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Kail Lokeson

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Blog Comments posted by Kail Lokeson

  1. -- I don't have any info on the voice cast, so I don't know if there are name actors in it. Personally, I hope not -- I think you fall into the "Oh, that's so and so playing that character!" trap, which knocks you right out of your immersion in the story. You wind up picturing the actual actor rather than focusing on the character.



    True. I just want to know just to make sure we don't have a repeat of *shudder* Lewa's MoL voice.

    I loved Lewa's MoL voice! What do you have against MoL Lewa!?

  2. -Evolution- is a fan of Redwall :o ... :lol: I LOVE THAT SERIES!!!


    But anyways, I wonder if you could draw me in Toa form. I am a Toa of Ice that has the look of a wizard (robe, Merlin hat, Staff with blue crystal on the end) but at the same time I have a sort of goofy, no-worries, always happy sort of look to me. I wear an adaptable Akaku like Kopaka Phantoka and as stated before my Toa tool is a wizard staff with a blue crystal on the end. I would most likely be seen lying on my back, staring at the clouds or stars (depending on the time of day). And I also have a little fairy companion that always floats around me.


    I hope that's not too complex... :unsure:

  3. How would YOU like to take care of 9 cats? xP

    Well personally I would try to make it look like an accident but that's just me...


    Seriously though, I love kittens! (If you ever meet someone who dosn't like kittens and puppies then there is something seriously wrong with that person). I don't know if I would be able to take 9, especially if one was less then nice, but I suppose that just makes you a better caretaker then me :P I hope that you are having fun with them.

  4. As long as you get a female voice for Gali and Gorast. ;)

    It's for the 2009 movie though, who knows if they're gonna be in it?


    ... Unless it's been somehow confirmed they're in ti and I'm making myself look stupid. XD

    It hasn't and you're not. :)


    Anyways, fantastic news Greg! I always expected that this movie would be a bit better animated then the old ones. Don't know why, just a feeling... But DANG now I wan't to see what it looks like! I suppose I'll just have to wait.

  5. Yeah...really stinks :( Thankfully where I am the prices have only reached $3.70 or so (I actually saw $3.54 only a short while ago). Don't blame the oil companies (like so many people do), believe it or not they only make about 8 cents per gallon of profit and so there is nothing that they could really do. It still stinks though.


    Don't worry though, soon my invention should be complete and we will all be using mashed potatoes and orange juice as fuel. :P

  6. I see Tuyet's rule as "evil" because of a few things:
    1. Spying on the population
    2. Fear-driven rule
    3. Destroying "potential" threats
    and I see a "good" goverment as one that lets its citizens live in privacy, rules by the "consent of the goverened", and does not practice un-provoked attack. I see the goverment of America (where I live) as "bad" because they:
    • tap phone lines
    • Attack other countries because of partial information
    So Greg, to answer your first question, yes. I would call them Evil and Corrupt.


    This is good insight. I will be listining to the next installment of Dark Mirror with a fresh mind and a watchful eye...or whatever...


    :r::e::m_d: :s::t::a::r:

    DO NOT MAKE REFERENCES LIKE THAT ABOUT SOMETHING AS CONTRAVERSIAL AND POLITICAL AS WHAT YOU JUST REFERENCED! This is not a site for things like that, no matter how strongly you feel.

  7. Those who sacrifice liberty for security have neither. And any form of government that has absolute power like Tuyets is probably just as dangerous as the people that they are trying to protect you from. A monarchy for example never works. Even if you have a great king that takes care of his people well and dosn't act like prince John from Robin Hood, there is still no guerentee that his successor will be the same. When a bad King comes along (as eventually there will) the subjects have no choice but to put up with it (or have a revolution). In a democracy when you have a bad leader you just toss him out (or if you don't have the motivation to do that then at least you can wait him out...he dosn't have nearly as much control as a King). Tuyet however will live for thousands of years and has absolute control over everything, no one should ever have that kind of power, even a good and wise person. So people who are easily swayed by fear should logically want the government to have less control. Unfortunately people can often be illogical.


    And Toa of Kenn,

    War and battle is a terrible thing but I believe that it actually does have a purpose. Endless peace makes people lazy, they begin to forget what it is like to have struggle and strife and as a result they stop working. Wars happen in our world because there is something wrong with one side (possibly both sides) and it needs something drastic to change it. The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW2, each of these were terrible things but after each of them the world was a better place. America was free of England, Slaves were free of slavery, etc. etc. Had there been no War we would still have those bad things. And like I said earlier, paradise is unhealthy. When you never have to struggle or work for anything you become weak. You have no reason to work and no reason to try and make a better life. Progress cannot happen without competition and War is the biggest and most effectinve form of competition. I'm not saying it's good. Of course not, it should be avoided at all cost, but it does have a purpose.

  8. My AC entry will officially not be done by Thursday due to time issues on my part (reasons included above, partially - mostly because of McD shifts).


