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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. The big guy's birthday is today? Well hot dang let's get the party suits out guys!
  2. [Ray]: Let it sink in. Let it all sink in. Haha. Sink, because you're in the bathroom right? That's a real knees slapper! Between this cornball stuff your subconscious is throwing at you and the high velocity porcelain projectiles your friend is throwing at you, it'll be a miracle if you ever get this cheery smile off your face.[Ray]: Investigate new additions to your houseWell, while you're here, you might as well see what's inside this strange new addition.[Ray]::::Wow. This sure looks complicated! Whoever designed this place must have spent a long time on it.[Ray]: Do science to itThis is how you science right? Touching things and hoping something happens?[Ray]: Move it alongUnfortunately, you heard more than one large 'thump' earlier. You're just betting he placed more than one of these gizmos around here. You leave the bathroom and move to the living room.[Ray]: Press button on mast-thingyNow THIS is more like it! No complicated gizmos or weird intricate machinery. Just a man, a button, and an incurable desire to press it no matter the consequences.[Ray]::::When you press this thing it makes a lot of clunking noises that sound like some kind of gigantic ice dispenser on one of those soda machines. Your gums are already salivating at the thought of enjoying another fresh brew of CANNICUS GENERICUS. You drool a little and don't even care.[Ray]: Release your ANGER!It makes some clunking noises, like it's stuck. Well, only one solution to this obvious problem. Time to punch it![Ray]::::WHY DO YOU KEEP USING THE SAME HAND ARGHHH! !!!![Ray]: Ragequit!You couldn't care less what sort of delightful nectar might be hiding in this couch-massacring device. You're out of here. PEACE.[Ray]::::[Ray]::::
  3. Ray can't fly very well. He keeps flapping his wings but never gets any lift!However I want you to know right now that you've just made something waaaay in the future happen that's gonna be awesome.
  4. Anything that will allow me to create a cool point and click adventure!
  5. Hey there beautiful, what brings you to my little corner of the internet world? Oh, you say you're itchin to do some code huh? Well you're in luck. I've got my eye on some saucy wench who could mix me up a dumbed down version of MNOG. Are you suave enough to handle it?? I'll just bet you are. Seriously though, if you've got an interest in helping me with a neat project and the abilities to do so, please shoot me a message.
  6. You don't realize how long I've waited for someone to start shipping these characters together. You are hereby crowned the first shipmate.
  7. *shrug* a lot of times, I've got an idea of something vague I want to happen (for example, it was always planned Andrew would accidentally delete something that would make Ray mad and also demonstrate what the button did) but I try to leave the specifics to the reader, and sure enough almost every time somebody gives me a suggestion that will gel beautifully. I guess you just happen to have a pretty good sense of where I want to go!Also, glad the response to this has been so huge - this is another one of those things that we've building up to for a long time. Don't worry I'm sure this awesome sequence of events won't be broken up by yet another humdrum character introduction or something stupid like that!
  8. [Andrew]: Deconstitute all the parts of Ray's house that are on fire [Andrew]:::: [Andrew]:::: [Andrew]: Build an aftbricator in the bathroom Yeah, you TOTALLY meant to do that!Have you mentioned that you're not good at video games? [Andrew]:::: Yeah, you TOTALLY meant to do that too!Have you mentioned that you're REALLY not good at video games? Actually, this gives you an idea. [Ray]: Walk out of stupidly easy maze Hey it's not as easy as it looks okay! That bookshelf there is in the way of just going around!You climb over the wall instead. [Ray]: Go to the bathroom. [Ray]:::: You fill up the tub, as requested. [Ray]: Get the sudden urge to moo like a cow. This command makes you suddenly get the urge to force your head into the tub. You barely resist the urge. [Andrew]: Be the hero. [Andrew]:::: [Andrew]:::: [Andrew]: Be an expert at video games You are SUCH the expe-oh come on how did that even happen.
