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Blog Comments posted by Kyori

  1. We californians got legoland, its like a lego store squared to the power of awesomeness B)

    Not to mention there's a Lego Store at Disneyland, also in California. B) *fist bump*


    Thanks for reminding how stupid I was to forget to go there on my trip last April! >=<


    I wanted to see the Lego brick Tahu statue. :(

  2. Lol! That explains why I was seeing pi at my university's Honors dorms (oh yeah, there was fund-raising contest the past couple months in which the winning wing's RA would get pied in the courtyard; and no, I'm an Honor student, but I'm also a commuter, so I didn't join the fun =P).

  3. He's the gentleman in my signature and the titular character of the mange (and anime) series, Black Jack. :)


    The manga is done by the Father of Manga himself, Osamu Tezuka, who also did Astro Boy. Oh yeah, and the surgery scenes and most of the medical terms are authentic. =3


    Here's some info:






    And Crunchyroll (legally) streams episodes of the anime.



    It's an awesome series, especially fro someone who's interested in the medical field (and who likes science fiction =P). Take it from the girl who hardly ever goes near manga. ;)

  4. Can't your comic persona and your real persona be different? If I GS or PGS in a series, I don't give them my real personality; truly, my personality is too boring for a comic series. So I spice it up.




    But I pretty much used my real personality for my character; I'm still trying to figure out the difference between us (okay, I'm a tad less reactive). XP

  5. Actually, I recall that articulation started with the Rahkshi. =P


    Another thing: 3.0's plot devices are practically the same as Bionicle 2001. Beasts controlled by corrupted things that gives the heroes their power?


    Hence this line fromt the last Toy Fair commentary:


    The second half of 2011 revolves around the planet of Quatros - the Savage Planet. The evil Witch Doctor transforms the animals on the planet into ferocious monsters that our heroes must overcome in order to defeat him. Wait, are we talking about 2011 or 2001?
  6. Was it a real car?


    Is the hotel real?

    Define real.


    I meant is it an actual, full size drivable car or a model?


    If it's the latter, then here's my answer:


    The man was playing Monopoly. He was moving his game piece, which is the car-shaped one, to a space occupied by another player's hotel piece. He was low on Monopoly money, and the amount he has left happened to be exactly how much he has to pay. Therefore, he knows he's bankrupt.

  7. @Arrow-wait, what? O_o


    By the way, LR, you forgot the "violent and reactionary" stereotype. Examples would be Meg in Shadonix's comics, and (sorta) Twilight Helyrx in mine.


    ...I know Helyrx is going to kill me for putting her in that stereotype...waaaaaait...


    Hey! I'm not reactionary! I'm radical! :P


    Seriously though, in my profile, I only said I'd punch out someone if they pushed me over the edge. Otherwise I stare at them blankly and/or just barely restrain my annoyance. ;)


    EDIT: Btw, it's spelled H-E-L-R-Y-X. I still don't know how people are constantly getting it wrong where I'm involved. =P


    Eh, I think there's a male category of that as well. I had a rather alarming number of guest stars (male) who told me their character liked to beat up annoying people. :P But I agree that some female characters do fall into that category.


    I've noticed that a lot as well. If the author can portray that in a clever way, it's funny, but otherwise (and a lot of the times) it gets old.

  8. And so, even though there are some minor differences, you know where the (very unfair) stereotype of the "snooty dog show handler" came from. =P


    Oh yeah, and one other thing:


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


    Happy Year of the Rabbit!!!


    I know, I'm a couple weeks late, but still...

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