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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. I don't know if LIL BRO is the scariest thing around honestly.
  2. [Mooch???]: Reveal Yourself! Excuse me? You are no mooch! You've just a crippling addiction to salted potatoes. It's a real problem! You're pretty insalted, and in any case you're way too busy making comics to be in one. You're just gonna have to stay mysterious for now! [???x2]:::: Here, be this tall looking gentleman instead.
  3. I'm guessing probably not, but she definitely is one!
  4. InnerRayg

    New Banner

    Just a small update for now - We're using a new banner system, and we'd like to invite any fans to feel welcome to use it as well. Everytime there's a new update, the banner will change to reflect that to remind you and other members to check it out even if you don't normally visit GD. Super sweet! The Image and the code, for your convenience. [url=http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=3441][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/OuterRayg/BZPStuck/webbanner.gif][/url]
  5. Doing a new banner system, that will be updated the most recent panels whenever we update. Hopefully this will make it more convenient for folks to follow. Also feel free to copy the banner, it will auto update whenever I change it if you link to it from my Brickshelf.
  6. Indeed, that is the mysterious roommate. We're starting to ramp it up a bit, more characters than you can even HANDLE.That's right, update's up. I'm pretty sure it's still technically Monday night SOMEWHERE so it counts. Also, I totally bet you guys will be able to control whoever this mooch is without any problems whatsoever. Yep.
  7. [Ray]: Have an anxiety attack!An anxiety attack? What? Why ever would you do that? I mean, it's not like lightning just struck a tree TWENTY FEET AWAY FROM YOU or something! It's not like there's now a blaze threatening your home for the second time today or anything! No! perfectly good here!Predictably your high levels of anxiety release your smart phone from that increasingly ridiculous inventory system you call a Sylladex. You quickly note that your initial fear you experienced during the strike also managed to lock the game inside a Captchalogue card, only to be released when once again you can experience the joys of nearly soiling your own pants in terror. Thank goodness we noted that so everybody could be clear about what happened.You should probably try calling the fire department before your entire house has burned down.[Ray]::::Unfortunately, someone starts bothering you the very second you try to call the local emergency services. And a good thing to, or you might have done something silly like responsibly responsd to what is clearly a dire situation. [Ray]::::You're really not sure what to think now. On one hand, you can't think of a stupider thing to do than try and play a game while a fire rages. On the other hand, he is your friend, and for all his faults he has never steered you wrong. Maybe he knows something you don't.This game has been surrounded in mystery. No press, no screenshots, just whispered rumors on forums not to be mentioned, and then the mysterious invitation from the boss on the behalf of Lego themselves. But why you? Why any of you? You're still way outside of the demographic of eight to ten year old boys who would be buying this stuff, no matter how childish you try to act. Perhaps...perhaps it will give you a way to solve this.Or perhaps it will provide a wonderful distraction as you burn to death.[???]::::Suddenly, you find yourself through the looking glass. You are now a mysterious individual, doing mysterious things with mysterious motives.Before you lies eight screens. Eight screens, eight players, and eight chances to screw this up.By the looks of it, thanks to these numbskulls you are going to be about as successful as a snowball on a summer day.God you need a drink.[???]: Reveal yourself!You attempt to reveal yourself only to be whisked away to yet another deeply shadowed room containing a strange computer screen, a silhouetted individual and some mysterious motivation and loyalties! You're starting to get a little burned out on mysterious figures sitting in rooms in front of strange computer screens. I mean what is this, the third one in a row? We get it, you're teasing important characters, get over it already! You can't just string a story along like this with teaser after teaser without actually giving some solid content out once and awhile too!After all, you're quite the storyteller. In fact, you could say it's your job to tell stories. Not just any stories though - the best kind of stories, visual ones! If there's someone who better understands how to write a comic you'll eat your hat. In fact, you are working on a new series of comics right now that you just know everyone will love. It's a shame you're so busy, because if you were in charge of certain other comics you might be able to salvage a usable story from that burning heap of wreckage. Not that you're naming names, you're just saying. Oh well. Back to work!
  8. It's too bad I only bought one cake. You guys have to share it.
