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Everything posted by ~ShadowBolt~

  1. Start a coin collection or look on Wikipedia... You will never get bored if you do one of the two. ~SB~
  2. Today, my homeroom teacher gave me his collection of Wheaties boxes. Y'know, the ones with sports players on them...? Anyways, I'm glad to have them and I hope to sell them either on eBay or keep them? Also, does anybody know of any websites that have the prices for Wheaties boxes? By the way, the ones my teacher gave me were collector ones and some of them were valuable. ~SB~
  3. Really? That seems young to you? The normal age seems to me as anywhere from 3-7 years old... :-p

  4. Can you tell us what you're planning? Wait, let me answer for you... "No." ~SB~
  5. Not as young as you think. I got mine when I was pre-teen and that was several years ago. ;)

  6. You guys need to start informing me of the contents of our cookie pantry!! I ate those... How about some macaroons? Nobody eats those... ~SB~
  7. Mine's out this Friday. ~SB~
  8. I eat turtles for breakfast. ~SB~
  9. Y'know, I'm also deaf too. From what you're saying, I guess that you sign? Well, I don't but I do talk with a hearing aid & a Cochlear Implant.

  10. Could somebody PM me a text copy of the second part of the "The Kingdom"? No Adobe Reader on my computer... :blush: Thanks, ~SB~
  11. The black gloss cover, though it is good, is prone to scratching and smudging. I'd stick with the LG touch phones like the Voyager and the Vu. ~SB~
  12. ~ShadowBolt~


    Hmm... you're fine as long as you don't have a Hummer or a huge pickup truck. Also, my mom said she would like to have one of those small two seater European cars for just around town to save on gas. If you care, my gas is anywhere from 3.80-4.10 USD a gallon and I'm glad I don't live in Chicago... ~SB~
  13. Hmm... since you're so anxious, I'll give you a little spoiler. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Did you really think that I would do that? ~SB~
  14. Yes... welcome to the dark side. We welcome you... Our OreosTM are stale. However we have turtle jerky but don't let the staffies know about it. ~SB~
  15. Like my title said, this week is my last week of school until the summer. Problem? This is my last year at my current school and next year, I'll be going to a different school (a high school) closer to my house and it really is going to be different. Eh... I'm more worried about summer and the Mistika... Any questions? ~SB~
  16. Finally, my blog is complete! First, I would like to say to look at the rules on the right Content Block column. Especially number three before commenting. I know some of you suggested keeping all of the content blocks on one side, well I actually prefer them on both sides and rule number three will take care of the problems. Any questions, comments, or suggestions (other than moving the content blocks)? ~SB~
  17. I just posted my first MOC on BZP called the "Venomous Swamp Frog". Here's the link to the topic. Venomous Swamp Frog Topic ~SB~
  18. Thanks. Just posted the topic in the BBC. There's a link to it in my next entry. ~SB~
  19. I just wanna know this and please don't comment on my MOC yet. Is the folder public yet? Frog MOC Gallery ~SB~
  20. ~ShadowBolt~

    Heat Wave

    Where I am, somewhere in the U.S. It's in the low-90's ... with humidity. ~SB~
  21. ~ShadowBolt~

    Big Brown

    Agreed. Ya' know, heat + small fracture + ??? = a horse that can't win. ~SB~
  22. *Grabs chair in mid-air and slams it onto S-N WWE style.* :P

  23. I'd say from some of your MOC's that I have seen, about 3.7ish. You could very easily be 4 in my opinion too. ~SB~
  24. *Grabs a bowl of popcorn and watches this fight in a chair. Also glad that he is immune to mutagen.*

  25. Good article Bonesiii. I pretty much agree with you on everything you said but I must disagree about the kids liking simpler faster builds. Look at how complex the sets were in 2001? Compare that to a 72 piece Tahu Mistika... Now each torso is made up of twothree main pieces compared to the one-two main piece torsos of 2001-2004ish and each limb is made up of several pieces instead of one, etc... What I'm trying to say is that the current sets are generally more complex than they were in previous years.You guys can quote me on this entire post. ~SB~
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