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Akaku: Master of Flight

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Blog Entries posted by Akaku: Master of Flight

  1. Akaku: Master of Flight
    Drawing more again! Well, truth been told, I've been drawing a lot this entire time, just for my Graphic Novel program I'm enrolled in rather then Bionicles. but instead of using my free time playing video games, my mood has swayed back to that in which I do best; Bionicle Art! =P
    So, TC will get proper maintenance again very soon (sorry about that), and I shall resume production of LoTN comics in the near future.
    Here's a sneak-peak!
    Wait, no, hold on a second...
    Here it is!

    Also, I may or may not take another round of requests in the near future, so keep your eye's peeled!
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  2. Akaku: Master of Flight

    How much Blog could a woodchuck blog if a woodchuck could chuck Blog?

    I'm glad BZP is back up and running. Update time!
    So I've been up to a lot lately. Off and on for the past few years I've been taking a part time/continuing studies program for learning how to make graphic novels, but this fall they announced they were transferring over to a full-time year long intensive graphic novel program. Given how much additional content was being added, how much the courses have developed (my first classes way back were the very first year the continuing studies program began), and how long it'd been since i had taken some of the first courses, I decided to enroll in the full time program from the beginning.
    It started about a week and a half ago, and it's been a blast! I'm rather enjoying the program so far. A lot of things are familiar, but I'm also learning a lot of new things already. I've even ran into an old friend of mine who's also taking the full-time program as well 
    Part of the program requires that I have a Wacom Cintiq tablet, one of the top of the line ones where the drawing surface has a screen to see directly where you're drawing. The Intuos pro I have doesn't have a screen built in, so I ended up getting the Cintiq 22HD. This kinda worked out nicely as I was already saving up to someday get one, since I was rather disappointed with the Intuos and needed to upgrade to 'professional' hardware at some point anyways. Better sooner then later, I guess? I've only been using it for a few days, but it's feeling great so far. I think I'm going to get used to it quickly!
    In any case, once the program's finished, I'll be moving back to Ontario, likely to take some further courses to bring my actual artistic skill up to a professional level, if it isn't by the time I've completed the Graphic Novel program. I may also end up taking courses in commercial illustration to further broaden my skill-set and open up more career opportunities, but that'll likely be further down the line. Who knows, maybe some day I may end up actually being a concept artist after all!
    (For those of you who don't know, I initially came out to Vancouver looking to become one before those dreams were utterly crushed for a variety of reasons, but I wont go into that here.)
    As for an update on my comic series, a big part of why I haven't been making them like I used to is that I've been holding off, feeling I should wait until I've learned all I could from the graphic novel programs, to make them as best as they can be. I've come to the decision though that rather then waiting until my art is as best as it can be, I really ought to be using them as practice, to help me improve quicker and apply what I'm learning to something I'm actually doing, not to mention giving you guys more stuff to look at!. So more comics in the near future, hopefully! We'll see how much homework kicks my butt 😛
    So that's what's been going on with me. How've you guys been?
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  3. Akaku: Master of Flight
    Sorry lads! Games, School and life has a funny way of distracting one from things... and making one forget there was a certain website he used to frequently go to.
    Anyways, I don't know if you've heard, but me and Inferna are going to the Brickcon this weekend. Super excited, as I've never been to one before! Would be super awesome if I actually got to meet a bunch of BZPers there, the only ones I've met so far other the Fern' is my good friends Kini Hawkeye and Kagha.
    I'm not bringing anything this year (since I'm pretty sure its waaaaay too late for that), but I might send in a few of my old creations next year, assuming I'm able to also make it then.
    So yeah. see you guys there!
