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Everything posted by Tradakk

  1. *giggles* Good luck with that. I gave up on wiki code a loong time ago. =(
  2. Tradakk

    • Rewind •

    K. Oh, and good luck with the revamp.
  3. Hey, how goes your life? =)

  4. Oh, YOU'RE Gb1...


  5. I'll be off for a few days to a week; I need to straighten some stuff out. =)

    Bye guys.

  6. Hey.

    And yes... yes you did.


  7. WHOOZAT?!

    Oh, it's you. Hai!

  8. Agreed.

    Anywho, I should get goin. Sorreh!

    Got sumthin goin on. :^/

  9. lol ur bordz getin al spamd up n stufz

  10. No, unfortunatleh. >>

    I got Yahoo!

    ... um... yeah.

  11. Here I wuz tryin ta figyr this out... then I scooted my chair back a little. XD

  12. Good.

    Otherwise I'd pull out the "ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY LOYALTY?!" card. =P

  13. K.

    Oh, and that'd be 'miss'. :P

  14. D-X... has a sister? I was not aware of that. =O

    Now I know.


  15. So when are you up for your next name change? I don't like this one, it's kinda strange. ;D

  16. How YOU doin'?

  17. Speaking of Iron Death, btw, what happened to that 'former Toa of Iron'? I thought he was PUnk worthy...

    ^HA!^ I made a funny. "PUnk"...

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