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Everything posted by Ghostie

  1. Ghostie

    A Word On Nightmares

    You do, as a matter of fact, dream. You don't remember them when you wake up a lot of the time, but you do do it.
  2. This one's not entirely inaccurate. The sky and ocean bounce blue light off each other That is entirely inaccurate. The sky is blue due to Raleigh scattering, where the light from the sun is manipulated by the atmosphere so that blue light is the most predominant. The blue light particles are scattered further along the horizon, which is why the horizon is a paler blue than the sky above you (zenith).
  3. Ghostie

    Recent Obsessions

    I always hated the album art for the CEG one.
  4. katie you should make more dr lamp k

  5. The easiest way to make a good pun is to just chill out and let it come naturally.
  6. yeah


    oh god plastic beach is awful before track 4 eeew

  7. The drum solo on 'The End' is B).
  8. Oh ###### YEAH

    you listened to the leaked parts of arcade fire's new album yet? it's pretty sweet

  9. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do Seems destiny ends with me saving you The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death So I'll give you a sec to catch your breath~
  10. Ghostie

    Oh Wow

    youre welcome tmh
  11. You should put that wound on ice, Xae.
  12. Ghostie

    Oh Wow

    Heck, I still follow Katie's.
  13. The cake may be a lie, but it's a freaking awesome lie.
  14. Ouch, that's cold. I think you need to chill out.
  15. Kal sucked though. 2001, 2002 and the second half of 2003 were the best IMO.
  16. Same here. My annoying neighbors didn't throw a party for once.
  17. Ghostie


  18. yeah. i went a little overboard.

  19. your create an album entry. I was bored.

  20. :)

    also your create an album entry + boredom = my post.

  21. with an awesome video too

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