    And in other news, I've been spending the past week planning with Fern, making an old story of mine a few of you may remember into something rock solid that wont die with me not knowing where to take it because I was originally more or less making it up as I went along. The Story in question? Legends of Taladi Nui. Her help is definitely the biggest motivation for finally continuing it, though the idea for me picking it up again recently started with General Zahaki mentioning to me he was going to be starting up his comics soon, and the deal we had that once one of us did, so had to the other. I'm not sure if he's going to take his from DA' to here, but you can expect to probably see my series show in both sites in question
    (I'm also taking a Graphic novel course, which is turning out pretty cool. I never knew I knew so much about making comics! Super excited )
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  4. Akaku: Master of Flight

    HOLY MAKUTA BONES that was great. Brilliant, i say! Was freaking awesome meeting so many bzpers. There was some i recognized like Roa, xccj, and cajun, but there were also so many other fellows i never quite knew about there as well. Was super cool meeting all of you! Was great talking about the history of the site and dealing with the shenanigans that happened here and there.
    I took a few pictures, and will upload pics of the sign in sheet/bzp art doodle sheet when i get back to my apartment tommorow.
    P.S.: Anyone know who pulled the fire alarm?
    --Akaku : master of flight
  5. Akaku: Master of Flight
    I'm back home, which means I was finally able to upload my pictures from Saturday... Here they are!
    The Sign-In Sheet!
    Straight from my Sketchbook. We heard that a Sign-in sheet wasn't able to be made as it usually was, so me and Inferna decided to create one ourselves, and track down some BZPers! For those who cant quite tell who wrote what, heres all the members that put their names on the sheet, along with their messages:
    Inferna Firesword "I have Returned!"
    Akaku: Master of Flight "Hello!"
    GSR "?????"
    Kakaru ">:C"
    Cederak "Wassup!?"
    Ezorou "AAAAAA"
    Roa McToa "Build it bigger"
    Kayru "rawrawrawrawrawr"
    Ziontyro Metalhead "First Convention!!!"
    Based Goomy "#yolo"
    xccj "Bionicle is Back!!! For now."
    Correct me if I myself messed up on converting any of that into text format; If I left it blank, that means I wasn't 100% sure what was written... Sorry
    In other news, another product of the Brickcon: the BZP doodle page! Next year ill bring a more proper sheet and more pencils for people to sketch with, I think
    Same Art, with Labels of the Artists!
    the doodles are still in my sketchbook, but the Sign-in Page got torn out so that way more people could sign in on Sunday. if anyone has an updated picture of it, let me know and I'll add it to this entry
    (If BZP is gonna do a story on the brick con like they used to, does anyone know where I can see if I can get these pictures to the right place for them to be included?)
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  6. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Commissions & Requests
    I couldn't think of a title.
    I feel terrible, and cant sleep, or think of what to do... maybe i'll draw a bit, finish that picture for the art contest (even though its too late to enter), or work on LoTN's description thing... We'll see.
    I should probably say something important here... I'm taking bionicle requests. My brother and others keep telling me i should take commissions, but i don't like charging people money for a skill I don't feel I've fully mastered yet... if you want a bionicle picture, lemme know and I'll probably draw it. just your character, a toa team, a landscape, map of an island, whatever. all bionicle stuffs is cool stuffs. I can show you examples of my work if you want too, just ask and I shall answer.
    I'll start with up to five requests for now, and see how that goes.
    Have a good night, everyone. or morning, or afternoon...
  7. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Terrible Comics
    No, I'm not talking about Legends of Taladi Nui, hopefully... This is something else entirely; Terrible comics, by slightly less terrible people! So far, the ladies and gents' we have onboard on the project are:
    - Me!
    - ZippyWharrgarbl
    - Zahaki
    - Itaki (also known elsewhere as Encune)
    Potu miiiiight also join in, but she's very busy right now, so we probably wont see her much if she does.
    I've also asked a few others if they're interested, ill update the list accordingly if more people join; Basically, its going to be a fun little comic series from me and a bunch of my BZP-artist friends, where its more about the humor then the quality of things. Theres also no deadlines set for anyone to make comics, since people often get quite busy; that being said, the topic may get slow at times, but ill make sure that it never dies completely
    Also, the way I see it... The more members of the series, the less of the odds there are that we'll all be lazy at the same time, and nothing will get done
    The name right now im thinking is literally going to be 'Terrible Comics', though that's not set in stone if someone comes up with something better!
