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Everything posted by ~ShadowBolt~

  1. Congrat's 4-Speed! Glad you got accepted as BZP's ambassador. Also, if I were you, I would put this on the front page. ~SB~
  2. Just in case some of you guys don't know or missed it, the staff members are deleting many old topics and posts. If you wanna know more, just click on the link below. Forum Cleanup Topic Also, about that trial I talked about below, I lost it... I did a really good job and proved that the suspect did take the pony home but since the defending lawyer did nothing the judge (my teacher) told her exactly what to say to win the trial. "The suspect did have permission to take the pony home." I don't mind that my teacher helped the defending lawyer at all, but did he have to tell her exactly what to say to win the case? Anyways, the Pittsburgh Penguins won last night in triple over time. The game started at 8:00 in the evening on June 2nd and it didn't end until 1:00 in the morning on June 3rd. The score was Pittsburgh-4 and Detroit-3. If you wanna know more about the game, check out ESPN or whatever. ~SB~
  3. *Nova Blasts both Shadow-Nui and TtW*

  4. bonesiii is still sane... He hasn't changed his name like the other staffies. Yet... ~SB~
  5. *Launches Shadow Bolts at S-N's back*

    Didn't see that coming? :P

  6. What power does it have?

  7. *Dodges boulder and shoots S-N with a Midak Skyblaster*

  8. This pony fad is just creepy... ~SB~
  9. *Uses a Mask of Water Breathing*

  10. *Calls you a coward* :P

  11. *Boomerangs fly past SN and then circle back to hit him in the back*

  12. You changed your name? *Sees pigs fly* :P

    This is another fad, right?

  13. *Immune to Shadow Bolts... Throws explosive boomerangs courtesy of Hydraxon at ShadowNui*

  14. I just recently made a little MOC that I thought would make a perfectly good Rahi to be in the Swamp of Secrets this year. To give you an idea of what I could look like, it's a flying frog. As soon as I make a good bio and take a few pics of it, I'll post it in the BBC forums. So, look for it there! ~SB~
  15. *Revives and kills ShadowNui while he's building a Grim Reaper MOC*

  16. True... but it's fun sometimes... What kind of rules did you use for your game because there are several variations of dodgeball? ~SB~
  17. Did you aim for any heads? ~SB~
  18. Woot! I finally have Bionicle Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets and it definately was worth the wait... Greg did a really good job with the shocking twists and suspense. Can't wait for the final battle!!!! Oh yeah... could somebody PM me a text copy of the second part of the "The Kingdom". No Adobe Reader on my computer... :blush: ~SB~
  19. … except cheap gas. That will enivitably get more expensive... I'll mention that to my parents so that they won't give me an annoyed look when/if I buy Takanvua with my other 6 Mistika when I buy them all at once. Toa Rocco -- Luckily for me, my parents are as nice as yours and they actually "support" my Bionicle hobby somewhat ~SB~
  20. Not exactly... But my class is having a mock trial in Social Studies and I'm the prosecutor. I'm really surprised about how smoothly this trial is going because the other lawyer (defending lawyer) is not doing a very good job. She's not the most assertive person in the world but anyways, we are having fun. If you guys care, the case is about one person in my class stole a "minature pony" from a farm that he works at under suspicious circumstances but he returned it two days after he "stole" it. Any questions/advice? ~SB~
  21. Good to know that we are going to get the interviews very soon! I didn't sign up because I want to see what it's like so I know what to expect if I do sign up and get selected. *wink wink* Just kidding. ~SB~
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