. Major-recaps were needed constantly. And almost no way to tell how it was going. To be frank, it went out of its idea... Time to take my whack at an RPG! B) You heard me... A soon-to-fail RPG
  21. Yay! Other coldplay fan! Viva la vida rocks.. B) lol
  22. ~Hihkan

    -scanning Blog-

    [verifying signal] ========================= [signal confirmed; relaying message] ========================= Salutations fellow unit. I trust your hunts have been successful. I am glad to hear another is joining our ranks. ========================= [Message ended; ending feed] [signal Cut]
  23. ~Hihkan

    Empire Of The Skrall

    Perfect sense, if your crazy and ruthless.
  24. In school? Posting?! *takes out yard stick* You need some discipline.
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