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Dinobot The Maximal

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Dinobot The Maximal

  1. I said screw it and just ordered the mask itself from Lego. I felt like Lego was starting to hit their stride with Titans in 2006, but that it kind of fell apart after that (with the exception of Gadunka). I was hoping Titans would start taking precedence over vehicles in some way/shape/form, but not like this. TTMN makes Umbra look more impressive by comparison.


  2. There's also the Christian School that threatened to suspend a kid because he was going to another High School's prom with his girlfriend.

    The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music "is part of the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people's hearts and minds.



    And then there was the girl who was told the week before graduation that she would not graduate because the community service she performed was done "during school hours" therefore it no longer counted.




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