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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Chols

  1. Chols

    Just a Friendly Reminder

    Oh wow I forgot about the ponies again. This will be fun~
  2. Chols


    The world shall be a healthier place. Just a bit.
  3. Is it bad if I am curious if there's a comparable course for werewolves? :B
  4. The only movie series that can make you feel for household appliances.
  5. Hnnnng I just found this and I am loving it. Even though I am terrible at it. Just downloaded the amazing soundtrack too.
  6. Chols


    http://www.bzpower.c...howentry=121954 That's not me I mean how could that be me I don't hav-- WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (Also I cannot draw wings to save my life)
  7. Chols

    O BZPower

    This is probably the most accurate analogy for this site I've seen in a long time.
  8. Chols

    Darn it

    When I took philosophy we read and evaluated many articles supporting various worldviews. You need to equally assess both your views and the views of others in order to be a proper philosopher.
  9. Chols

    Tonight's Closing Thoughts #375

    You also need Alive 2007 It is mandatory listening.
  10. Chols

    My New Pet Peeve

    Acronyms more like FRACTALNYMS
  11. Recursive acronyms Acronyms that contain themselves. Like PHP standing for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" and GNU meaning "GNU's Not Unix". I already find acronyms frustrating but this is just TOO MUCH. *Cries*
  12. Chols

    A Lego Furry Theme

    Also you kids and your silly new Legofurs This is where it's at.
  13. Chols

    A Lego Furry Theme

    lol no that's a scaly theme.
  14. It wasn't intended to be a "bad moc" folder when I made it; it's really just a dumping ground for mocs I made before getting a Brickshelf account, though most of it is terrible. Though I'm not really fond of that model since its structure is ripped almost entirely from Brutaka. Looks good, but in the end it's nothing great. I do still like the flamethrower though. :3 Ooooooh dear.
  15. Oh my goodness. This wonderfully bad. All the more reason to share. :3
  16. Was talking about bad mocs with Brickeens and Bfahome and thought I'd bring this to BZP. Post your worst moc that you have pictures of here. Mine is probably this ... thing ... (1.4 MBs) Aw heck, I've got a whole gallery of bad mocs. I'm glad I've improved since. Though I really miss all the design experimentation I used to do, even if it was terrible. YOUR TURN.
  17. Chols

    So Great and Powerful

    This episode looks like fun. c:
  18. Chols

    The Crystal Empire

    I don't really see how Fluttershy changed, other than that her character development tends to regress back to complete timidness. That's not atypical for cartoon characters though. Pinkie definitely seems more goofy than quirky, but I don't find that jarring just yet.
  19. Lol I just completed the Civil War questLike over 100 hours in.:BI'm sure I'm not the only one who finds the side quests so much more fun.
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