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Blog Comments posted by Resev

  1. I do not see how this is amusing....

    *glares at you both and gets up*

    Now if you'll excuse me I do not wish to take part in this.....this....well this stuff!

    But thanks for the tackle all the same..it woke me up. :P

    And go do that to Res for gosh sake.....not me. :P


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    *looks to Ranna suspiciously* :fear:

    :D No tackle needed, thank you!


    BTW 41 comments, I'd say that counts as popular ^^




  2. *hugs Resev to protect him from all other Glompers*




    G.S.G. to the rescue. :)



    Nice :P



    EDIT: has anyone noticed how the A.G.G. and Ranna's hug topic have become strangely...I don't know...conversational? O.o With multiple replies too :P


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    lol She's G.S.G.(Glomp Support Group) and I'm/we're A.G.G. :lol:


    Odd how well our groups our getting along, eh? :P




  3. O-o that pic must be false because I have no idea what that is from I dont see a brassexe there at all only a user 67 meaning that isnt me!


    Well.....you have a point...but no one said it wasn't true...except for you..... :evilgrin:


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    he's got you there

    Not really Res accused me of being the one hugging i reacted by saying he has to be lying due to that not being me.

    All ya gotta do is keep your cool...especially if it's not true, 'cause that'd mean you have nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:






  4. i feel like im living in star wars

    How so?



    And for those who exclaimed traitor:

    User 67 Wed 22:18



    User 67 Wed 22:18

    *hugs alena*




    User 67 Wed 22:37



    User 67 Wed 22:37



    User 67 Wed 22:37



    Silver ~ Dragon Wed 22:22

    This is all the proof I need >=D

    Nice one Brass :P




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