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Everything posted by InnerRayg

  1. Flash FireCharacter Design ContestHere we are... it's the one and only round for the Flash Fire Character Design contest, for the characters Jaller or TakuaYou've got a choice here, and you only get one vote, so make sure to carefully consider which one you prefer. You CANNOT take back a vote once it has been cast, and likewise viewing the poll results without voting will make your vote null.Voting begins July 23rd, and will end July 25th at 11:59 PM CST. The winning results will be posted in another topic.BZP Rules and Guidelines---------------------------------------------------------1. >>>> Entry 1---------------------------------------------------------2. >>>> Entry 2---------------------------------------------------------3. >>>> Entry 3---------------------------------------------------------4. >>>> Entry 4---------------------------------------------------------5. >>>> Entry 5---------------------------------------------------------6. >>>> Entry 6---------------------------------------------------------7. >>>> Entry 7---------------------------------------------------------8. >>>> Entry 8---------------------------------------------------------9. >>>> Entry 9---------------------------------------------------------10. >>>> Entry 10---------------------------------------------------------11. >>>> Entry 11---------------------------------------------------------12.>>>> Entry 12---------------------------------------------------------13.>>>> Entry 13---------------------------------------------------------
  2. Flash FireCharacter Design ContestHere we are... it's the one and only round for the Flash Fire Character Design contest, for the character VakamaYou've got a choice here, and you only get one vote, so make sure to carefully consider which one you prefer. You CANNOT take back a vote once it has been cast, and likewise viewing the poll results without voting will make your vote null.Voting begins July 23rd, and will end July 25th at 11:59 PM CST. The winning results will be posted in another topic.BZP Rules and Guidelines---------------------------------------------------------1. >>>> Entry 1---------------------------------------------------------2. >>>> Entry 2---------------------------------------------------------3. >>>> Entry 3---------------------------------------------------------4. >>>> Entry 4---------------------------------------------------------5. >>>> Entry 5---------------------------------------------------------6. >>>> Entry 6---------------------------------------------------------7. >>>> Entry 7---------------------------------------------------------8. >>>> Entry 8---------------------------------------------------------9. >>>> Entry 9---------------------------------------------------------10. >>>> Entry 10---------------------------------------------------------11. >>>> Entry 11---------------------------------------------------------12.>>>> Entry 12---------------------------------------------------------13.>>>> Entry 13---------------------------------------------------------14.>>>> Entry 14---------------------------------------------------------15.>>>> Entry 15---------------------------------------------------------
  3. Flash FireCharacter Design ContestHere we are... it's the one and only round for the Flash Fire Character Design contest, for the character TahuYou've got a choice here, and you only get one vote, so make sure to carefully consider which one you prefer. You CANNOT take back a vote once it has been cast, and likewise viewing the poll results without voting will make your vote null.Voting begins July 23rd, and will end July 25th at 11:59 PM CST. The winning results will be posted in another topic.BZP Rules and Guidelines---------------------------------------------------------1. >>>> Entry 1---------------------------------------------------------2. >>>> Entry 2---------------------------------------------------------3. >>>> Entry 3---------------------------------------------------------4. >>>> Entry 4---------------------------------------------------------5. >>>> Entry 5---------------------------------------------------------6. >>>> Entry 6---------------------------------------------------------7. >>>> Entry 7---------------------------------------------------------8. >>>> Entry 8---------------------------------------------------------9. >>>> Entry 9---------------------------------------------------------10. >>>> Entry 10---------------------------------------------------------11. >>>> Entry 11---------------------------------------------------------12. >>>> Entry 12---------------------------------------------------------13. >>>> Entry 13---------------------------------------------------------14. >>>> Entry 14---------------------------------------------------------15. >>>> Entry 15---------------------------------------------------------16. >>>> Entry 16---------------------------------------------------------
  4. Congratulations guys, you've all done wonderfully! Polls are NOW OPEN!
  5. Awesome, awesome stuff guys! We've still got one hour, so for all your serial procrastinators, NOW is the time to get entering!
