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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. He's not Black Six the administrator of BZPower.He is a fictional character I made who wears a Black Six on his chest whose name sounds a lot like BlackSix the administrator's, and also is probably gone mad with power. Poor guy.Anyway sorry for the delay folks, trying to get a flash to you - hoping it will be up soon.
  3. I'll have to look on in awe at your awesome book my friend...ah, the life of a destitute artist.
  4. No surprise, Hasbro steals Lego's designers, then they steal Lego's business model, now they steal the constraction concept.
  5. It's very possible they are scouting your house for a robbery. Getting the tag numbers is a good idea. Making sure they know you are home when they show up is also a good idea. Even if you aren't, leave a light on or something. It is also very possibly they are just morons who keep turning down the wrong road - I've had that happen to me once.
  6. InnerRayg


    I get it! (I don't get it)
  7. I agree he's pretty sweet too, but unfortunately awesomness cannot overcome the horror of a once dead topic brought back to a grotesque and somewhat stilted life - we at BZP feel that necromancy is not appropriate for our website. Sorry!
  8. [iR]: Stop introducing new characters just when we're getting to know one!You raaaaaang?Come on, that guy was really cool! All brooding and secretive. I mean did you see that room? Those devices are the same ones Ray has! And what about those aliens? Good guys? Bad? Somewhere in between? Shenanigans are afoot I tell you! Shenanigans![iR]: Be ForeshadowSorry! You guys JUUUST missed all this great foreshadowing that was about to happen. Like, jaw-dropping reveals. You would have seen so many jaws getting dropped. You'd need someone to come in and fix your foundation because they really did some serious structural damage when they fell down and ROCKED YOUR WORLD.But no, you want me to go back. okay. You want a cowboy? You got it.Well.Cowgirl.[iR]: STOP!IT'S HANNAH TIME!...badum tisss
  9. I like the drawings, but I have to question why you chose to use a digitally altered photo for Dume's mask? It would have been more stylistically consistent if you had drawn it as well. Compositionally speaking I also have to wonder why you wanted his face centered and colored in unlike anything else - it makes him the focus of the poster, when realistically a wanted poster is going to have its victims as the main subject. If I were you I'd bring the two portraits closer together, and either lose the Dume mask completely or move it to below the portraits so that it's still a component but not the main focus like it is now.
  10. [bulltop]: Figure out a new purpose for your existence.No need. Your old purpose is just fine. As terrible as those freaks are, you don't think you can get this done without them. Just like your friends. And slow as they are, you know in the end they'll do what's needed.There will be serious consequences if they don't.[bulltop]: Dance for us, puppet!You don't...do not dance. You are no puppet.You are the one pulling the strings.[bulltop]::::And as a puppetmaster, it's time for you to start tugging on some cords. You've been nudging things along for some time - like when this girl woke up from a terrible nightmare and needed somebody to comfort her. And to keep her from doing something foolish like telling other people about it. What are friends for, after all?And now another opportunity has presented itself.[bulltop]: Aggravate Ray while he is about to leave into space.You know you'll save yourself and him a lot of headache if you stop him from doing something as ridiculous as calling emergency services while his house burns down instead of using a videogame to stop it like a sensible person.[bulltop]: Ride the broken guitar like a horse and play pretend cowboyNo.You know what? You are officially done being commanded. Everyone is banned from telling you what to do.
  11. [bulltop]: Speak to this man of the really important things. You know, those things.Man? This isn't a man. It's nothing but another disgusting abomination. But if he's here he probably does have something important to say. Or he just wants to stroke his own ego and pretend he's superior to humans. You steel yourself for another tirade when the thing lets you know he's not here to tell you how inferior mankind is for once. Well, okay maybe a little but mostly he just wants to acknowledge your contribution to their latest project. Sure, he did all the tough work building the device, but even he...it...has to admit the software you programmed for the machine is running well. In fact he's absolutely astounded at what such an underevolved ape was able to accomplish - it's nothing short of miraculous, like a chimp with a typewriter drafting up a riveting bardic tale unbidden. Really. No human sarcasm. Not even a little.You let him know you would never accuse him of trying to be human. You assure him he's far too grotesque to ever succeed. You tell him that was human sarcasm.He says ha. ha. human freaking ha.[bulltop]::::As it turns out the Warden suddenly has a lot more to say about humans and their failings. He wants to make sure it is clear your programming skills are not within a galactic radii of his. Of course he could have programmed the HACCINE - he was compiling data when your pitiful species was struggling to crawl out of the ocean. He was just practicing a little xenocharity to make sure you weren't bored. He thinks you really are lucky to have such a selfless BENEFACTOR.For a creepy, amorphous freak without a mouth this guy sure likes to talk a lot.[batknopfler]: Assert Your Authority over this RuffianYou're so sick of this thing running its nasty breathing slits. He would never have even gotten into THE HUB without your help, and he knows it![buttlop]::::Hey Warden.[buttlop]::::Let's see your amazing alien programming skills get you out of this one.[buttlop]::::Poseur
  12. Sure, it's only been just under a YEAR since we started. Wow really a year? GEEZE. Well it's gettin close, so close I can SMELL IT.
