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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. Perhaps it's time we retire this thread, haha.
  2. He knows who the company that hired him to do it was. He knows whether the model is created for movement or if it is just for static images - It doesn't add up.
  3. The fact that he can't go into details tells me it's probably not legit. There's a pretty limited range of companies he could be working for and uses for the model they'd have, and it doesn't seem likely any of them would be gunning for him for releasing info about a 10 year old product release - one of the lead designers from Bionicle has been dropping all sorts of concept work, and nobody's blinked yet.
  4. Haha, interestingly enough I work for a company that does illustrations for self-published books. I hope yours is better than some of the ones I've read, there have been some real stinkers
  5. I agree, skinnier legs really would have helped the insect look. I do like that he has that little antenna proboscis though.
  6. Nothing about it screams rabbit. It really could use like, some big ears, or just a better color scheme that's all white or brown or something. Frankly I clicked the topic because I was utterly bamboozled as to what kind of animal it could be.I don't know enough about the new hero factory construction to say whether it's technically well built or not, but it certainly looks pretty solid. I like the little robo finger bits used on the chest, they seem unique.
  7. I'm just utterly flabbergasted the skunk guy is a real minifigure. I mean there's no way I don't own him out of sheer hilarity but at the same time who was the guy that decided the animal they absolutely needed was a skunk.
  8. Just a heads up, I got slammed with two art jobs so you won't be seeing anything here till the 5th. Sorry for that folks.
  9. InnerRayg

    House Rip Out

    Hey buddy, don't have a dime to my name right now but wishin you the best of luck with all this! I've had to rebuild a house or two in my time, not fun.
  10. Hey kids, just as a heads up we've done a segment for the Powercast - you can check it out Here.If you want to hear me, smeag, nukaya, makaru, and lehvaklah be gigantic nerds for twenty minutes, you. are. in. luck.
  11. InnerRayg


    Hey hey guys, you know how you don't listen to the powercast? WELL GUESS WHAT THAT'S ABOUT TO CHANGE. WE DID A SEGMENT ABOUT BZPSTUCK It features pretty much the most hilarious people on the site, and also I'm there, so that's neat!
  12. InnerRayg


