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Blae Durian

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Blog Comments posted by Blae Durian

  1. I could've sworn Tav's Movie already had an exhibit somewhere here...


    So Impossibles looks shway, and TNOG, although I'm part of the staff, certainly does look great, considering I haven't seen those screen shots. You could've told me you were gonna have me in there, though, so I could've finished my sprites and not give me a creepy smile. :P

  2. @TMU: Shway, although Tav looks off on the poster, what with his lack of the cute cartoon eyes.


    @(3L)2: Gah, I forgot to tell you what I thought of the animation when you showed us C3 staff it so you could finalize it. Well, considering how you didn't include music, it would've been much more practical to make it a .gif instead of a .swf. Far less tedious that way.


    Unless, of course, you change it right under my nose...

  3. @Kahi's lightsaber post: Ditto. After I got into QFTMS, I kinda thought I was stuck with them.


    @Kakama comments: That's partly because I either I gave them Kakama's without thinking (mostly for initially minor characters, like Kohan), a handful of Kakama people are related to each other (Like Kiera to Kohan, kinda), or they absolutely NEED to have Kakama's whether I like it or not (Dreadnought Eclipse). :P


    Also, here's that little something I had to remove from the exhibit. Enjoy.

  4. It uses gameplay and many other references and such from Final Fantasy, yes. But don't worry. I'm currently trying to find ways to make things more elaborate and unique, or at least for a BZP game. ;)


    And the reason why this is an entirely different universe of sorts is because LoMN will constantly be making jokes and contain other events that would otherwise completely contradict all sense in the main series, or something along those lines.


    It's just an easy way to bypass all possible continuity issues. :P





    I mean, I centered something, so that means something.


    The game has finally gone into proper production! Originally, it was to be Zelda based, but then I realized that I can't really pull off the battle system. So, I've changed it into an RPG.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

    Sorry for only including one screen shot, I'm kinda in a hurry.

    Well, I know it's looking a little primitive. I mean, I've only recently started, so what do you expect? The final version will be great. In fact, I'm planning to add a plethora of goodies. This includes:


    *All things QFTMS, with a few unseen events and such.

    *A huge overworld and many dungeons.

    *Many extras, including quests, optional dungeons, and more will be available.

    *Some differing gamplay elements. This includes Zelda-inspired dungeon layouts, including all the puzzles.



    So far, I have no exact release date. However, I may release the first demo sometime later this spring.


    On a random note, some of you may have heard of Kahi's "Taone Nui Offline Game". Well, don't expect this game to be so much like it. In fact, It may be the complete opposite.


    Also, this may or may not replace the comics. Depends on how much time will have to be put on this, but I'm expecting a lot.

  6. And this is pretty much why I didn't get a Xbox or PS3. They're excellent. but so many of their best games are like that. =/


    I still want a PS3 though. :P

    That is exactly why I hate the X360. Pretty much all the notable games are rated M, which isn't good for 13 year olds like me. And to add to my hatred toward the Xbox, you have to buy all the accessories and extras, such as online game play and wireless connection, while have of which are already available for free for the Wii and PS3. It's even worse when you don't have a hard drive, if you got the Arcade like me.


    Now that's enough rantage for one day.

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