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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. Meet the ALIEN HUNTERSTM. An elite team of figs who are determined to fight the xenomenace wherever it hides! ABE ARIATM is the youngest member of the team, and hes always ready to fly headfirst into action! If his brash attitude gets him in his trouble, his BLASTERAYTM will get him out of it just as fast! His super powered rocketpack is capable of jettisoning him into orbit, where he can take the fight against the aliens into their own backyard. BURT BALLADTM is the muscle of the team, but this giants no dope! When hes not using his bulk to flatten the alien filth in his path, he is studying the best way to develop the latest in SPACE SHIFTTM travel technology. His special lens lets him see parallel dimensions, to find out where the aliens are coming from! GARY GLEETM is anything but - hes never said a word. This silent guardian uses his NEOBLADETM to make his point. This mysterious warrior is totally dedicated to the eradication of any xenoactivity. Just dont get on his bad side, or ###### make sure youre next to get diced! Don DIRGETM is a small package that packs a huge punch. The teams sniper, Don uses his tiny frame to hide and pick off targets from a distance - and hes the most accurate shot there is. Aliens wont stand a chance when his BIOSCOPIC EYETM finds them. Just watch out for his explosive temper - especially if you bring up his height! E-7UDETM is the cybernetic C████████ ███ ███ ALIEN HUNTERTM team. His programming is ██ ██████ the team in their efforts ██ eradicate the █████ menace, in a peaceful ███████ that includes duties as team medic. Programmed ███ loyalty, if you ████ trust E-7UDE, you cant trust anyone. ZIA ZEALTM is a rebellious fighter who knows that the odds are stacked against her. As the only female member of the ALIEN HUNTERTM team, she never allows herself a moment of weakness. She fights twice as hard as her teammates, even dual wielding her trademark ZAPCTIONTM GUNS. She hopes to one day be the leader of the team, and wont let anything get in the way of her ambitions. ABE ARIA, BURT BALLAD, GARY GLEE, DON DIRGE, E-7UDE, ZIA ZEAL and the ALIEN HUNTER brand are registered trademarks of the LEGO/ROYAL MARKETING CONGLOMERATION. Stay tuned for more exciting information about the ALIEN HUNTER team!
  2. [Jen]: Take Puffindoll[Jen]: Examine cool aliens on poster
  3. So we had a pretty big update today. Cool Things are happening!
  4. Oh what is this, a new character? How incorrigible.[Jen]: Contemplate overall superiority of Penguins to Puffins[Jen]: Play with dollhouse[Jen]: Examine rainbow wall[Jen]: Oh Canada!
  5. Just another quick interlude with an old friend here - sorry about the delay getting this to you all, I spent literally a week drawing that lovingly rendered panel at the end.Haha no I didn't but I think it's way more hilarious than the real explanation so I'm stickin to it.Also Ta-Tanic won handily! Congrats, that will be coming up in the comic in a bit. Hopefully this voting is turning into an entertaining way for everyone to participate outside of the commands, since I know there can be something of a gap between submission and my actual use of a lot of them.
  6. [Ray]: STRIFE?It's impossible to STRIFE because your TOOL CACHE has sadly been completely emptied. You've got no writing utensils left to fight with whatsoever, leaving you completely defenseless.You're also paralyzed with fear, but that's just a side note.[Ray]: attempt to aquire Tahusprite's Kanohi HauYou consider yelling to Tahusprite for help but abstain - for one thing, he just said he was powerless. For another you're still too stubborn to ask that jerksprite for help.[Ray]: Hop onto the tank and open fire on your attacker.Yes! Of course! At the last second you pull out your secret PENGUINATOR - the secondary function of your beloved childhood toy that is only to be used in the worst of emergency situations. His BEAK OF JUSTICE is more than enough to decimate even the worst of foes - and it will certainly be more than enough to finish off this ruffian once and for all! You feel a rush of excitement as your once terrifying foe is reduced to ashes, and are shocked to then see scantily clad, cake-laden maidens springing forth from the secondary hatch of your tank. You and your new found friends join together in revelry and delight - but suddenly in a most SHOCKING TURN OF EVENTS your throat is obstructed by a PREPOSTEROUSLY LARGE SLICE OF CAKE. Your friends gather and mourn as their joy turns to sorrow in this celebration turned wake. Ashes to ashes, bikini to cake slice.[Ray]::::You hope somebody tells people that's how it went at your funeral anyway.[Ray]::::It's a shame, you really were looking forward to being alive.[Ray]::::Sadly, BUDDYBOT has other plans, and there's nothing you can do.Except...[Ray]: Get out of it. You escape using the only method you can - the somewhat tricky and frequently denigrated PERSPECTASWITCH. Who could you be now? Who, who, who?
  7. Wait, I've never seen your underwear drawer. HAVE YOU BEEN HOLDING OUT ON ME.
  9. [Ray]: Find the nearest weapon and defend yourselfAnd why would you need to do tha-[Ray]: Note broken caution tapeOh good god the basement door's been opened.[Ray]: Turn around slowlyMaybe it's nothing. Maybe it isn't RIGHT BEHIND YOU, waiting patiently to DO UNSPEAKABLE THINGS. Yes, you are very sure of that. You'll just turn around slowly and everything will be perfectly fine. Haha what mindless killing machine! HAHAHAHAHAHA![Ray]: Keep denying.Nope! Nothing to worry about here! Your funeral arrangements will have to wait another day because boy are you safe. You couldn't be safer if you were a fine china vase made of egg shells wrapped in a metric ton of bubble wrap. Go ahead and try to drop you, ain't nothin gonna break this egg![Ray]::::Perfectly....safe?[Ray]::::AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
  10. Alas, FIAR TRUCK will have to be for another day. I assure I have been flogged many times for my mistake.
  11. You haven't watched the 3 previous films recently, have you. They're anything but good.
  12. I am deeply ashamed that I didn't think of that.
  13. Yep, waaay too floaty. I lost count of what level was what, but the tetris one was really cool, and way more unique than the rest of it. If you want this to be a super meat boy esque game, which is how it plays right now, you really need to make those controls tighter and faster.
  14. InnerRayg