  9. Was I not clear that this retelling is a 100% factual historical record?
  10. [Ray]: attempt to rebuild your helmet You're going to, but before you grab those pieces, you need to give Andrew a PIECE OF YOUR MIND. [Ray]: Eat the pieces. ARGGH. THAT GUY. Okay, come on man, let's caaaalm it down a bit. You look at these weird bricks that appeared. If you're honest with yourself These Lego pieces do look like delicious gummies but you have learned a long time ago what problems sticking pieces of Lego into your various orifices will cause. Instead you reach for them to try and rebuild your beloved helmet.[Ray]::::The pieces disappear when you try to touch them. It seems they were merely a gaming abstraction! Huh. Weird! At least you won't have to worry about stepping on them when it's dark.[Ray]: Build a phaser and set it to stun.Ray can't build anything, he's not the SERVER! Only Andrew can build things right now. There may be a way for you to make some awesome things, but if there is you have not yet discovered it.[Andrew]: Stick the helmet pieces into the piece reclamatory.Ugh! You don't even remember what stupid button was the Piece Restarter or whatever, and even if you did Ray already made the pieces disappear. You hover over one of the dumb buttons and see a bunch of dumb looking gizmos. How dumb!Yeah, you're still pretty angry about Ray's outburst.[Andrew]: Follow instructions and separate your pieces by type.Oh, here's the reclamatory. Looks like you already did that. And by did that you mean let an automatic process take place that does that for you. You also make a note that it appears building the wall earlier has depleted some of your ivory pieces. How observant of you![Andrew]: remember about the fire [Andrew]: Use Constractionate to make Ray's room into a maze You know what? You've had enough of his attitude. You concentrate really hard to try and make a maze to keep him out of your hair while you save his stupid life. You are incredibly successful. [Ray] Bash fists on the wall until something happens. You try to punch the wall down. You are incredibly unsuccessful.
  11. I've actually been waiting for this day the entire time. HURRY HURRY GO GO GO
  12. [Andrew]: Deconstitute the Earth. In your somewhat emotional state, you make an impromptu decision to do a little experimenting, using one of the buttons you clearly don't understand yet on the very planet itself. Even though you don't know what it does, your mastery of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE tells you that it almost definitely won't destroy the world enitrely.Fortunately for you, your headfirst plunge into the realm of rugged cowboy-style empiricism is halted in its crazed gallop by the fact that your cursor can't really select something that large. Instead you just manage to delete a small portion of Idaho that nobody will really miss.[Ray]: Look at screenYou change your viewpoint in an abrupt fashion to check out the incredibly interesting thing happening on your screen. The incredibly interesting same thing that has been happening for the last few minutes. Wow![Ray]: See if BZPstuck is back up.While you're looking at things that haven't changed, you decide to see if your favorite internet forum has come back online.HUH! As yours eyes GLANCE DOWN AT THE DATE, you feel a sense of calm in your heart, because you know that the WEBSITE WILL BE BACK SOON. I mean, how long could a few upgrades take?Okay actually now you're getting pretty angry about this. Maybe you just want to check to see if your comic's gotten a few new replies. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK???[Ray]: Punch computer screen This is exactly why you need to learn to control your emotions. You see what happens when you let out the INNER RAGE??[Andrew]: Click and drag ray into the Constractionate buttonYou're pretty sure this program works by clicking the button then using your cursor, but whatever! You press the CONSTRACTIONATE button.[Andrew]::::uhhhh whoops![Andrew]: Wonder what to do next.Okay you do that...[Andrew]: Do something completely differentOf course! the answer is so simple you're amazed it took any thought at all! The answer is always press different buttons! Move over Bryan, there's a new super sleuth in town.[Andrew]:play dress up with ray and put the master cheif helmet on him.hehe there's no WAY this will fit on his head! Man this is gonna be HILARIOUS![Andrew]: Deconstitute.Guess you know what that button does now! Uh oh, he looks pretty upset.
  13. [Ray]: Feel like somebody's watching you. [Andrew]: Try to wave to Ray through the screen. [Andrew]: CLICK CLICK CLICK! [Andrew]: Well, what are you waiting for push a button.
  15. ^My face when I realized how many months I've been doing this^ So today marks a very significant landmark for me and the silly little webcomic I've been creating for you guys the past...oh...seven months now? (OH GOD seven MONTHS??). The first set of Server/Client pairs is just about to go full steam ahead with this game, and I can tell you guys I'm very excited. We really are moving forward, this is further than I ever dreamed we would get, and now is where it's time to drop all your expectations because things are going to change significantly. Admittedly, I showed a few of my cards already with the reveal of Stardex. I was a little hesitant to actually do it when we did - originally it was more of an End of Act kind of reveal. However, I think now it actually helps by showing exactly how this comic compares and differs with Homestuck - you expected dreamselves and a golden city, but as you'll come to see even these things are very different than what you thought they were going to be. Likewise with this game. I'm excited for you to see it friends, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have making it.
  16. [Audience]: Wish clicking the buttons actually did something[Rayg]: Cry because of the really stupid amount of work it took to do that dumb flash page[Andrew]: Check out Compellania Wall
  17. [Ray]: Return to room, insert disk. You return to your room and proceed to insert the disk into your computer in a completely compliant and non-time wasting way.[Ray]: Install client.Your gaze drifts to the desktop of your computing device...the wallpaper you made with your own hands stares back proudly from it's digital frame. You are really proud of it, and looking at it makes you think back to when you first felt the desire to explore the stars above. It was so long ago....[Ray]: STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH AND JUST INSTALL THE GAME ALREADY.Yeesh! Somebody's a little impatient!Man, this install screen is pretty lame. After all this hype you kind of figured it would be more impressive. [Ray]::::[Ray]::::Just what the heck is this.
