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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. [Ray]:prepare burial at sea for Dr. Pepper Dr. Pepper? Never heard of him. This fine nectar you've so precariously splashed about your abode is none other then CANNUS GENERICUS, the PLAINEST OF PLAIN. His noble fight to assure the innocuous and un-infringing rights of otherwise insufferable copyright dodgers everywhere is to be looked upon with admiration and love. He served well and fought many a successful battle for anonymity. This is why he is to be given a WARRIORS funeral barge. This flaming nautical navigator will carry his once lustrous carapace into a beautiful land of aluminum wonder, a place where all good cans are said to travel when emptied of their contents. After all, everyone knows that emptying a can is essentially killing it. In our own little way, we're all murders, each and every time we feel the need for some of that Chicken Noodle Sloop or Freeze Dried Vegefables.And that's terrible. But in reality you're nowhere near a body of water, so your sadness codifies the next handy captchalogue card and again deposits it into your sylladex. Alright, starting to get the hang of it! Congratulatory backslaps are definitely in order for you buddy. [Ray]:pick up that cool helmet over there and see if it fits your head Okay this helmet is clearly not made for you. For some reason you still get excited about pretending to be a buff space marine on mars or whatever dumb videogame thing it is you would do.Okay stop it. You're just getting weird [Ray]:swivel in swivel chair AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
  2. [Ray]:Squawk like a Gukko Bird and Fizz on your Bionicles You let out a noise not unlike what a fictional mechanical hummingbird would make if they accidentally caused so much friction that their room was in danger of combustion. In order to put out the fire you have to make use of the only liquid you have on hand at this point. You go ahead and suck it up, better alive and ashamed than proud and extra crispy, you almost never say.The fire is out, the disgusting deed done. You agree with yourself to never speak of this to anyone.That was your last soda and everything. [Ray]:Open Inventory. Burnt, covered in carbonated soda, and dropped? This toy is gonna need some serious cleaning. Your MOOD RING MODUS codifies your extreme disgust at the mess and calculates the exact emotional spectrum for your CAPTCHALOGUE CARD so that you can CAPTCHALOGUE it into your SYLLADEX.There's no way any of those ridiculous made-up words make even the slightest bit of sense to anyone. [Ray]:Brace for REWARD You tense yourself in preparation for that aggravating congratulatory ding dong of mediocrity you've come to know and despise, but it seems this action looks a little too much like it's actually -achieving- something for it to be worthy of a pointlessness trophy.Oh but it's coming. You can feel it.
  3. Just FYI if your command did not get picked this first round, don't be discouraged. Most if not all will be making an appearance in a future update. Anyway, enjoy!
  4. [Ray]:Retrieve Arms and Legs All limbs here and accounted for captain.What formulaic joke should we explore next, officer? [Ray]:Indulge Frivolation Your amount of FRIVOLATIONS INDULGED has just increased by 100%, from one to two. In other words, you have climbed another pointless rung of success in a game where the only winning move is to gag yourself and hope and pray into your porcelain toilet that the floating head reflected by their waters has nothing left to retch up.You're pretty sure these annoying things don't do anything, and you're even more sure they're going to pop up as often as possible for the most trivial of achievements.This is going to be a long day. [Ray]:Look out the WINDOW. Window? What window? You try not to look at that set of walls very often. [Ray]:Play with your ACTION FIGURES. Play?Please, these are just icons of a bygone era. Sure, you still have fond memories of pretending to harness the elements and bending them to your will. Who hasn't fantasized about creating lava tornadoes, honestly? Still, you've grown since then and insist all your inner fantasies be based on far more mature content.YESSIREE, THESE PLAYTHINGS OF YOUR YOUTH ARE JUST A NOSTALGIC MEMORY AND NOTHING MORE! SURE NO CHANCE OF YOU DELVING INTO A FANTASTIC WORLD OF IMAGINATION HERE! Yeah, that should convince anyone eavesdropping. Coast looks clear. Oh yeah! Oh no!