    (Are you a cool peep' that likes drawing, but doesn't have the time to make your own comic series? Drop on by when things get rolling, chances are we'll accept new artists and fan comics along the way!)
    EDIT: By the way, more or less making this post the 'HQ' of the comic until its posted; don't hesitate to say hello, and throw some ideas around if you've got any!
    (One such idea I talked about with Zippy was having an 'MSPaint Monday', where we must attempt to make something by just using said program; I myself quite like the sounds of this )
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  8. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Today is a wonderful day! I'm up at the cottage with my dearly beloved Lauren (known as Inferna Firesword on here!), and I just proposed to her. She said yes!
    Crazy to think I'm going to get married to someone I met on this website about nine years ago this month if we remember things correctly big thanks to everyone here at BZP who've run the site, as I never would've met her without you
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  9. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Love you :3
    (that's right I'm jumping on this fad and there aint nothing ya'll can do about it)
    So! Some news. Few days ago I finished page 15 of LoTN, most of those who read the comic have probably already seen it by now, but if your curious you can find it Here
    Also, me and the group over at Terrible Comics Corp. have been doing some brainstorming and plan formulating moving forward; things kind of got a little out of hand along the way, though. if your interested in our silly shenanigans, have a look over here, more will come soon; be warned though, picture quality is not exactly the goal we have in mind with our endeavors of the comic, hence the name
    Hmm, what else... Ah yes, my good Friend Zahaki -finally- posted the first page of his comic series, it's looking pretty sweet if you ask me! you can head on down and have a link to it here.
    That's all for now! Also, to the guy who owns the blue classic Kanokacar in the parking space behind me, I apologize, this thing is like 30 feet long, has a turning radius of an elevator and goes 0-60 faster then the cursing of an Irishman after he drops a full pint of Guinness. I'll send you the bill.
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  10. Akaku: Master of Flight
    Slinky through this linky on over to the comics forum to have a peak!
    More to come maybe? Possibly? Who knows! The inner machinations of my mind are an engima. If I do continue it, I'm thinking of maybe having permanent guest stars positions, just for ol' times sake.
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  11. Akaku: Master of Flight
    As if millions of posts cried out in terror, and were suddenly discounted...
    ...Press F to pay respects to all the pre-dataclysm forum posts which were removed from our post counts in the board upgrade
    Mine used to be around 2750, but has been reduced to a mere 310. How much did your post counts change? Some peoples post counts may actually be higher now, as all content like status updates and blog posts now counts towards it. Silver lining?
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  12. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Terrible Comics
    Image Link

    So due to popular demand (and by popular demand I mean by like three people) Terrible comics will be returning soon, so stay tuned
    Also, I did another page of Legends of Taladi Nui, you can see it over here!
    That's about all for now. Oh, also, never mentioned it here before, but I make scale WW2 models from time to time, there's a bunch I'm probably going to finish soon. Anyone interested in seeing them?
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  13. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Hey guys, mobile bzp is so weird! Ill respond to yall's pms once im back on a desktop around this time tommorow. Right now im at calgary international airport, between a connected flight from vancouver to my home in ontario, where ill be visiting my family for the holidays. Quite excited!
    So... ive got around 40 minutes to kill, so ill talk about things.
    Terrible comics is off to a terrible start, really. But it was to be expected hopfully we get less terrible as time goes on! I have faith in us, or at least faith in my fellow authors
    Lotn is still ongoing. It was put on hold by a wwii comic i was doing for school with just as much time and details put into it, which i cant put here since historically accurate flags and uniforms of a certain country involved probably aren't appropriate here
    ive learned alot though, certainty a few things already that will help drastically with improving efficiency behind the scenes, but there will also be some noticable improvements in the comic itself. And im still learning more next term, too!
    anyways the formatting is starting to be weird and buggy in my entry so im going to stop there for now.
    Happy holidays, everyone!
    --Akaku: master of flight
  14. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Apparently now that I'm finally a premier member, this means I now am also in possession of a Blog.
