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Blog Comments posted by Resev

  1. Sterling. Heh.

    Beat Resistance FoM just now. Buying #2 Tomorrow. :)

    :( You're getting the sequal? Collector's edition? :D You have to tell me how that turns out when you get it.


    Great more cats...... D:


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    Cats are cool..... :P





  2. The game was like RE4 on steroids! Def' worth buying....


    The Ripper was awesome but I ended up favoring the rifle or Force gun. :D


    And as for the helmet, it's cool, but IMO it's abit large and disproportioned...

    NMA studios could come up with something abit more accurate, I bet.


    It'd be epic if the military suit was made :3...




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