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Everything posted by Ghostie

  1. I think I would like this MOC more if I didn't hate that album so much. =/ 'Cuz it really is a pretty nice MOC.
  2. that's what you get for wasting it on animal collective albums.

  3. Kalmah sure has a nice vuvBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ- Yo vuvuzela, I'm really happy for you and all, and I'mma let you finish, but Candlejack has the best sentence interruption meme of all t[/s[/
  4. so buy premiership :wacko:

  5. hey bro clear out your inbox kk?

  6. the title track was gruesome

  7. @Tmh: While I like instrumentals, I did not like Hunting Bears very much. If I want good instrumentals, I listen to Treefingers and Meeting in the Aisle. E: and if I did want Amnesiac, I would definitely get the Special Edition one, because, well, COOLEST PACKAGING EVER.
  8. >Pyramid Song >mediocre does not compute Pyramid Song, Like Spinning Plates, and Life in a Glasshouse were awesome. Packt Like Sardines, I Might Be Wrong, and You and Whose Army? were okay. The rest were pretty bad, so I was wondering if it flowed as an album moreso than as individual tracks.
  9. Hands should be elongated to support the rest of the body on their own, making knee-cannons THAT MUCH AWESOMER B)
  10. Is Amnesiac any good as a full album? I've listened to the tracks individually, and they were mediocre.
  11. Ghostie

    Mr. Furno

    My main issue with them is how wide the torso is compared with how skinny the arms are. =/
  12. Kid A is one of the most glorious things I've ever heard.

  13. Ghostie

    New Sig

    nice yardbirds logo teemaich. B)
  14. Ghostie


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SanDisk_Sansa I have an m300 Clip.
  15. +1 for name.

  16. Ghostie


    a what It's an mp3 player that isn't apple
  17. it doesn't matter

  18. YES!

    You're awesome now.

  19. "Hey, like this somewhat related image?"-Ghost Rider Good sir, it is not advisable to break blog rules in a blog assistant's blog. -Nukaya
  20. ...

    says 'Robot Octopus Dinosaur'

  21. cuz I always suggest that.

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