    Not to spoil anything, but a certain sweet new ride for Ray demands christening! Help choose the name from our fine selection, and the winner shall forever be enshrined on its hull.
  15. Thanks again to everyone for sticking with us this far - This is the 800...ish post, and so we have another little poll up for you! If you've read the update, you've seen Ray's got a pretty slick little ride...BUT WHAT SHALL WE CALL IT?We've put our best minds on the job of coming up with some great choices for you - so vote away! We'll close this one this weekend.
  16. [Maddison]: Be the guy in SPACE!You're now the guy in space. Alone in an incomprehensibly vast system of orbiting bodies and intergalactic phenomena, a mysterious void of cold whispers between the stars illuminating a nihilistic path of introspection whose only logical conclusion is one's own utter insignificance. It's like being a speck of sand sitting on a beach, waiting to be crushed by an ocean so large avoiding its grandeur would be the ultimate effort in futility.You have never been so happy.[Ray]: SPAAAAAAAACEYes. Space. The finalest frontier. Lifelong dream sure, but you've already spent too much time thinking of increasingly complex metaphors for GEE, SPACE SURE IS BIG. Time to get a move on.After all, your Lil Bro will want to see this.[Ray]: Have Tahusprite make the fire go awayYou are confident all the fires have been extinguished by the unforgiving vacuum of spaaaaaaaace.[Ray]: Attempt to captchalogue Tahusprite [Ray]: What?[Ray]: Stick your head out of the windowYou decide to not stick your head out of the window because you aren't an cool dude.What could be so interesting to see out there anyway? You can view the wonders of the cosmos perfectly fine from INSIDE the window.[Ray]:::: [Ray]:::: [Ray]::::[Ray]: Trip over a robotYou successfully trip over a robot. This is your greatest achievement thus far.[Ray]::::Well THANKS AGAIN BRO. It sure is nice having all these giant toasters under foot! Funny's funny but this has gone on long enough. Who does he think he is, stacking these ironstrocities akimbo like this? Must be some sick mind game - make robots out of things Ray likes, then use them to cause him constant pain and annoyance. What a ######! Your remorse has officially left the building. He deserved a good kick in the pants. Discipline is important for a growing boy after all. Lots and lots of discipline.[Ray]::::You're pretty sure he hasn't had nearly enough yet.
  17. Well that was delightful. This set looks infinitely less dumb than what I originally perceived. It's darn right...cool.
  18. Well this single will be hard to top! I hope that's not a problem for you!
  19. I'm sorry, but these choices really seem strange - if you're going to spend this money, you should go for something as iconic as possible, no? Why of all the options is a rubbish combiner from 2010 on your list? Or a side character from 2007? Makuta's a little more defensible but I think if you're going to be spending money like this, especially other people's money, you should give them better options :/
  20. Rest In Peace In Peace? Is that like an ATM Machine?
  21. [Maddison]: Add Sigma lens to your TOOL CACHE [Maddison]: Captchalogue Trophy [Maddison]: Open that box! [Maddison]: Contact MM
  22. I always hated...............YOU and by hate i mean love anyway when are you gonna update the bzpstuck banner you hack Refresh your cache you dork, it's been updated since last night.
  23. InnerRayg


    Every penny counts.
  24. InnerRayg

    Goodbye, Greg

    Maybe it is, but your chickens are still being counted before they've hatched. Even I don't really know what's going on. Just a bunch of eggs.
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