  6. Sorry Biocryptid, but the rules were pretty explicit about it being Matoran Jaller. Sorry!As for everyone else, good job and keep them coming, you still have two hours to enter!
  7. You haven't missed out! The contest isn't closed until midnight tonight, CST. So get entering guys, you still have time, and good luck! Polls open either tomorrow or tuesday, whenever I can get to it.
  8. They all look great guys, adding it to the list asap. Just two more days!
  9. It'll start sometime on the 22nd and last for three days. We don't have much time before Brickfair, and if I don't get it done before then there's no way I get them printed out and cut.Click - a small lava wave would probably be ok. It doesn't need to be something incredibly out of the box, I'm looking for a pretty specific thing here.
  10. InnerRayg


    I dunno. I think it needs some wings.
  11. It wouldn't count as a background, but it's pretty outside of what I'm asking for. I just want Tahu.
  12. DV's pretty much the choicest bro a bro could have. Anyone who says different has no idea what they're talking about
  13. Like I said, if your scanner's settings are at the right resolution it will be an adequate size. Just do your drawing and if there's an issue later on I'll work on it with you.
  14. 1 and 2 are kind of the same question - basically the answer is that a normal person should be able to recognize the character as Tahu. There's no hard limit, it's just a common sense kind of thing. If I look at it and can't recognize it as the Toa of Fire, then we've got a problem. For 3, I would say they need to be interacting with the object in some way. Otherwise it is just background. For example, holding a staff or a mask would be fine, just having one laying on the side for no reason is kind of silly. Check your settings - if it is six inches tall and you are scanning at 150 DPI it should be the right size. You can of course make a smaller version just to show off in your contest topic, but the final submission needs to be a printable size.
  15. Alright, I think the list is updated, let me know if I missed anyone.
  16. Well, unless you're my Tyler Durden I doubt it!
  17. They need to be separate files, yes. There's rarely a reason to go over 300 for printing, and this is no exception. 150 will work just fine.
  18. Cool, list is updated.As a reminder, just to keep the forums nice and neat I've asked that you only make one topic for this contest and put all entries into it - I went ahead and merged your two for you. Thanks!
  19. I'm confused. It looks like in the pictures his arms come to about the middle of his thigh - this would be basically perfect human proportion. Are the pictures misleading or am I missing something.
  20. No, not quite. Images on a digital screen work in DPI, or dots per inch. This is the resolution of the image, and for web purposes most images are about 72 DPI, which means if you measured it at actual size there would be 72 printed dots for every inch. This is fine for screen purposes but when you print something like that it becomes very ugly very fast. What's happening when you resize an image in say photoshop or another program is that it is resampling the image - that is, it is increasing the resolution without actually increasing the information. So it will add more dots, but it will use a formula to calculate what color these new dots are based on the ones around it. Not surprisingly, a computer isn't really very good at this and the more you do it, the uglier and uglier the final image will become. Mottled, artifacts, color splotches, etc etc. Long story short, you need more dots in the original illustration so that you can print it out without asking the computer to make up what they look like. To get the needed dots, you have to do it at actual size (or larger, but that's another topic).TLDR; no, because I want these to look good, and resizing stuff larger never looks good.Entry topic is updating momentarily, thanks guys, so far these are looking good. Toa Kayn, if you would it'd help if you can just make a new post when you get the others up - I probably won't be checking the old posts for edits.
  21. List is updated - I was sort of on the fence with your entry Fsnorglepuff, but in the end I did say any medium. For future reference any photography used in entries is going to need heavy editing to be applicable though - this is not intended to be a MOCing competition.
  22. You can draw only one if you want. Actually that sort of thing would be pretty helpful to me in making these standees. I think the rocks would make more sense than the smoke though.
  23. You need to have created all of the artwork. Using other people's work isn't going to cut it.
  24. Go ahead, but if you can find a scanner it would be much preferred. Just send me a message and we'll see.Good question on the Exo-Toa, but I'm going to say no simply because if you drew him in that to scale, it would be taller than the backdrop
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