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That Darned Chinchou

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Blog Comments posted by That Darned Chinchou

  1. Well, your choice of final pokemon ultimately depends on your personal preference for them. You could get a ton of good recommendations, but unless you like one or more, then you have a problem.


    I'd say to narrow it down by eliminating all pokemon which you already have a type of from your potential list, then figure out which pokemon suits both your elements required and your personal opinions.


    Team 1 Suggestions:

    Trapinch (Flygon more accurately, I don't think you want a Trapinch as a member on it's own :P) (Ground/Dragon)

    Turtwig (Torterra) (Grass/Ground)

    Gastly (Gengar) (Ghost/Poison)

    Snorunt (Glalie or Frostlass, both are cool) (Ice) or (Ice/Ghost), respectively

    Snover (Abomasnow) (Grass/Ice)

    Sneasel (Weavile) (Dark/Ice)


    Quite well-balanced as-is, but certainly adding a sixth will not harm your team :P


    Team 2 Suggestions

    Chimchar (Monferno) (Fire/Fighting)

    Chikorita (Meganium) (Grass)

    Treecko (Sceptile) (Grass)

    Abra (Alakazam) (Psychic) (I really recommend this one. High Special attack and a massive movepool, Alakazam is not one to mess with)

    Beldum (Metagross) (Steel/Psychic)

    Aron (Aggron) (Steel/Rock)



    I'm seeing a lack of a solution to you fighting a water type as Troy, so you may wanna fix it.


    I have nothing to say about Team 3, partually because you have your own ideas already and partially because of our discussion we had on this topic :P


    I don't know the Gen 5 pokemon, so I've skipped over those. (Stupid, but I can't go researching them at a whim, there's too many @_@)



    EDIT: Long comment is long. Seriously, this is the longest post I've made on a blog, ever.

  2. I notice you already have a huge Banner Marionette....


    Yeah, the new sigs, although convenient, are TOO big.

    I must be frank, well done to your first poster (Yes, YOU Marion) for converting me. If they had made the banners SLIGHTLY bigger, I'd approve.

    That...that's just insanity.

  3. It's a bit late, but I'll add my profile here for simplicity...


    Username: Shadok

    Name: Michael Ray

    Faction: Team Liberty

    Hometown: Solaceon Town

    Age: 16

    Appearance: Michael is of average build, slightly small for his age, with brown hair. He wears a simple black T-shirt and jeans combination. For the colder areas of Sinnoh, he also has a brown hooded jacket. Slung over his back is a simple Sinnoh-type backpack to store items and pokeballs. On his wrist is a well-used poketch which he recieved a year ago.

    Personality: Michael is confident in his skills. He is aware that his partners aren't as strong as other trainers, but is determind to prove that he can become equal to other trainers. He has an extensive knowledge of pokemon thanks to his spending time with his grandparents, known as the daycare couple, and helping them with their duties.

    Background: Michael spent most of his life in his hometown, Solaceon. Despite this, he always had a facination with Pokemon, even as a young child. As he grew up, his facination grew into a love for the creatures, never considering them to be pets or animals, but people. When he found out what team Rocket had been doing to Pokemon, he sought out Team Liberty to oppose the cruelty of the Rockets. Once the Rockets have been removed from power, he hopes to take over from his Grandparents as the daycare person and help Pokemon who suffered at the hands of the Rockets.

    Pokémon: Tion (Male Ralts), Hax (Porygon)



    Species: Ralts

    Nickname: Tion

    Trainer: Michael

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Tion's Horn is a bluish colour, rather than the normal red colour of a Ralts.

    Personality: Tion is an extremely caring and cautious Pokemon. He will often defeat a Pokemon for Michael, then turn back and make sure that it wasn't too badly injured. Since he was Michael's first Pokemon, hatched from an unwanted egg a trainer left, he is strongly attached to his trainer.

    Ability: Trace

    Specialty: Tion, like all Psychic types, can take a large amount of special attacks and fire them back, but he cannot take more than a few physical attacks.

    Known moves: Confusion, Teleport, Double team, Growl, Lucky Chant and Magical Leaf.



    Species: Porygon

    Nickname: Hax

    Trainer: Michael

    Gender: Neutral (Acts Male)

    Appearance: Hax has a "scar" running down his left eye, which is in truth a slight bug in his programming.

    Personality: Hax is a Stubborn and Headstrong Pokemon. This is in contrast to his calmer "Brother" Tion, who grew up alongside him. Hax was obtained when a trainer who hatched him handed him back for being "Damaged". Ever since, he has been determind to never give Michael a reason to no-longer want him.

    Ability: Download

    Specialty: Hax has a larger pool of energy when it comes to blasting his foes with Special attacks, similar to Tion. However, unlike normal special attackers, Hax can block physical attacks against him, although he gained this at the cost of being rather weak to receiving Special attacks.

    Known Moves: Tackle, Sharpen, Conversion, Conversion 2, Psybeam and Recover.



    Species: Treecko

    Nickname: Gecka

    Trainer: Michael Ray

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Geka has a small leaf-like appendage on her head which resembles a small ponytail, in addition to the normal Treecko appearance.

    Personality: Geka is extremely hyperactive. She will often be found jumping on whatever she can reach fastest when left to her own devices. Her hyperactivity also causes her to accidently break things, although she is a good pokemon at heart.

    Ability: Overgrow

    Specialty: Geka loves to run and jump around a lot. As a result, she moves very quickly in battles, although this is at the price of being weaker when it comes to taking blows.

    Known Moves: Pound, Leer, Absorb, Quick attack, Pursuit and Screech



    Nickname: Gab

    Species: Gibble

    Trainer: Michael Ray

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Gab's stripes are the same red as her belly instead of blue.

    Personality: Gab is extremely clingy, due to it's status as a hatched pokemon. When around Michael, she is very innocent and soft. However, she is extremely bossy and aggressive the moment he turns his back.

    Ability: Sand Veil

    Specialty: Gab is extremely offensive, being very willing to dish out damage to her foes. However, she is not so good when Karma shows up.

    Known Moves: Tackle, Sand attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, DragonBreath (egg move), and Thrash (egg move)

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