  5. Edited with a clearer explanation of the concept. Even so it is one of those things that you sort of just have to participate in to understand.
  6. It already pretty much does. We review sets from all lines, the toyfair news is all about the general lines coming out, artwork is now just general lego artwork. It's a definite trend.
  7. [Ray]::::Well, now that you know who you are, you figure that it's probably about time to introduce yourself properly to yourself. That's right. Better get your Shift key ready, we're about to get SERIOUS.Your name is RAYMOND ADAMS, but you go by RAY for short. Today you are waiting inside your ROOM for a PACKAGE sent by a mysterious FRIEND, on behalf of an even more mysterious BLOCK MANUFACTURING EMPIRE. You're getting pretty tired of waiting. Luckily, you have the magical ability to PROCRASTINATE THROUGH IMAGINATION. Like pretending you don't know your own name and turning it into a GAME ABSTRACTION.You are a man of varied interests. Seriously. You have at least three or four. You have a love for those miniature plastic men called ACTION FIGURES. They act as little enablers for your somewhat CRIPPLING ADDICTION to creating fanciful worlds in your mind. Perhaps your greatest dream of all is to someday truly visit other worlds, to explore the depths of the cosmos. There is almost no chance of that happening.You love to exercise your ARTISTIC MERIT and have leveled up in that skill almost exclusively since you were a child. Some people would say you should try to balance out your abilities by having a varied approach, but that smart form of playing IS FOR CHUMPS. In real life and the virtual world you always tend to focus on maxing out one powerful ability while leaving the others crippled and begging for nourishment. FEED ME they cry out, but you just look down and smack the empty bowl from their hands.Sometimes your imagination is kind of MESSED UP.Finally, you tend to have something of an INFLATED EGO. But of course that's just what the losers call it. Bunch of WHINERS. Luckily you have a group of pretty great FRIENDS who back you up. When they're not trying to mess with you.So, you have the entire world at your disposal. Almost limitless potential here. What you gonna do PUNK?
  8. Alright, I've modified the flash file to be on an HTML page and for now I've removed the preloader until I can puzzle out what's wrong with it. Let me know if there's any more big issues.
  10. Sorry Guys I'm a day late on that FORUM RULES DEMOLITION Is that a comic AND a game posted in GD? HECK YEAH IT IS. What ya gonna do, PUNK?
  11. Note: PLEASE do not reply in this topic. Please use the discussion topic for all commands and discussion![???]:BZPSTUCKYou find yourself visiting one of your old favorite places on the Internet. It's been awhile since you've been to this little community but that classic logo and striking visage still stare down at you with a pleasant and not at all unnerving glare. That open mouth. Those cold eyes. What's not to love?Better log in fast.[???]:LoginYou shudder as you enter in the old username. You wonder if anyone even remembers that name on the forums anymore. It wasn't long ago that your posts were considered legends, a regular accolade of clapping and shouts of "hear hear!" accompanying each in succession. You would find yourself hoisted upon the backs of your servile fans, and though you would humbly murmur "no, please, you don't have to" they would insist on carrying you lovingly to a place of honor atop the highest point of the forums. Yes, you're pretty sure that's exactly how it used to happen. You're absolutely certain of it.[???]:Enter PasswordNever can be too careful. [???]: Check the ForumsOh.Right.You forgot the forums have just gone down for a series of upgrades. The news said it should only be a few days. You guess that's not too long to wait, even if it stretches out for say, a week or two. At least you'll have something to take up your time[???]::::[???]: Log offYeah, you've been letting this electronic gizmo take hold of your life for too long now. Time to get down and get busy. Time to take this to the next level and really STEP UP. What you're trying to say is it's time for you to get some REAL SERIOUS IMPORTANT BUSINESS taken care of.BUT HOW CAN YOU GET BUSY WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME??[???]: Well?Yeah, that looks absolutely perfect. Good job.[???]: Okay seriouslyOh come on that first name was perfect! You guess you can begrudgingly accept this secondary obvious cipher. Life's rough sometimes.:%5BREALITY%5D:SHIFT (All : links will have SOUND!) Did....did reality just blink for a second there??Frivolation Indulged? What is this some lame achievement system? Yeah, that's basically all it could be.Man you feel so incentivized to waste more time doing pointless tasks now!
