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Blog Comments posted by Teebert

  1. Sounds goo- holy cow


    i just figured out the ultimate truth of evangelion


    what gainax was trying to say all along


    its nothing about needing to love others and needing others love


    the true message is that without psychologists we are all screwed



    So remember children, not everyone is lucky enough to have a caring psychologist like you do, so always appreciate that you have one. Give yours a hug the next time you see them. Because they're all that's keeping you from being used as a tool by a secret division of the UN to fight giant aliens that want to turn everyone into Tang.

  2. @Teebs: Fair enough, though the fact she doesn't seem to even try to come to terms with her past like the other characters still makes me dislike her a bit.


    She does, and goes into a Blue Screen of Death when she tries. Because of her mental problems, admitting she's not perfect at all, which she would need to do to try and come to terms with her past, results in a complete breakdown.




    I seriously wonder if the Second Impact wiped out all the therapists. The presence of even one at NERV would have helped out so much.

  3. The manga version of that scene's cooler. If I remember right, instead of what happens in the movie, she tries to strangle Shinji when he starts screaming at her to wake up.


    German Engineering: from coma to strangling in 3 seconds.



    Asuka doesn't really deserve it. *frowny face* She's the way she is because her mom killed herself and her doll version of Asuka. The feelings of being ignored and rejected by her mother that way, at that young of an age...screwed her up good, to say the least. TBH, I find her one of the most tragic characters in NGE.

  4. The writers have come out and said that about half of it is just Mind Screw for Mind Screw's sake. So yeah. That's what was going through their heads. =P


    And you can't stop watching because you want to find out what happens to darling little Shinji.

  5. The "minor characters" who seem more interesting and likeable? They're revealed to be just as screwed up and in some cases, even more unlikeable.


    ... So there are no likable characters? No thanks, I get enough of that IRL. lol



    Pretty much. =D

  6. Though I give no explanation for what happens later on. I don't know what's up with that either.

    Nobody knows.



    I actually found Shinji an enjoyable character. Rather than the standard hot-blooded ace pilot, or a Godmode Sue like Kira Yamato, he's what you'd realistically expect from a semi-average (semi-average because his life before piloting an EVA was pretty bad and gave him more than a few mental problems) teenager being forced to pilot a giant robot (which actually isn't one). He's freaked out. (Which is actually something of a plot point. It's mentioned later on that they need traumatized/messed up kids to pilot the EVAs, for reasons annoying both to them and the viewers)


    As to the theme tune, that's part of the deconstructive nature of the series. OPs tend to showcase the hero as determined and ready to go kick some giant robot/alien/whatever butt. So Gainax did that. Then delivered Delicious Angst


    I'd recommend watching for more than one episode, though. You learn more why Shinji's the way he is. The "minor characters" who seem more interesting and likeable? They're revealed to be just as screwed up and in some cases, even more unlikeable. (Except for the Bridge Bunnies. They actually make it through without major mental problems)


    I'm still sort-of searching for subs of the Rebuild movies online. Supposedly Shinji's tougher in these ones, and actually kicks butt on his own.

  7. I like swearing and explosions.


    Besides, people swear in real life in situations like these.

    I like explosions and I don't mind swearing (but the parents do [but only in video games and real lifes(but for some reason not in movies?)]).


    Less clothes does not appeal to me.




    Why? you more men-oriented? I can see how that would be a bit annoying to someone with tastes like that. I totally understand Bunda, it's okay.




    Naw, it just doesn't really appeal to me. *shrug*


    Dunno why.


    (I mean, have you seen the character? She's wearing like, two little leather straps. XD)



    Isn't she completely batshank insane, though?

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