  13. But Andrew, I don't have any of those Gaaaaaaaaahhhh
  14. If I were still doing the powercast I would totally do a completely un-ironic cover of this b/c that is just a wonderful idea Hey guess what buddy We got the greenlight on this - ten to fifty minutes of pure gold coverage. Me, you, Bry. Why not sing during?
  15. [bulltop]: Turn on the lights! Your splitting headache says no to that idea. You plan to leave them off until the sweaty construction workers who have decided they need to break ground in your brain stop jackhammering away and call it a night.[bulltop]: Quickly retrieve arms from cratesYour arms are right here.Your manly, bulging, freakishly strong arms.[bulltop]: Pull that tempting lever next to the steering wheelWhy? You've got nowhere to go.[bulltop]::::This entire mechanism is as useless to you as the number 2 in binary.[bulltop]: Rip steering wheel off the wall.Completely useless.[bulltop]: HOLY ####!!!!!!!!!![bulltop]: Remember why everyone calls you 'Bulltop.'They call you that because there would be serious consequences for calling you anything else. As an overly aggressive hulk of a man, You are relatively certain there is no chance anyone would even consider using another name to refer to you.Oops. Your old tattoo is showing.[bulltop]::::Hey, everyone makes mistakes.[bulltop]: Repair guitarAnd this is another one.You've been trying to fix it for a long time.You've been trying to fix all of it.But it's a lot easier to break things then it is to put them back together.[bulltop]: Do nothing of consequenceUsually you are too stubborn to quit. Still, you have been worn down more and more lately. Maybe it's time to sit down...crack open a cold one...and squander more time watching your friends procrastinate.[bulltop]: Squander more timeUnfortunately, your attempts to squander more time have been foiled. An interloper has appeared.The Larcenous Warden demands an audience.[bulltop]::::Is....is it trying to smile?That is incredibly disturbing.and if he's happy, that means somebody else is about to be very unhappy.
  16. Okay it's basically inconceivable that I'm not in the club!
  17. [???]::::[???]: Reveal yourself.You oblige, but only out of a mix of boredom and frustration. You have been staring at these screens for hours. Watching. Waiting. These people have raised procrastination to an art form. It seems they can do nothing but squander your precious time with pointless hijinx and mind numbing interpersonal drama.[???]: Name? You make a point not to give out your name. Safer that way.Your friends call you Bulltop.Your enemies do too.Honestly, you are having a hard time discerning which is which anymore.[bulltop]::::Maybe you need some time away from the monitors. What should you do?
  18. Well we passed a milestone - our first really heavy moment is over with! Hurrah! Now back to the silliness, right? Anyway, we're gonna have a little fun with bossman and then pretty shortly here we'll be having a flurry of activity - the end of the act is within sight, but before that happens you'll be seeing a fun flash with Hannah, some followup on Brian, and just a little "hello" from Ray. Then the end of act flash, which is going to be great, and then Oh right. You all don't know about that. Oh this will be a fun surprise In any case I can guaruntee from here on out, updates will be a lot faster, so buckle your safety belts kids. As a note, I know we didn't get to a lot of suggestions for Hannah this round - but I want you all to know I've got every one saved and will be using them as soon as possible. Don't worry, you have not been passed over. At least not intentionally.
  19. InnerRayg


    The comic has always been great. The problem is with the fandom - trust me, I'm a homestuck hipster, I liked it before it was cool. Just read it and enjoy, and ignore the people attached if you can.
  20. So I don't know if anyone actually wants to do this, but never let it be said that I require the approval of others to make my ideas reality. So ask any of these nerds things. Pretty much everyone's gonna know who everyone is at this point For reference, the list: IrritableRevenant: Ray: Me (??) GlamGuitarist: Andrew: Smeagol4 MoochyMensch: Hannah: LehvakLah TechnicalDropout: Brian: Makaru PassiveInfiltrator: SHOOSHPAP: NAK NAK NAK CardinalPuffin: MINIONS: WHIP WHIP WHIP GraphicalPerfectionist: Totes: Mcgoats WarwornArbalast: WHAT IS BZP???
  21. I may have more insight into it than some, but I'd hardly call myself a participant. Also, I checked your entry like five times yesterday and no one else had commented, so I felt bad. Well, maybe involuntary participant is the right word?
  22. [Hannah]: Find a less creepy way to have flashbacks As far as visual styles for flashbacks go, you find vague references to the Ring are simply the best there is.
  23. I love both of you, but you guys are not the "you guys" I was asking! You're both participants!
  24. Hey, so you know that thing on the internet where cartoon characters answer questions sometimes and everyone has a lot of fun? What if I did something like that with the cast of BZPStuck (and I mean the full cast, not just who has been introduced so far.) I guess what I'm asking is, how much fun on a scale of 1-10 would this be for you guys. And I mean like, you guys the real members not just the people helping me out, much as I love you guys. Also I mean questions about BZP and how stupid those old quote boxes were and fun stuff like that, not necessarily the comic. Also here's a picture I drew.
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