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Everything posted by Sejuani

  1. Any part that has any silver on it, mixed or not, is NOT allowed. And BTW, I'll enter as soon as I find my camera cable.
  2. Man, I'm glad mine's a pacifist.
  3. Sejuani

    I'm 11!

    I'm eleven now! I'm a little late on this entry… like, 4 days…
  4. Just mine, sorry. the options are: Something related to Teridax, A cute Rahi, or an evil character of light/ good character of shadow.
  5. Topic: Make a MOC that complies to a previous Ubc's topic. Rules: Same as in the BBCs… Deadline: Entry must be received by September 1st at noon EST. Entry Name: Entry Pic URL: Topic URL (if applicable):
  6. Shadow Pohatu--Topic by Shadows in the Light(2 votes) Toa Orokenth Nuva by Tirade(1 vote)
  7. Ditto. Congrads, ((Primus)).
  8. Sejuani

    A New Set!

    Chameleon hunter=win. Me wantsez.
  9. Sejuani

    New Blog Name

    Meh havez postedz!
  10. Sejuani


    I know your pain. I lost the same exact piece.
  11. Poll 1: Robocop A-13, Dark Sentinel Poll 2: Gyalia, Drone
  12. I missed the deadline by… 23 minutes.
  13. Okay. It really doesn't feature the matoran, if that was the case, Shadows in the light would be so mad at me.
  14. If you make an Exo, does the rider have to two launchers as well? 'Cause I'm doing a giant Exo-matoran.
  15. Sejuani

    Apply Now!

    I'm gonna start a new epic, and I need characters. Application form: Name: Gender: Species(Toa[0 slots open], Av-Matoran[0 slot open] , Shadow Matoran[2 slots open]): Personality: Appearance: The epic is mostly about Alt-universe Takua, and Karda nui was attacked before he could make his way out to Metru nui. I will post it as soon as SoS spoilers are allowed.
  16. Sure, I'll host a contest for ya'. Just PM me the details.
  17. Sejuani


    Ha! In a few days, I will have all the non-guide non-graphic novel bionicle books available to buy! Muahahahaha!
  18. My entry! Toa Orokenth Nuva: Gallery
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