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Status Updates posted by VampireBohrok

  1. Oh hey, happy birthday.

  2. oh hey


    im takling to yuo in a comment box

  3. Oh lol, I don't mind.

    And thanks :>

  4. Oh lol, I don't mind.

    I'm fine, thanks for asking. School begins in a couple of days, so I'm not too thrilled about that though.

  5. oh man the squiddles <.>

    And I haven't read Problem Sleuth yet... Perhaps I should.

  6. Oh no, they're one of the most common birds in Sweden.

  7. Oh yeah, I love movies like that. I saw one yesterday called 'Knowing' with Nicholas Cage. Have you seen it?

  8. Oh, absolutely not.

    But yeah, I guess it sounded like I was bout to... :P

    What I meant is that I'll hace the Ignika icon beneath my member information before I leave here, and that'll take a great while. I probably won't leave when I've gotten the Ignika either.

  9. Oh, I noticed that you're still using the banner I made for you back then. If you want to, I could do a remake of it.

  10. Oh, I see.

    Well, the fact that I don't remember every quote from the movie proves that I have to see it again. :P

  11. Oh, I'm afraid you're horribly mistaken.

    Well, uh, maybe not.

    In any case, I'm returning the favor.^^

  12. Oh, I'm fine. Thanks. I'm making an entry for Primus' blog contest... And some other stuff as well, not much else going on.


  13. Oh, right, Dark Crystal.

    I held that movie the other day thinking "Should I buy it?", but I didn't.

    Other movies that I like...

    Well, 'Nightmare Before Christmas' is one of my favs. 'Laputa' and 'Monty python and the Holy Grail' are also movies that i can watch again and again without getting tired. :P

  14. Oh, yeah... Crudelious, WHAT are you doing??


  15. Oh, yes, Nightmare is one of my favourite bosses.^^

    It's shading makes it look awfully sinister, and the background is quite disturbing too with all of that twisted machinery...

  16. Oh?

    Though maybe becoming staff has instant effects? This needs to be examined.


  17. Oh. Well, neither is mine. =P

  18. OK so apparently Karkat is open. I think I'm just going to take the chance while it lasts.

  19. okay I just have to acknowledge how great that Infection avatar/banner combination is

    1. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      many thanks


      I see you're a fan of Chimaira, In Flames, and Soilwork as well? fantastic bands, all three.

  20. Okay, no problem. :P

    Also, this is my third year on BZP! Whoo!



  22. Osnap

    you mean

    it's been there all along


  24. Post more MOCs. NAO!


    Seriously, I kinda miss you in the BBC.

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