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Republic Commando Niner

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Status Updates posted by Republic Commando Niner

  1. hmm i havent heard any remixes by him.. though i know his other work his good!

  2. why yes it is :D

    finally someone else who knows of him!

  3. idk..

    i recognize all ur past usernames but i cant exactly remember ever actually talking to you...

  4. i was wondering why you comment on Chols's blog so much.. but then it came to me.. xP

  5. hehehe i enjoy tormenting you with my multitude of names =P

  6. heya Fixer

    another name change, another lack of Niner =P

  7. Ardos little buddy :D

    octogons > firax :)

  8. ok, as much as i ahte the song, your banner is made of sheer win!

  9. really.. just.. really..



    great way to get attention :P

  10. hm.. ive just looked through some of ur mocs, and i have to say, you are quite the gifted MoCist :)

  11. Oh, ya, this is Niner\Nova under a new name =P

  12. you need to make more trollface comics!!

  13. wow... your two people...

    you two must be pretty similar personality wise! i never wouldve guessed!

  14. how could people not like it!?

    i liked it when I was only 7!

  15. ok, you have to admit, a blog with 36492 views and only 9 entries seems rather funny

  16. how could they not, i mean, its Seinfield for cryin aloud! :P

  17. ahhhhhahaha

    George Costanza! xD

    this had better be the start of a Seinfield name fad :P

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