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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. It's looking real good dawg....you should finish that and put it in our Community display at the store. It can fight Tyler Watkin's Ninja bot and my rats.
  2. InnerRayg

    Alright Kids

    I can do some metal, but my music of choice usually falls under the category of music completely separate from any category; music that to some ears may sound more like random chaos then melody.
  3. Those ratings are -meaningless-. The MPAA is a group completely motivated by what money the various production companies can shovel into their pockets, a group ruled by arbitration with no set guidelines, no open or public committee. The big films will always get some leniency for content that in a smaller production would be marked as "R". Don't use them to judge the quality or contents of a movie; they are illegitimate in every way. As a side note, I think it is odd so many of you have seen so few R movies....I was watching them from the beginning. I'm glad I did too. In retrospect I'd hate to have some nameless committee be responsible for my notions of what is appropriate and what is not.
  4. Background: I'm a Design Student at the University of Central Oklahoma. A good one. There can't be modesty in that kind of industry; selling yourself is half the battle. That's what I'd like to talk about. I've got a future post detailing exactly how you can take good design and turn it into great design. It's about knowing why you do what you do, and being able to explain it coherently. Selling yourself. The Industry of Design is different from art; it's not about expressing yourself, it's about selling products, making the viewer feel specific emotions and knowingly manipulating their mind. It's a little depressing, but then industry is like that. You choose what side of the road you want to be on, and I'm driving the cadillac. Sorry. In any case, that's all for another post. For now I'd just like to give some shout outs for artists out there. First and foremost, if you want to understand the human body, and be able to draw it as a real thing...you need this book. Three minutes with it and I was literally a better artist. It will do the same thing for you if you take the time to do some studies from it. The more you put into it, the better you will get. Go, buy it. The complete collection of this renaissance master's work, not the individual bits. See ya kids, I'll bring Design work next time.
  5. That's highway robbery, you can get a much better paying job doing anything. Trust me, my brother working minimum wage can pull that kind of money in within two days.
  6. InnerRayg

    Alright Kids

    Talking religion is only fun when both parties come from vastly different backgrounds. My friend was brought up devout Mormon...Me? Well, let's say I don't have much faith in anything. Very good discussions we have together honestly. Especially laying on her bed at 4 AM. Obviously, we'll keep it at that for this website.
  7. InnerRayg

    Alright Kids

    I've been a cynic since the day I was born; but I'm actually pretty happy about it, so don't worry. This is a ploy to get me to draw more artwork and to fit in with all the cool cats who have blogs
  8. I'm broken. Let's try this. I am an adult. This is going to be the blog of an adult. Fair warning. I can, and I will talk about staying up all night at friend's apartments just to talk about life and politics and religion and saving our cash one dollar at a time to make a career for ourselves. It happens. You'll all get there sometime, and the adventure is going to be incredibly unique and mind-numbingly dull at the same time. Just do me a favor, and try to figure things out for yourselves once in awhile. Stay tuned; art to come.
  9. Not a single "Takua"-esque voice in sight. Thank you so much everybody at Lego.
  10. Dude, super weak. I was just about to write your testimonial. you have time, do it.
  11. Definitely going to try.

  12. I'm trying really hard to become a comic artist of some sort, believe me. Lego is my dream job, but we'll have to see.

  13. I was just following a link from another profile, don't worry about it. It's interesting to see what members post about sometimes.

  14. Just to make you aware, it is indeed Greg Farshtey behind the "GregF" Account. Besides the record amount of information he's given us that is always true, several members have met the writer personally at book signing events and have talked with him about BZP.

  15. Just to clarify. There was no cheating in the polling; there was simply a lot of complaints about #1's fast rise after being so far behind. If you think it was unfair, then encourage everyone you know to vote for 1 again.
  16. InnerRayg


    If anybody deserved it I'd say Greg would Of course it also opens up the possibility of malicious hackers taking advantage of it. So perhaps not.
  17. InnerRayg

    Good News

    I've purchased the book and eagerly await its arrival.
  18. InnerRayg

    Some Updates

    This is all spectacular news, and I highly encourage more efforts like this. We lost the novels, but I think taking this turn towards graphic work is a great idea. Especially if it increases my chances of getting my foot in the door for making one for you guys
  19. InnerRayg

    Money Misery

    Isn't state funding for private schools an oxymoron?
  20. InnerRayg

    It's Done

    2010 will definately be interesting with out the extra story from the books. obviously this early I can't tell how it will shape up, but I'm not super hopeful... will story serials still be a component of the website in '10, or is that still unknown? I think that really benefit the line and provide a great resource for kids who might have liked the books but did not have access to them.
  21. *spits out* pfft, what is this, Mayonnaise? You're never going to make it as an artist pulling this kind of crud!

  22. First step, and this is important, is the sandwich. Bring it, fast.

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