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Ayel Hyland

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Status Updates posted by Ayel Hyland

  1. Looks like the comments were left un-touched by the accident.

  2. Quoting you from over 2 months ago: "Dude! My PM! Can you reply?" ...Please?

  3. Well, have you considered an alternative?

  4. I have a Wii as well. My internet, for reasons unknown, will not let me do anything on it, though.

  5. Have you seen my sound suggestion on the RMV page?

  6. Everyone, please quit bothering Wisey. If he's not in to Bionicle anymore, that's that. You can't make someone like something. His comics were indeed funny, but if he doesn't want to make more, then that's that.

  7. Um... I'm sorry. I was just trying to avoid using initials when I refer to VakamaTK...

  8. It'd be kind of bad if you didn't agree with yourself. :P

  9. ZOMBIE!! OEZ NOZ!11!1!!1one!!1!1 (J/k)

  10. Turakii can't make blog entries out of nowhere. She has to have a good idea. And it has to be about something she knows about, so these Pizza-Doughnuts are out of the question. Plus, asking here to make one can count as spam.

  11. Well, now that the Batfab is over...


  12. Happy (Belated) Birthday, VakamaTK! Hope it was great!

  13. Wait a minute... Clowns saying boo and elephants surrounding the kid, who is unable to rant about Heffalumps...

    Would that be his worst nightmare?

  14. These staff pranks seem to make the admins a little crazy. (No offense. We're all crazy, but some are more crazy than others.)

  15. A MONTH?!? (J/k)

    Oh, and more staff pranks. :P

  16. I have a feeling I know what he says when you say "elephants." But what does he say when you say "boo?"

  17. VTK, haven't you learned not to mention circus music to Gerlicky? (I know he isn't the one who says it, but he's likely to quote it...)

  18. What part of "quit harassing Superkid11" don't you understand?!?

    Please stop it!

  19. *To be said to the tune of Beethoven's 5th*

    Poke Poke poke POKE!

  20. *pokes*

    What else is there to say?

  21. Why did make Don'tFlashtheOctopus (odd name, btw) sad?

  22. Hello there. How are you?

  23. ...I can't think of anything else to say. :P (There really isn't one food way to respond to that.)

  24. Okay.

    So, have you ever made a human character a Bionicle character before?

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