  9. Tuesday is the same thing as Sunday, right?Right?The flash is FINALLY done, and yes, I VASTLY underestimated the amount of work animating this would take. Please allow me to explain why I am so delayed:On Sunday all art assets were 100% done and I had received the music for the animation from Smeag. I figured that after work, I could bang out the actual animation within a few hours. After all, everything was drawn, it just needed placed, right?Wow, dead wrong.I am still seriously inexperienced with Flash, and it turns out this particular animation really tested my limited knowledge. I lost count of the number of times I crashed the program working through it, but it was in the upwards of forties. Monday night, I had barely gotten halfway through the first "Act" of the animation, which on the storyboard consisted of five total. I knew it was going to be a stretch, but after work Tuesday I thought maybe, maybe I might be able to finish the rest for a late tuesday night update.Dead wrong again.It ended up taking me this many days, one, because I work every single day for about twelve hours before coming home, and thanks to that I could barely manage to finish a half of an act before collapsing in my bed due to exhaustion. This isn't a pity party mind you, I volunteered for all of this, but it's taught me a lesson about overpromising. In any case, this flash isn't perfect, but I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you all enjoy it. Tomorrow there will be more updates, and that's a promise that WILL be kept. Now, to collapse. Peace!
  10. [Andrew]: Say hi to your roommate (quick pause on commands: new character incoming!)
  11. Fridgebot is a wholly unique individual, not some cheap mass-produced robot! I'll have you know if he was still alive he'd take that quite personally.Also, there's like, a thundering t-storm above my house dropping hail and tornado sirens going off. Now, there are some that would consider me quite heroic in my perseverance in trying to finish your update as promised for tonight, but I'm going to guess that at some point tonight I will cowardly be huddling in a bathroom reinforced with 100% drywall and crossed fingers, meaning that this promise is now null and void and has instead been extended to tomorrow. This is all completely legal, read the fine print.in other words, sorry guys, flash tomorrow.
  12. I actually read an interesting expose on something called the hatchet order. It goes a little something like this. You start out with the original, IV, move on to V which gives you the huge reveal and serves as a major downer. Then, you go to II. Why not I? This is why it is called the hatchet method. The article basically explained that there is literally nothing of value in the movie, so it's cut out completely. Just don't watch it. Ever. You see Anakin's fall to darkness and it mirrors what is happening to Luke in such a way that now you can be legitimately worried that he might follow his father's path. It's not just something to build tension, it's a real possibility. Then when you finish II and III, you come back to IV and watch it all come to a big conclusion. Yay!
  13. If only my paltry offerings were anywhere near the level of epic Cascade displayed. Someday!
  14. Holy cow, almost a month without an update? That can't be right. It is right. What the heck were we even doing?? Well, sadly there was some unfortunate occurrences (and some fortunate ones. I scored an internship with a local design firm!) that involved the sort of sad things that happen to friends sometimes. As a general reminder, always remember that you are loved. Yes, you. Everyone has friends and family, someone who cares about them and it may not even be the ones you suspect - sometimes we are bad about letting others know about what is in our hearts, but that means your life may be even more precious than it already is. If you're even considering self harm, please remember that you are not alone, not in any way, and help is out there. With that out of the way, we are pushing forward and making great strides. If you haven't seen it already, you can check out our newest update in GD. Really you can't miss it I had the thing pinned for goodness sakes. What good is bending the rules if you people still don't see it?? But I digress, go check it out for some wild looks at a band most of our member base probably isn't familiar with but should be! Also there's a good bit with some steamy contraband you might like. The next update will be a flash, and unless disaster strikes you can expect to see that sometime Tuesday. I still haven't mastered the mighty speed that Hussie has with the program, but I'm getting better. Then after that we'll finally see the introduction of a promised new character that I was talking about a month (!) ago. I know this hiatus has probably hurt our fanbase, but I hope to regain your love soon. Yes, soon you will all be my fawning fans, my adoring public, sitting pretty inside my fist as I string you along in my insane quest of writing a silly comic on the internet. Will the madness never end? No. No it will not.
  15. I'd like to see bossman Six's glorious chinstrap spinning on its axis forever and ever.
  16. Haha wow, somebody's got an opinion.But yeah, I really do wish people would stop using Cuusoo to push X Brand as Lego. Much prefer the sweet original or historical stuff that's hanging out there in the less voted upon sections.
  17. I did work for school, I worked at my job, I finished a few projects. The exact same things I do when BZP is up. Why do you all have so much dang free time anyway? Get a job ya hippy!and DV, technically -I- bought your Avengers tickets.
  18. [Andrew]: Detect the delicious aroma of some newly cooked french fries
  19. [Andrew]: play that super sweet Atari console
  20. Hand drawn sprite comics!Seriously though, used properly you can produce a ton more content since you have to produce less assets. It's fun!
  21. I support the effort, but I think it's a bit cruel to make anyone think a brick convention is a hot place to meet girls. Trust me, it's not happening
  22. [GP]: Wonder why you have to go to bed at 10 in the morning.
  23. InnerRayg


    I guess there's no chance that cool dude kid's insurance will cover your bike?
  24. Hey I'll send you mine if you send me yours
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