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Everything posted by E(rik)

  1. But meh blog is deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
  2. That still reigns as my fav movie.
  3. My Lucario beat Bio D's samus 2-1. yay.
  4. E(rik)

    Yo Kayne West.

    ANDKSKRALL E: wow, E. Just wow.
  5. E(rik)

    Yo Kayne West.

    OF ALL TIME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. E(rik)

    Yo Kayne West.

  7. Please dont bring back bad memories. XD
  8. Meanwhile they completely overlook the fact that you can go to the library, take out 10 CDs, rip them all on your ipod and then return them. ALL FOR THE (UN)LIMITED TIME PRICE OF $0.00!!
  9. E(rik)

    Ben10 2010

    But one of the set designers said they were. =/ Yes, but plenty of movements are possible. It ends up attaching to the back. I don't know if he worked on that particular set or not, though, so he could be wrong. Doesn't seem likely, though. ~Bunda What I want to know is how the head attaches. If it's a y-joint (which would probably fit the best), it'll probably be new-style. One of the things that most concerns me about these sets is that most of these armor pieces (Rahkshi headbackspine, Tahu chest/shoulder armor, Gresh chest/shoulder armor, Tahu feet) seem to have very few attachment points. Yes, they manage to use many of these creatively despite this, but one wonders how long LEGO or MOCists can keep that up if this becomes a trend. I think itsa trans-ornj new-style Y joint. Which makes me happy. Fweeeee~
  10. It's just one of those things. I am now frigging immune to anything the internet can throw at me. This is the only thing twilight is good for other than firewood and/or toilet paper. I built this carpy bungie chord and plastic pot catapult and flung Breaking Dawn out of it. Hardcover, cuz paperback doesnt have as much support and sends annoying pages everywhere.
  11. i think lluvi is a cool guy he haz a awesome and doesnt afraid anythin.

  12. Fox against Ganondorf = oooooohhhhh yeah Also lolololololol Ike against Dedede. *Runs off to practice* BTW, I'm the lightest shade of blue, right Comment pre-new-entry edit, no longer relevant. ~ Neccy
  13. E(rik)


    Lol, reminds me of some video my friend sent me a few weeks ago. "Many Ipod Touch fans wanted a physical keyboard on their Ipod, so we gave it a compass, just to #### with you guys."
  14. Lucky, literally none of my friends are in homeroom.
  15. You got my Code and name and stuff, right necro? Wait, wont Me and Elementoid having the same color name be confuzzleing?
  16. E(rik)

    Kiina Promo!

    Dangit, I was hoping that she'd sound like that throughout the movie. And the hugging scene just sparked about over 9000 kiina x Gresh stories. Also lolol I found you again.
  17. Is those highlights red or orange? If orange, awesome. If red, still, although not as, awesome.
  18. whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa, You got that dark green gelu helmet? ... ... I hate you.
  19. But he didn't deserve an alien tazer to the face.
  20. E(rik)

    B B C C 55

    Which is why you make Ninjo. lol If I had a single teal piece I would've, but I cant.
  21. I had a pet catfish once. I named him flibby. He died, though.
  22. E(rik)

    Map Progress

    Oh. K then. BTW, what program did you use for this? Cuz I've allways wanted to make a map. Is there a way to apply text and photos to stuff with this program?
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