    BUT, I wish the best of luck to those of you who have entered! May you all do splendidly! :D

    You're....you're joking right?...But this is the best Art Contest idea they have ever had (In my opinion) and you are the best artist on this site (imposible to deny).........darn.


    Perhaps you'll get lucky....perhaps a black hole will brush just barely close enough to earth that time shifts exactly where you are in about a fifty foot radius, thus giving you the time you need...I can always hope right?


    Ah well, good luck with everything that you are doing. Hope it all works out for you.

  9. I see it as being a perfect example of something that I call "the pendulem effect" (not sure if it has an official term but that is what I call it).


    The pendulem effect what happens when someone tries to fix a problem and goes way too far in the other direction. An example in real life would be the fact that Women used to be seriously predjudiced against, they couldn't get any good jobs, they couldn't vote, they were essentially thought of as second class citizens. Nowadays if you descriminate against women in any way they will fry you on the news like a fresh hamburger. However it has gotten to the point where a lot of people are terrified of fireing a women even if they totally deserve it, or will give them a job over a more qualified man, all in the sake of being politically correct. And for good reason, as many people still claim to be discriminated agaist even when they have not been and are actually getting special treatment for no good reason. The pendulem swings to the other extream.


    In the case of DM, the issue is the fact that in many ways the Toa were a weak orginization that was too slow and soft in reacting and often got themseves killed because of it. I often have read about how the Toa would not kill the Makuta after all that he has done because that would instill distrust and worry among the Matoran. And for many, even most of the enemies they face that makes sence. However there are some, certain select evils that I believe should be eliminated. Teridax being one of them. For a being as evil and powerful as him there can never be a prison that is guarenteed to hold him. Even the protodermis prison was broken out of because of Roodaka. I personally think that Teridax is someone who they need to kill to make sure that he cannot kill any one else that he hasn't already.


    Tuyet however has swung the pendulem to the other extream and it is just as bad (if not worse). She has created a society where anything can be sacrificed for what she considers the greater good. Freedom is a wonderful thing after all and I have always believed that it is not the place of the government to tell you how to live your life (so long as you are not harming someone else). The government that has the power to make all of the decisions is a dangerous one, and obviously when Kopaka can freeze a Matoran solid simply because he was distracted from his work then something terrible has happened. Tuyet killed Matoran herself so that she could achieve the power to (in her eyes) protect the rest of them, and perhaps in the end that actually did save the lives of more Matoran then it killed but she had no right at all to decide which ones could live and which ones could die. I personally would rather be dead then live in a world where you are constantly afraid af being eliminated because you spoke your mind or weren't working up to par. No one has the right to control your life for you (this is why voting works so well)


    For reasons that I don't get, it is very hard to center the pendulem in the ideal place...which I suppose would be keeping a vey close eye on anyone who you suspect of being dangerous but not attacking untill you know for sure. There has to be a balance and definite rules about these things that you cannot overstep and there has to be trials and votes and all sorts of things that keep the decision making in the hands of the Matoran. I am certainly not a political person but I know enough to say this...we need to find a happy medium and balance...might sound corny but it's true.

  10. And yes Norik and Iruini and the like are part of the Hagah team in the main universe but they are still their own individuals and if they disagree with the ideals of their old team and the Toa Empire then there is no reason that they wouldn't rebel and leave their team.


    Well, the other four were mentioned in the retelling of the battle against Brutaka. But N and I have a chance to show up as resistance members.


    Looking forward to seeing it all come to a close :D



    Actually only Gaaki and Pouks were mentioned unless I missed something...we still need to see Iruini and Norik to make the set complete.

  11. Just finished writing DM 7, in which you will meet the other members of Lesovikk's resistance group, travel to the Throne of Stone, and get prepared for the slam-bang finish in parts 8 and 9.


    Next up is FOF 8, as the team has to go forward but can't go back ... and in MC 8, more on the mystery of the Lohrak and the raid on Artakha.


    Now back to opening up contest entries ...


    Awesome. I bet that Norik is in the team. :)


    Thanks for the info Greg. ^_^


    Accually, Norik has his own team, with Gaaki, Iruni, Pouks, Kualus, and Bomonga. But, I bet we'll see Nikila.

    Nikila's dead, she has been for a very long time (far longer then the measly 3500 years ago when the time line altered (I think it was 3500, is that right?)) And yes Norik and Iruini and the like are part of the Hagah team in the main universe but they are still their own individuals and if they disagree with the ideals of their old team and the Toa Empire then there is no reason that they wouldn't rebel and leave their team.


    Edit: DARN! Beaten...but thats okay...I yeild Varaka...

  12. Just finished writing DM 7, in which you will meet the other members of Lesovikk's resistance group, travel to the Throne of Stone, and get prepared for the slam-bang finish in parts 8 and 9.