    We are aware, and it is being worked on.
  13. Well, unfortunately you won't be seeing them in this topic...I'm afraid it's time has come. We gotta put 'er down boys...but don't worry. She's my forum, I'll do it pa.
  14. I suppose "Thank you for making the text so much more complete and easier to decipher" would be a more appropriate response, but you forget that you're dealing with nerds here We need to point out at least 4 continuity, grammar, or logic errors per day, or we die of malnutrition. EDIT: I gave in and tried to decode the last panels. The left wall is just the same text as before, nothing new (and unfortunately nothing past the previous cut-off). The right wall, though... either that's the same text reversed, or it's something new. I think I saw the word "EAT" show up a couple of times - although that could also be "THE" backwards. I'm having a really tough time with this one because whole pixels are missing from the letters. I will try again later. Haha let me save you the trouble on that one, nothing new.But in the future I think I'm going to start putting more codes in with different things in them
  15. And for all that, I still don't have a clue what it means. But I feel very accomplished. And nerdy. (By the, it might totally not be called Stardex. All I could make out clearly was S??RD?X, but I filled in some blanks that sounded like they might work.) EDIT: Just spotted some more text on the last two panels. It's really dark and skewed, though... not sure it's even worth translating. If anyone else wants to try, be my guest! Continuity error? I shifted it intentionally in the hopes it would help ;)But yeah, you pretty much figured it out. Don't worry, I'm sure none of its relevant.
  16. I'll go ahead and de-spoil that one, it was originally the word "Darkest" and I guess something got cut off.
  17. Well that's something I didn't in a million years expect to get decoded so quickly. Clearly I need to start putting more secret codes in. You guys are so awesome <3
  18. Technically your definition is correct, but seduction at the very least tends to imply subtlety, and I have to say watching that show it was anything but. "Oh, look at this giant flower that exists for no explicable reason, I'm sure it is completely innocent". My foot. Obviously I'm way outside the demographic Lego is trying to hit with this show, but it had some serious issues when I watched it - first and foremost, the female character cast is non existent. The Eagle girl is definitely portrayed as helpless and the only other girl amongst what appears to be an extremely large cast is a generically evil sibling. The animation was okay, but where it really fell down was in giving things any kind of appropriate weight - the people and vehicles moved like they didn't have any mass. Frankly the story was really disappointing - not because it was bad, but because I actually thought it had some potential at first. Instead of what I was expecting, which was "oh, the crocs are bad because they are", we got one as a main character who is a best friend of the lead, who then is forced into opposition with him because the apparent death of his parents (although frankly having the croc cut that rope was so ridiculous. I don't understand why it couldn't have just snapped on its own.) Then evil sis shows up. Cue eye roll. I did like that at least the crows didn't seem "evil for evil's sake". They just like shiny things, pretty funny stuff.
  19. Woops! Looks like the perspective changed again, right at a dramatically precipitous moment. How does that even keep HAPPENING? Boy I sure hope all these cliffhangers are resolved in a way that is both flashy and exciting. [brian]: Run from this man! [brian]: Don't believe his lies [brian]: Realize this GENTLEMAN isn't (and indeed never) was A MAN; he is an ALIEN FREAK. [brian]: Don't die.
  20. Thanks! I'm trying to improve as best I can with this stuff. Also don't worry, I'm sure that the ensuing rockslide caused by the sudden destabilization of that mesa will in no way be relevant in the near future.
  21. Question the scurrilous owners of this blighted manor and its seedy halls - these underhanded societal climbers must be in cahoots with the bugs!
  22. InnerRayg

    No More Memory

    Well as fun as upgrading computers always is, it never hurts to get more RAM. Also, why not an External Harddrive? Backup some files that you might want to keep but aren't necessarily mission critical.
  23. It really depends on the update. I'll be honest, if it's just me writing and drawing I can have a good five to ten panels done every night no sweat. The delays happen because this is a collaborative effort, and for some reason not everyone is as lucky as I am (read: unemployed) to have so much free time . So if say Makaru's writing an update, he's gotta write what he wants to happen, send it to me, wait for me to finish drawing, then I send it back to him to approve everything, and assuming there are no alterations we then post it. There are rarely no alterations. This process usually takes at least a couple days, but in practice usually ends up being more like a week. Then there are the chatlogs. Oh goodness the chatlogs. They usually take at least a couple hours to get finished, and obviously they have to wait until both parties are available which is often not the case. Then they have to be edited, formatted, and coded for the forums.I do so hate chatlogs.Luckily all these delays do give me time to work on flash animations. That's why there's about to be a pretty big couple of ones all together at once.
  24. five and three, not six and two :/ You'll always be staff...of my heart.Anyway the flash is 100% animated and 66% musicified. Aiming for a tonight posting.[Flash]: GET POSTED SOON.
  25. Well, it is important to clarify that there are two types of characters we are talking about here - Players are like me, Makaru, LehvakLah, and this guy up here ^. Their characters are all either written directly by them or sometimes written by me with their signature of approval - it's roleplaying. Bulltop is based on Black Six, but Black Six is not playing - everything written that is attributed to his character is by me or one of the other story contributors and is not seen by him before it is posted. Now, he does read the comic and he is a good friend of mine IRL so I try to play it somewhat close to his personality, but with the ordinary cartoonish overexaggeration you'd expect of such a silly enterprise.So that's the deal. There's eight total players, six of which are staff and two of which are special guests. HOWEVER, there are other characters you'll be meeting down the road who are based on members, and while it will hopefully become pretty obvious who they are, they won't be directly referenced as that member and that member will have little to no real influence on what happens with the characters.
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