  18. Well, that took a dark turn!BZPStuck: LEGO Bricks and fun!But yeah.[Andrew]: Find a pillow for yon slumbering beast
  19. [Ray]: Inspect Package Upon further investigation, the box contains one (1) BROKEN DISK, one (1) UNHARMED DISK, and one (1) INSTRUCTION MANUAL. [Ray]: Inspect ManualPhew! Thank goodness this page is here. You could never have handled assembling this incredibly complex video game without these warnings telling you not to deposit your pieces in a fuzzy snowbank.[Ray]::::Well, this seems preeeeeeeetty complicated, but if you're parsing this correctly you might only need the first disk to start playing![Ray]::::Man this thing has a ton of pages! This sure is going to get complicated fast!
  20. Well, if I can finish what is arguably the best internet fancomic posted on a Bionicle community site ever I think I'll be pretty happy.
  21. [Ray]:::: [Ray]::::[Ray]::::[Ray]::::[Ray]::::[Ray]::::[Ray]::::That's not Fridgebot.[Ray]::::That's your LIL BRO.[Ray]:::: [Ray]: STRIFE!!!! Ordinarily? Yes. Such disregard for your personal property, prompted as it was by similar disregard on your part, is still just begging for some comeuppance. You're gonna have to pass on round two this time though.Annoying as he is, even your bro is willing to forgo SIBLING RIVALRY when it comes to threats to his mortality.[Ray]: Flip out.Yep. That was definitely worthy of congratulations. You're really steaming ahead here, you think. You'll be getting the coveted "Successfully dented in his own head with his palm" award any day now at this rate![Ray]: Give Up.Give up? You're not going to give up...you're just going to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about what you could have done to stop this whole situation from spiraling out of control. You thought this game was going to be your only hope. If only you could find a way to change this. You could have taken on your bro's stupid robot if you hadn't frozen up like that. So many regrets, but there's nothing you can do now. You'll have to teach him a lesson later, but for now you let him slink off into his room to save some of his more precious terrizoids. You'll need to get out of here, right after you let know Andrew what the situation is.
  22. Now you've done it.You've made it my mission to use every single one now.Oh also small update; almost back to taking commands, gimme another day of this "story" stuff.
  23. [brian]: Kiss the Gentleman What's that? What about kissing a gentleman? You're sorry, you thought you were in mortal peril here or something. You'll stop all the presses and get right on this dude kissing right away!Or you would if that wasn't the most ridiculous idea you've heard yet. It's way past time to get this here boat on the road. Your dicking around quotient has filled itself completely. No more distractions. You're installing this game and hopefully saving your home.[Ray]: Check BRO's roomOkay. One last distraction. It's sort of terrifying to think about actually entering the horror show that is your LIL BRO's nest, but your responsibility as an elder sibling means you kind of have to let him know when you're both on the precipice of death itself. Deep breaths Adams, you can do this.And a one, and a two...[Ray]: AHHH!!You stereotypically freak out at the various robotic animal horrors that dwell within, and and then calm down because seriously we've had enough freaking out for the day. Sadly, he is not in his room right now! Just his normal assortment of horrorbots and terrordroids, as well as a lot of half built chassis and a seemingly infinite supply of compressed air, oil, and gasoline needed to fuel these wildly inefficient beasts. Now that you think about it, it could be an explosively bad idea to let the fire reach his room.[Ray]: Inspect Chess SetFrom the corner of your eye, you notice that a piece has been moved on the chessboard. That can only mean he's hiding around here somewhere; the game has begun, and it turns out you were playing before you even knew it.[Ray]: Move PawnKnight to F6. Eat your heart out Bobby Fischer.[Ray]::::Oh. Crud.[Ray]::::[Ray]::::It's Fridgebot. He's back for revenge.[Ray]: Be completely terrifiedYou are completely terrified.[Ray]::::WHOOPS!!
  24. Who the heck is Makaroon?Well, whatever who cares about that guy. It's Bryan's Birthday and he's way more awesome! PARTY HATS FOR ALL!
  25. You stole the glory! I was going to make this topic. In open defiance of your ganking, I will post over the contents of my topic over here anyway even though in this context they clearly make much less sense! SO THERE.Hey guys! Let's all give a hearty happy birthday to Nukaya who has successfully leveled up to a new tier of awesomeness by completing the monumental task of growing yet another year older! She is turning -REDACTED- years old today, and for that she deserves a mighty and boisterous NAK of approval!
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