    So... Hello? How're you all doing? Just letting you all know now, I have no idea how to drive this thing!
    I'll probably post art and things once I figure this all out.... Cheers!
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  15. Akaku: Master of Flight
    Yeeep, that's right.
    Finally got off my butt and made a new page for my hand drawn comic series (I remember when that used to be a rare deal around here, but now comics in general seem to be rare :c), you can have a look at it over here! If you have any thoughts and such on the new page, popping a post down over there on that topic would make my day, and guarantee you to be a pretty cool guy(or girl) who doesn't afraid of anything.
    In other news, things have been going pretty good for me, I think. Finally got an Anaconda space ship in Elite: Dangerous, and let me tell you, that was... Well, it took a while, that's for sure
    Not much happening irl for me at the very moment, but a lot of things are going to be changing real soon; I think I've finally built up enough motivation (or at least built up enough anxiety) that I'm ready to take the next important steps with my life, hopefully ones that will leave me living with the woman I love and a Job I like by the end of the year
    That's about it for now. Also, I'll take four requests if anyone's interested, first come, first serve, starting... now!
    1-2 characters (preferably Toa, but I'll do other Bionicles too) per person; You can ask for a specific background, but be I aware I may swap it out for something simpler if I think its going to take me forever
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  16. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Commissions & Requests
    Requests are all done! Sorry that it took a while this time, decided to put more effort into them then I was originally planning to
    So, lets get started! I drew them in the order they were requested.
    1 - Voltex: Two Protectors
    This one was interesting. You may notice this piece has cleaner linework then the rest, mostly because the program decided to crash halfway through, the one time I forgot to save frequently of course. Instead of using a lucky screengrab directly for the coloring (which would reduce the resolution of the piece significantly), I decided to just redo the Lineart from scratch using the screenshot as a guide. all in all I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, despite the fact it took by far the longest of the four requests to draw
    2 - Taka Nuvia: Herself
    This one was a lot of fun. I had some trouble in the beginning, figuring out good poses and how to do a good job of recreating the original piece I drew eight years before, but I think it turned out really well. It's probably the one I'm the happiest with how it turned out of the four pictures requested; Originally Taka was basically just an exact recreation of the reference pictures provided, but I remembered that I was asked to draw her in my style, so I decided to add a few of my own twists to her design
    3 - N/A
    4 - Pohatu, Uniter of stone: Rekansi
    This one came together surprisingly quickly, and had some unusual features in it that made for a particularly unusual draw for me; I usually deal with more dull colors and the underlying gear being a dark grey or black, so this is definitely one of the more unusual and colorful characters (and background to match) that I've drawn; Personally I would've added some brown highlights on the armor to balance out the color of the mask, but I didn't know the characters backstory or anything, if it's not supposed to match the rest of the Matoran or something, so I just did as requested. I'm not a huge fan of drawing Matoran in general, but I think this one turned out pretty well; hopefully he's not too toa-like for your tastes, Pohatu ^^;;
    Aaaand that's all for now! Time for me to get back to work on LoTN, I hope you all enjoy how your requests turned out
    (the pictures here are all in 50% resolution; if you'd like the full size of them, let me know and I'll upload them!)
    EDIT: Oh, I should probably mention; ya'll free to use these pictures however you want; you don't need to stick credit to me up next to it, though it would be greatly appreciated
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  17. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Commissions & Requests
    Sorry for taking so long. Schoolwork, general life and other things took priority; I could've probably had the next LoTN comic up by now, but I decided id finish off the requests for you guys first
    Request 1: "The Team", for Pohatu: Master of Stone.
    This one took quite a while. Note to self: Limit amount of characters in future requests I tried quite a few different techniques and spent a lot of time on Goreg's mask to make It look black with green cracks, but none of them were turning out well, so after sitting on it for a while I eventually settled for what's there now, which im (mostly) happy with.
    Request 2: "My character", for Colonel Roy Mustang
    This one was probably my favorite to do. Yay, artistic freedom! drawing the whole thing went relatively quickly and quite smoothly and the end result is something im quite happy with.
