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Status Updates posted by romansoldierdude

  1. Awesome av, I have to say.

  2. I will be updating Shard of Creation soon, BTW.

  3. Ah HA! I caught you at 3333 posts! YES!

  4. Psh, now it can. The old one I have had for like four years, I dropped face down on the floor, and now the top screen's rainbow-ey.


  6. Oh hi. Uh, I vaguely remember you somehow. Gah, I keep forgetting people.

  7. Did you ever watch the show "The Batman"? It was a new batman show, and it was actually pretty good.

  8. Gray Ghost works for you. *fiddles with toy car*

  9. I was kind of thinking Takuta would've been Alfred...but this is still awesome.

  10. Wow...this all fits too darn well...

  11. Whoa...he is...a little under the weather...wow...

  12. Wait...what character's Spoiler?

  13. NAME CHANGE!!!


    Anyway, cool. Night Wing owns. And he definitely owns robin.

  14. Your av is creepily and jerkily awesome. Also, review my SS, Twisted Existence, please! Not enough people have reviewed!

  15. Whoa, you know the colorist of the comics on dA? Uh, username please? As in theirs? And yours would be cool.

  16. I take it you like Julien-K?

  17. Welcome to BZP, man. If you need help with anything, feel free to PM me.

  18. Millenium was an awesome throwbot. Loved that guy.

  19. I might do that next year for "talk like a pirate" day. Cool bannehs, man. I like making mini ones (they're easier to make and more versatile).

  20. Your my favorite member. :)

    Just kidding. I have way more cooler freindz.

  21. Well, the good thing is people can still call me RSD. I just have a feeling most people aren't as quick at typing romansoldierdude (one second) as I am.

  22. Should I change my name to RoSoDude for a while?

  23. Hi there. Although you may feel unwanted now, BZP will like you more as time goes on. I felt ignored too. Just keep posting, and start something unique!

  24. WELCOME.

    So what kind of music do you like?

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