    Next up is FOF 8, as the team has to go forward but can't go back ... and in MC 8, more on the mystery of the Lohrak and the raid on Artakha.


    Now back to opening up contest entries ...


    Awesome. I bet that Norik is in the team. :)


    Thanks for the info Greg. ^_^

    I find Iruini more likely then Norik. He was the one that wanted to help the Matoran with smaller day-to-day problems so that makes me think that he cares about the Matoran personally and would not want to see them oppressed. Of course Greg only said team, note that he never said TOA team. We may end up seeing guys like, Dark Hunters, Piraka perhaps, maybe Hydraxon. Maybe not but I just want to throw out some possibilities.

  13. Yes I know the hassle of moving. I too am in the middle of it (though we are still looking for a house and have already sold our old one and so are now staying in an RV resort. It's an okay place but it's still a pain. I hope that you enjoy your new house, well wishes from all of my family and me :)

  14. I'm still throwing pennies into the wishing well hoping for a large Bionicle novel even though I know that the odds of that happening are about a billion-to-one (I must have thrown about 500 dollers worth of pennies into that well :P ). I am still amazed that anyone is able to create a story so interesting and complex that even though it is aimed toward a younger group I still love reading it and go nuts waiting for the next book. I would absolutly love to see what they could do with the same story re-designed for sixteen-seventeen year olds and with books as long as a proper novel.


    I am really kind of sad to see that the books seem to be going in the other direction and some of the chapter books replaced by books for an even younger audience. Oh well, I'm still exited about 2009 and I really do think that it will be great (storyline-wise you have never dissapointed me so far).

  15. The only thing I have ever had a problem with is the blue sets, which are supposed to be female but that look nothing like it. Gali Mistika and Hahli Inika were the worst, Hahli Mahri was better though (the wing-like fins looked semi-feminine). I'm not saying that they should be overly notably girlish (they are still supposed to sell to boys and so should look tough and cool and hero-like) but I would like them to be recognizable.


    Personally I get sets that I really like (I used to buy nearly all of them but now that I am becoming a sort of semi-Tom I only get the ones that I consider the best). I got Kopaka, Vamprah, and Solek this season and now that I have seen the summer sets I figure I will get Krika and possibly Tahu. And if I can convince my mom that he is worth the money then I really, REALLY, want Takanuva, though I did have an ideal image of him that he is not exactly like (at all) he is still by far the best titan set I have ever seen.


    I'm not sure how I feel about the T# sets. I rarely like rider/vehicle sets (since I tend to ditch the machine and only play with the rider and then it seems really overpriced...though I do like rider/animal sets because that is more like getting two sets in one) but these ones are really interesting looking. I like the complexity of them and would love to see more things like them but then I said the same thing about the Ussanui and I ended up never playing with that either (though I still like the original Takanuva)


    I think that there are very few old sets that can compare to the newer ones (Kopaka Mata and the original Takanuva come to mind, as does Matau Metru) the new ones are simply much better. I would really have wanted Kopaka Phantoka to have a sword and round shield like the original set (which is what first got me interested in Bionicle as a toy). I would even have given up his wings and possibly even his Midak for a sword that is similar but more advanced then his original Mata blade but even without that I think that he is great. His sheild too was something that I was hoping for, I have what I think would have been a great idea of placing the shield around the nozzle of the Midak (connected to the same place that his Bayonet is in the actual set) but in the end, even though he dissapointed me I still think that he is one of the best sets I have seen in quite a while.

  16. Interesting. I like Rahi (and animals in general) so I'm looking foreward to the Brickmaster set, even if it's not the awesome old Brotherhood leader (Well see him somewhere else anyways). I don't suppose you could tell us what kind of animal the Rahi is based on?

  17. 1) The...original...leader? BEYOND AWESOME!!! Anyways, I have just seen the Spiriah set and it looks as though he not only has a Midak blaster (which would certaily give him an edge over other Makuta) but it seems as though he has a Matoran on his back!? Are either of these things right? And if they are does the Matoran appear in the story?


    2) Mutran seems great and he's probably a bit short of compleatly sane so this should really be interesting.


    3) :I regain conciousness three hours after first reading this: GOOD DARK HUNTERS! ALTERNATE UNIVERSES! ULTRAPOWERED NIDHIKI AND TUYET! HOW CAN THIS GET ANY BETTER!!!!! I wonder if Lariska will appear as one of the good guys (I call them freedom fighters :D )? I hope so, as she's my favorite Dark Hunter. I also wonder if the Hagah will have anything to do with this? I would assume that they would be good as they did work for the Brotherhood at the time.

  18. This is just so rediculous that I can't believe people are even debating it. I stated this on another topic where it came up and I'll state it again.


    Benjamin Franklin said that, "If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed." And he was right. I bet if I looked hard enough I could find a negative implication for at least half the words in the english language.


    But then Ben also said, "Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one."

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