  12. This is the discussion for the world famous BZPStuck! What is BZPStuck? It's essentially a play on those old text-based RPGs where you would type in actions for your character. You would type in something like, Walk towards the Door or Pick Up That Object and the character would do so and report anything that happened. This is a pseudo comic and game hybrid that has that same basic layout to it. Members tell the characters what to do, and they do it, and that helps develop and drive forward the story of the comic. As for the actual contents of the comic, see below:(may contain minor spoilers)A story about eight friends, joined together by a love for creation and a duty to protect the young and the weak.A story about what it means to truly create unity through dischord, to find commonality even when differences make it seem impossible.A story about making choices, about choosing to do things even though they are hard, about doing them because you know in the end it is right.BZPStuck is an exploration of the model set forth by Andrew Hussie, famed author of the website MSPaint Adventures. It borrows themes and motifs from his comic as an homage and also as a chance to adapt them into a new framework. It's initial conceit, that of friends connected through the internet that find their digital life becoming a literal escape is the main thrust of the comic. These friends all live in a somewhat surreal world that seems inundated with videogame mechanics A nod to the fact that the story is advanced by real people playing these characters and telling them what to do. In conflicts they literally battle their friends and family. They equip weapons and items and have a strange, bottomless and sometimes frustrating inventory system. Their personality is dictated by numerical attributes. Such is life for these friends in a world that seems to be more virtual than reality.Then everything changes.A powerful toy company called Lego selects these eight friends as testers for a newly developed videogame. A game that somehow interacts with the real world to allow them to manipulate each other's home environment. Moving treasured posessions, building new structures, and causing mayhem everywhere. More shockingly, it seems this game has the power to send these friends into a new world, and in fact, threatens their very life if they choose not to.There is only one guide in this powerful game for the players When it is first started, an unrealized being sprouts that has the potential to take any form the player chooses. Little do they players know that whatever they use to shape this guide, will also shape the forces they will face later on within the game itself.As they build more and gain experience in this strange land, they are equipped with machinery that allows them to use their own imaginations to build strange and incredible creations. They can use all the elements found around them to combine, duplicate, and remove attributes from items. A teddy bear combined with a computer suddenly becomes a usable teddy top. A robotic device and a cake mix suddenly find themselves entertwined and utterly delicious. The only limit is the imagination...and the amount of pieces found lying around.Once these people finally make the decision to enter the new world, they are faced with many incredible challenges and find there are some powerful forces at work behind the scenes, and many of them are not friendly. Foes abound in this world, bent on stopping these friends from their work, even when these eight people are unsure what their ultimate goal even is. They find themselves stopped at every turn by strange monsters and creatures that all seem to follow some greater guiding power, but in the end they find the power within themselves to overcome.OR DO THEY??? So this is a game? It's a comic, and a game. You, the player, can give commands to the "players" of this little virtual world, and they have to follow them to the letter. That said, not all commands may be picked and not all commands shown may be real - sometimes we have to advance the plot of our own accord after all! What are the rules? Simple! This topic is used for all discussion, and can also be used for commands. Commands should look like this:[Player Name]: Do actionAny command submitted not following this format will be ignored because it shows you DIDN'T read the rules!It is also preferred that any 'command' submitted in a post be accompanied by other content. Additionally, you should limit yourself to one command a day or per update, whichever is sooner. We are trying to avoid overspamming, so please please PLEASE try to keep this to a minimum or we will have to take it to PM and then it's no fun for anyone. So why is this in GD? Well, for a couple reasons. This comic involves several staff members contributing, including at least one admin, and is intended as a way to associate with the members on