    Request 3: "Self-MoC (and Nuuark)", for Dark_Samus
    This one also went pretty quickly, and turned out alright I think. I mixed around the colors a bit on the Matoran armor, but I tried to keep it relatively close and faithful to the MoCs provided as reference.
    Request 4: "Portalfig", for FortalPig.
    unfortunately, I don't really have the time to make a comic out of the last few pages of that epic that was requested (as it would probably take at least four pages to do, and the average comic page takes about 10-14 hours from start to finish), so I settled on a nice little picture of Portalfig's character. I think it turned out alright... Not very used to drawing Matoran though, admittedly...
    Request 5: "My City", for Bonkle
    Man, this one took forever. I thought it was going to be the easiest and the quickest, but it ended up being really time consuming. it looks a little bare since there's no names of locations and such, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out as well.
    Thanks for the Requests, everyone! Hopefully I wasn't too far off the mark with them Now, to get some well needed sleep, so I can start the next legends comic tomorrow... zzzz....
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  18. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Apparently this week I am a Toa of mucus with the mask of uncontrollable coughing. I can't say I recommend these powers. I'm pretty sure this is how Hewkii felt in MNOG after using those infected Kholii balls.
    I was planning on participating in Inktober, but this cold kinda put a stop to those plans before they even began... Fern reassures me that nobody will mind if I start late, so maybe I will once I'm feeling better.
    The temperature has really dropped quickly here in Vancouver. How's it been where you guys are? Everyone staying healthy? I hope nobody else has what I've come down with.
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  19. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Yesterdays, erm, 'incident', may have given me some inspiration...
    I'm thinking of giving my blog the name "Bionic Blogmobile"; any thoughts?
    (Still figuring out how to work this mechanical beast!)
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  20. Akaku: Master of Flight

    Well, todays the day, for another few minutes anyways. My BZPower account is now over a decade old!
    It's crazy to think I've been on here this long. Granted, I've been surfing here much longer, since the year BZPower was advertised back on Lego.com during the Metru-nui days, it was right before the Hordika came out I believe. I remember finding Lady Kopaka's art, Roa Mc Toa's MOC's and The Editorialist's comics over the years, and getting absolutely hooked on the site because of them. I also remember the whole Vahki-power April fools fiasco, since it happened right when I had to get stitches from a deep cut I got going sledding down a jump made of ice. What fun!
    I also remember managing to make an account on here briefly, only for my first and only post to be something along the lines of 'tahu sucks', which quickly followed by me either forgetting the password or getting temp banned, and unable to create a new account until after my parents switched internet providers several years later; I was not a very smart child
    And while all of that was well and good, it was this account, that I made back in January 11th 2008, that this post is of course all about. Thanks to it I've met several lifelong friends and of course my lovely fiancé (Inferna Firesword on here!), all of which I wouldn't trade the world for. And thanks again to everyone who congratulated us on the engagement, by the way!
    It's been a long, fun and bumpy ride. from the sprite comics I did with Fusion X Dylan, the co-authoring I did for Toa Zero's, the hand drawn comics I made and the ones i drew with Taka Nuvia, the stories and prank wars that went on with my fellow Toa Seneca, the RPG's I took part of with so many others, and finally the semi-recent things ive done with Zahaki, Zippy, Itaki and Onaku, I'll never forget all the hilarious, awesome and dumb things I did with all of you, not to mention all my countless other friends and the cool folks I met here all along the way, kind enough to support and critique my work I've shown, helping make me a much better artist, and person.
    In any case, i'm quickly running out of time to post this on the right day, so ill leave this post off on this note for here. Rest assured though, I plan to make a more proper tribute to this site, and all the awesome people I've met here along the way
    Have a good night, everyone!
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  21. Akaku: Master of Flight
    So, just thought I'd let you know I've stayed up working hard on the requests, on the next LoTN page, and giving my Blog a bit of a much needed facelift; Perhaps maybe now I'll finally get one of those mythical 'approvals' I've heard of over the years
    Now, time for sleep... and then more drawing tomorrow, most likely!
