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Everything posted by Ghostie

  1. D=


  2. What. Have you ever actually listened to a Beatles song? Seriously?
  3. The full extent of my jealousy cannot be expressed.
  4. @Title: It's Saturday night!
  5. 1. What is my life's philosophy? The Bends - Radiohead 2. What will my last words be? Month of May - Arcade Fire 3. How am I feeling today? Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz 4. What is my theme song? Hey Bulldog - The Beatles 5. What song will be played at my wedding? Will I See You In Heaven? - The Jayhawks 6. What song will be played at my funeral? Get Back - The Beatles (Well, that's insensitive.) 7. How will I be remembered? My Generation - The Who 8. What is some good advice for me? Optimistic - Radiohead 9. What is my life's dream? Omaha - Counting Crows 10. What's my kind of lady/man? One of These Days - Pink Floyd 11. How do people see me? These Are My Twisted Words - Radiohead 12. How would I describe this page? Wasted Hours - Arcade Fire 13. How would I describe my best friend? SWLABR - Cream 14. What's in store for this week? Jigsaw Falling into Place - Radiohead 15. How would I describe my parents? ...For Your Violin - Carbon Leaf 16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for? The National Anthem - Radiohead 17. What do my friends think of me? I'm So Tired - The Beatles 18. What is said about me behind my back? Travelin' Band - CCR 19. What do I think of this questionnaire? Lady Dada's Nightmare - MGMT
  6. Ghostie


    Probably going to see them in October (YES) though I need to raise $100 for tickets :/
  7. nooo draco your pmship died ;_;

  8. "I respect you but I'm trying to be in a freaking rock n roll show. 1-2-3-4!" Also drum machine during Sprawl II in the encore. XD
  9. Nicholas Cage was a good actor until Ghost Rider came out. After that, all his movies went downhill.
  10. Ghostie

    Guess What!

    Seriously? That sucks. Did something happen to it, or did they put it on the wrong bus?
  11. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    Then I guess your condition could be described as... Mind = Blown. B) Also: Darnit I was going to use Master Exploder. E: Alternative pun (though more obscure): Then I guess... I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon. B)
  12. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    All these puns are appearing on your monitor, so you might say that you... Rage Against the Machine. [flash=250,170]http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf
  13. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    Begging doesn't work, so I guess you could say that you... 'Don't Stop Me Now.' [flash=250,170]http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf
  14. Pistol Joe and Machine Gun Moe made me laugh. As did Kung Pow Zoom.
  15. The Isle of Man (Or Mann, whichever.) is not part of the UK or Ireland, but is a British-Crown Dependency with its own government.
  16. Ghostie

    Tf2 Sentry [moc]

    [insert 'SPYSAPPIN' joke here.]
  17. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    So I guess that would make your reply... Post-Mortem. [flash=250,170]http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf E: Alternative pun: Well, I have one piece of advice for you- (Don't Fear) The Reaper. [flash=250,170]http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf
  18. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    So it was already dying? Then I guess you could say... It was a Deadmau5. [flash=250,170]http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf
  19. Ghostie

    Name Change Poll!

    Darnit. > Carl Fiddlechoppers, then.
  20. Ghostie

    New Mouse!

    What're you doing with the old one? Using it on another computer until it dies?
  21. Ghostie

    Name Change Poll!

    I vote Sluffin Trudplucker III.
  22. Look at these people, how funny how sheep'll Show up to the slaughter~
  23. The United Kingdom comprises Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. The Republic of Ireland is a separate country, though it shares the island of Ireland with NI. Great Britain refers to England, Wales, and Scotland, whereas the entire area (including Ireland) is the British Isles.
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