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Status Updates posted by Sybre

  1. Haven't talked to you since the original SybreNetX! How's it been?

  2. Your avatar scares me. A lot. Seriously, what kinduva thing IS that?!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      *insert Mad World playing from some ethereal realm*

    3. Sybre


      No amount of straitjackets can hold the terror.

    4. Ghidora131


      By the name of... (spotlight shines down) ME!!!

  3. I see you like Dragon Ball! That's great! Who's your favorite character?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      Wow, sounds intriguing. How's the song itself?

    3. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      It's pretty good, you should try it.

    4. Sybre


      I did. Sounded weird, but I didn't hate it at all! :)

  4. What's your favorite Rise Against song? Mine's Satellite. That song is BOSS!

    1. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Injection. Love it to my heart.

    2. Sybre


      I'll give it a try, my good man!

    3. Sybre


      I tried Injection. I liked the chorus the best.

  5. What if Sonic had a Broly of his own? That'd be creepy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      But Metal Sonic's nowhere near as insane!


      I've realized something here. Shadow is Vegeta, Tails is Krillin, Knuckles is Piccolo, Amy is Chi-Chi, Silver is Future Trunks, Scourge is Turles, and Sonic is obvious. Ever saw that before?

    3. JiMing


      I beg to differ. In Sonic Heroes, Metal Sonic constantly switched from believing he was the real Sonic to being a robotic copy of him.


      Well, they all fit the same types of character roles. Not too surprising. Though they all differ slightly in personality and are much different in traits.

    4. Sybre


      And I beat Sonic Heroes! How'd I forget that!?


      And Werehog is like Great Ape, in a way. But the characters can't be identical, I know. But its still a cool fact for fans of both DBZ and Sonic!

  6. I think I might temporarily leave BZPower in a few days.

    1. JiMing


      Well then. I hope to see you soon!

    2. -Windrider-


      It's all right to take some time away every now and then.

    3. Sybre


      Well, it won't be right now. JiMing, I'll still be around for our text-RPG! Kinda brought the spark back.

  7. Oh no. I'm getting bored of BZPower! My worst fear has been realized!

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD
    2. Sybre


      That's part of it, Gigs. That's part of it. :(

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
  8. I got diamonds in Minecraft. My first diamonds. They cost my sanity, but the 7 diamonds and making it back alive was worth it.

    1. Meiko


      The first diamonds are always the hardest to determine what to do with, since you don't know what to use them for. :P

    2. Sybre


      I made a diamond sword and framed it! Now I have 5 diamonds left. Maybe if I acquire more diamonds, I can make better decisions!

    3. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      I've got an ore quarry going. I find gold, emeralds, and redstone like you have never seen. I used the gold to build a tower of pimps. I also find plenty of diamonds.

  9. Alright, I think you can be a PGS.

    1. phinto
    2. Sybre


      No prob. I'll just be the 7th Toa.

  10. I think Sonic.exe may have been responsible for the recent forum crash!

    1. JiMing


      No, he wasn't. I won't mention who was responsible though.

    2. Sybre


      Well, it was just a guess, you know? I think he was actually in my house one night, watching me derp around on the computer at 11 PM. It was hard to look over my own shoulder to check.

  11. Discovering BIONICLE after a car accident? Looks like Nuju's destiny was lightening your spirit! :)

    1. Voxumo


      um... Ok not quite understanding the nuju's destiny bit but thanks.. And yeah it was nice getting the Nui-rama set for christmas considering the accident happened on christmas eve

    2. Sybre


      Thought that was on your profile earlier today... You know, Toa turn into Turaga when they fulfill their destiny.

  12. Hey guys, would it be funny if I did a Sailor Moon/Sybre name for my next display name?

  13. Sorry, guys, I don't think I can get Halloween specials in today. :(

  14. You know what else is fab? That fat, ugly lady down the street.

  15. Last night, I went to a Halloween party dressed as the teenage version of the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. I met the Fourth Doctor and it was awesome.

  16. Google "This World of Absolution". You'll be treated to a cool remix that's really a fusion of three Sonic songs.

  17. Your avatar is beautiful. Just plain beautiful.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jinkmeister


      That's totally up to you!

    3. Sybre


      Iod, cuz I need to find the pancakes. They were only spoken of in legends, after all.

    4. Sybre
  18. Anybody ever heard the song Dragostea Din Tei (aka Numa Numa)? If not, look it up. It's such a great song!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      Yes! Your awesomeness just doubled!!!

    3. -Windrider-


      There used to be a sig fad on BZP, and this was in, what, 2004? 2005? Someone created this Flash object that was a red button that, when clicked, started playing that song. -Everyone- had it in their sigs. Of course, it got banned pretty quickly. :P

    4. Sybre


      Aw, man. I'd kill to be around for that! If only...

  19. New filler in Sonic: Pure Chaos!

  20. Darnit, the SNX reboot is basically ready, but it just needs a name. And I start school in less than a week! I guess I should wait...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      Perhaps... Or SNX Era. I dunno.

    3. JiMing


      Hey, judging from your avatar, the series is tri-shaded. I don't have tri-shaded Razor, so what should I do?

    4. Sybre


      Actually, that's just X and two more characters. Even though I do have tri-shade and even six-shade razor, I'm sticking with the bi-shaded classic, so you're just fine. Make a bi-shaded sprite sheet. Anyone that's tri-shaded in the series is just their armor. You're good. Carry on.

  21. Dude, I just had a dream where you somehow knew my phone number and called me. I don't know how I knew it was you. Maybe it was because the name you used was Logan.

  22. New comic in Sonic: Pure Chaos!

  23. Could someone give me advice? I found a cool comic background set on Brickshelf that was made by an inactive BZPower member. I want to use the backgrounds, but I want permission even more. But he wasn't on BZPower since 2009, so should I just give credit to him?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      Well, okay. I'll wait and see if someone else wants to add to this.

    3. Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      yeah, that's what I would do.

    4. Sybre


      Well, okay, then!

  24. In this avatar presenting a fight of 4 shown tonight, you will see a sneak peek of the shenanigans featured in the SNX reboot! Here, SybreX is fighting Sailor Jupiter while Sybre is about to be attacked by Geist Stiel. If you want the image larger, ask me about it.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Sybre


      I have to get it in September because I'm saving $20 for a LEGOLAND trip. I'll see what I can do.

    3. JiMing


      Okay. If you do get it, I recommend you use the GameCube controller with it, as I found it to be more comfortable than the Wiimote-Nunchuck combo.

    4. Sybre


      I don't have one, but I do have a Classic Wii controller!

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