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  22. Akaku: Master of Flight
    That's right!
    Thanks to B6 (and Dimensioneer behind the scenes from the sounds of things) for helping me sort out Premier membership stuffs; Not sure what went wrong there, but im happy that it got all sorted out
    Anyways, some news; LoTN is back up and running (with four new pages I've made in the last week, three last night! ), and im thinking of taking more requests in the near future. Also, I'm most likely going to be at Brickcon again this year, cant wait to meet everyone again 😄
    Have a good one! And most importantly, if you're hopping on for the ride, DO NOT PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON.
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
  23. Akaku: Master of Flight
    Hey y'all! Been a while since I've really given much an update here. I know there has been a lot of these sorta posts here in recent years, but I figured it's my turn to sincerely thank you all for making this considerable chunk of my childhood so enjoyable. Seriously, I'll never forget the time I spent here, however brief and distant those days now feel. That so many people gave me nothing but support to my art in its earliest, roughest years, that my fiancée and many of my best friends I still have today I all met on here, I wouldn't be the person I am today without this place
    I feel that even though I was just a child, I should still apologize for much of the cringey, childish behavior I displayed back in those days. I've done a lot of growing up in the years following my first arrival here, to say the least. Rest assured, you wont have to worry about me writing such scathing set critiques as 'tahu sux', as was my very first comment on this message board, or shoehorning anymore UNSC Frigates into text based Bionicle RPGs when the GMs are asleep. Yes, I was one of those players, and I'm still deeply embarrassed (although admittedly now also amused) to think back about it.
    I'm honestly glad that this place is still around, even in its much quieter state, that we can still check in on each other from time to time. Who knows, maybe with the way social media's been going lately, there'll be a resurgence in smaller web forums? Wishful thinking I know, but who knows what the future holds. Since 2011 or so every few years I've just been kinda drifting from place to place on the internet. One thing I really miss from ye olde days was that you could actually get to know people, whereas places like twitter and reddit are just so huge that even the communities within those communities just never really felt like communities, if that makes any sense. Discord is a nice sorta middleground though, I suppose.
    So, what have I been up to? Well, after spending way too long trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, I eventually settled on taking some very lengthy and extensive courses for making what I make best, Graphic novels and comics. Those wrapped up a few years ago, and off and on I've been working on an original story ever since. There's been a lot of hiccups along the way due to all sorts of things from personal issues to family ones, to the pandemic to construction near my apartment driving me absolutely nuts. I never thought I could hate a sound so much as I do the sound of a pile driver... Thankfully, most of that is over with now, a lot of the biggest issues in my life all kind of resolved one way or another in the past few months, which has been really nice. 
    If anyone's curious to learn more about the Graphic Novel I'm working on, Let me know and I'll make more posts going more in depth about it here! Long story short is it's a colonial-era fantasy/redemption themed adventure story with a good mix of serious stakes and some lighthearted humour, starring an undead knight and two adventurers that freed him from an ancient curse. Shoutout to @Inferna Firesword, @Lord Kini Hawkeye, and @Zahaki, they've all had a hand in helping me develop different aspects of it as its come along
    (And while I'm mentioning people: paging @Kagha, @Aych Ehn, @Repicheep - Toa of Irony, @Japoro - Toa of Ice, @Kothra, @Gavla, @Grantaire, @Zyrnix, @Cap'n Sparrow, @DYLAN the SINKING STAR, and @.:Zero The Vampire:.; even if its years from me making this post that any of you happen to randomly log on and come across this, I would love to hear how y'all are doing these days. It might take a while, but I guarantee I'll read it and get back to you eventually! Same goes for anyone else honestly, happy to hear how everyone is doing  I just called out the above folks in particular because I haven't heard from any of them in around a decade, lol.)
    In any case, I think that's all for now.  Hope anyone reading this has a great morning/afternoon/evening, wherever you are!
    (PS: Googly eyed Tahu is a treasure, and nobody can convince me otherwise  )
    --Akaku: Master of Flight
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