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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. Frankly, there's not a lot that can be done. The reset was automatically done thanks to the upgrade, and I don't know about you but I don't happen to have a list of the amount of proto every member happened to have beforehand. Unfair or not, it's what happened.
  2. Well my all time favorite employee will always be Steve Witt, but of course there are a couple issues with that, one being he has already joined and well, he technically doesn't work for them anymore!Though we could use a little Kevin Hinkle (SP?) action up in here! He's pretty great, and can draw like a maniac to boot!
  3. That's not really the issue. I don't know if bossman wants the actual numbers bandied about, but the problem is that we no longer use a nice linear scale of 1-10 or something like that. It goes up, then down, then up, and all over the place. It's confusing to ME and I've had it explained. We're just trying to circumvent some unnecessary confusion.
  4. Hannah and her dog Pommes Frites have always been the best of friends - it's not often you find someone who so openly shares your passion for the potato!
  5. At first I thought this was a conversation we had. Then I realized I wasn't your significant other. Then I thought...wait...am I?
  6. An image from the glory days of the might PREDACONS. Andrew's roommate would insist on doing this every show.
  7. I was bored, so I did a thing about a guy you will come to know just a little bit better pretty shortly.
  8. I can barely remember - it's all sort of a haze, but I do have a very strong impression that all the people I met were humongous dorks. ALL OF THEM.
  9. Hmm...how did that get in there.I'm sure it's not relevant.Don't worry.Everything's fine.>>I'll see if I can talk LL into letting us try again....I hope you've all learned a valuable lesson about microwaving beloved pets! (The lesson is it's hilarious and to keep trying).
  10. We're hoping to be back on track again - we've got the next month's overall update in its entirety planned out and assuming more stuff doesn't hit us it should be a great one.[Hannah]: Prepare for battle, wield kitchen artifact.
  11. This is clearly the result of IR's interference with the comic. ###### that author avatar within a comic about an author insert.Just kidding. We've had a collision of issues, some quite personal and it has colluded to create this current unproductivity; stay tuned, we should have new content pretty shortly.
  12. Just as a reminder, works hosted on sites like the one you are using, where comments can be left that could be inappropriate for our member base, are not allowed to be linked to. However, images hosted on these websites are fine and I have gone ahead and relinked all your works so that people can still see the artwork - However you might want to review this, I think I may have linked the wrong one somewhere because the Warrior is shown twice.In any case, I like the artwork, but I think your intricate details, while nice, might be a bit -too- intricate. Or otherwise complicated - for example, on the "Warrior" drawing, the dragon looks great, but the actual diamond scales on his skin are so patterned it actually ends up coming off as unrealistic - on a real lizard's skin the diamonds are not going to be so geometrically aligned, they will curve with the skin and diminish in size as one reaches a transition point to a different type of scale like on the belly. Just stuff to think about.
  13. I dunno about cheap, but Wacom is pretty much the name in tablets these days and who I've been using for lo these many years. The cheapest brand they have is the bamboo - and it's servicable for what it is, but I personally have never liked them. I stick with the Intuos name - it's relatively affordable (about $250 new), and offers the quality I need. That said, if you are looking for something a little leaner in cash you might see if one of the older versions are on sale somewhere - The latest model is the Intuos5, but I frankly would still be using the Intuos3 I bought when I was 18 if I hadn't managed to rip the cord out accidentally. In any case they're all USB devices and compatible with any computing device.
  14. You make me sad for not knowing the answer to this question.
  15. Just go ahead and gonna apologize now for the delay - it's been a crazy week, and with Halo 4 coming out tomorrow I'm not gonna lie to you guys, I'm not going to be updating for a little while yet.
  16. [Hannah]: Give them candles a whiff!Working on a new thing that will give some people who maybe don't want to send commands another way to interact, stay tuned!
  18. Fun fact about this update. When I was working on one particular panel, I had accidentally done some erasing that ended up being hilarious when I colored in the layer behind it. I present to you Adam Savakanak, or alternatively, Louis Ckanakakak.
  19. Please, I've been on that mission for years. Reaching the inner circle means nothing, he still won't trust you with the keys to the website. :(But in all seriousness, I've already gotten so much more out of this website than I could ever have imagined, anything past this point is gravy. Good friends, a loving audience for my comic, and a front seat to some real popcorn-crunching drama.
  20. Yeah, as covered above, in the properly formatted version of the story, each individual "panel" is considered a page. So 500 (or so) panels. As for the longer chatlogs - I don't disagree with you, but some of our actors are a little...verbose. In any case what we are going for is a buildup of inside jokes that you are a part of - the constant misspelling of the word "forgot" as "frogot" is one of the earliest ones, saying "let's get this boat on the road", etc. They're sort of dumb, but over time you should recognize them and feel a little dopamine-led rush of reward for doing so. There are a few inside inside jokes that really only make sense to us (originally this was just a story for me and the people involved after all), but sometimes there's also things that maybe don't make sense, but intentionally so because they are story hooks that once revealed later on will give you that "ooooooh" feeling.That said, I think from now on it's gonna be a rule that we don't do another seven page chatlog like we did earlier.Not that I'm naming any names.Andrew.(love ya buddy!)
  21. Hahahaha. You guys are great.Do I tell you guys I love you enough? Seriously my fans are the best fans. Keep em comin!
  22. Dude, are you telling me there are nights when you DON'T stay up till at least that late working on homework? Schools these days are way too soft.
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