a closer basis, create a closer community, and let everyone have a little fun together. Some of the older members may remember the "Staff RPG" where staff members had a mock-survival game going on in GD. This is in much the same spirit. Yeah, so this is basically identical to this other comic... Yeah kind of. So wait you're seriously just going to copy Andrew Hussie Well...yeah. I guess...at least you're honest about it? Thank you. But seriously this is intended as a direct homage to his work. He is a brilliant man and although we at BZP can not recommend members reading his comic because of some content, those who do already should appreciate how our work is both similiar and different.That said, the story is NOT what you're expecting exactly. There aren't just cosmetic changes at work here; the very nature of this game is MUCH different. So who are the actual "players"? Hehe wouldn't YOU like to know! Just kidding, there are eight players, six staff members and two non-staff but who we're sure you'll all grow to love as your own. In addition, other staff members will be playing a part in this comic, both large and small. Also, every member can and will have impact on the story as it goes forward since you decide what happens. Can we actually impact the story? Yes! You decide everything that will happen! Now, not all commands may come from the users, sometimes there are other forms of input we take into account, such as discussions online, demands of the story, and input from "mysterious sources". Also, any command that would result in the death or dismemberment of a player will be either mocked or ignored. Not to say these characters can't come to any harm, but if they do it will be up to us. And how often will you update? As often as possible, with the goal that there will be new content at least once every other day.More questions will be added as needed, but for now, let's get started. Remember to READ THE RULES before you post and try to keep the spam to a minimum. We love input, but more than one command a day is really not needed. There's no possible way we can get to them all anyway, so limiting them gives everyone a more equal chance at participating. In fact, being considerate and just posting once per update will probably make staff more likely to pick your commands in the first place. This isn't a hard rule, just how we think!
  13. Seriously though come Monday I'm going to be bending rules to my whim like CERAZY I'm telling you guys. Bunker down NOW it's gonna be a storm and nobody will be left standing.
  14. Yeah those legs are super weird. Waay long and the Mario one is like contropposto's redheaded stepchild. His knees seem to be bending in completely different ways. They're what you need to focus on. Would also be interesting to see you do a dynamic pose, standing's easy, now challenge yourself.
  15. This is a problem. We're here to inspire fear and dread, not to make a better community experience. Dangit what are they teaching all these new fangled staff members anyway??
  16. I'll give you a bone man, I thought it was pretty hilarious, and that MLK episode still gives me chills.Wish I was more in tune with the comic series. McGruder seems like a really smart guy and the ones I have read were all pretty top notch.
  17. Yeah your post was the impetus for mine even!
  18. Man, apparantly people despise/hate the staff but I don't think I ever even get an honorable mention when it comes to enforcing my will without any regard for the rules, obtusely breaking them even as I enforce them upon others. Maybe I can fix this soon. Would you guys promise to be afraid then?
  19. Oh man I've done this stuff before, it's so hard to pull off. Probably helps that you know how a camera works though :PNext challenge: Write legible words with it.Go.
  20. I don't want politics here, because I remember back to when we had to create the rule in the first place. Moderation is fine and all but people were still just insulting each other. If you want to go somewhere where people can yell at you you based on what little letter you put next to your name when you vote, I promise you there's a list a mile long.
  21. I like the interesting body details of the Piraka, especially the bits on the inner arm. Very interesting to look at.That said, you need to relink your image for your "biosona", it currently links to the Deviantart page, not the image like it needs to.
  22. That could make an extremely cool 3D printed toy if you were interested in trying. You've done a nice job, probably my favorite thing is the subtle asymmetricality of the arms.Asymmetricality is not a word.
  23. I don't know if you guys are aware, but this Comic seems to be broken.
  24. Also, let's be honest, the Cool Dude filter is hilarious. I wouldn't want to get rid of it even if we didn't have any other filters at all.
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