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Blog Comments posted by Resev

  1. quit deleting my posts

    I felt that the comment would've cause a debate, so shoosh.


    I got to vote as well ^^


    it's funny how our election (canada's) started and ended while yours was still going :P

    man you guys are slow... you guys should try faster elections, then you don't use so much money.




    Actually........our election only actually lasts from late October and ends around November 4th.

    They just sit there and advertise themselves for like a year beforehand... <_< lol


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    Aye, over-complicated games :P





  2. ur cheating

    It's easier to vote early, beats the crowds. And I had to just in case they were'nt going to allow me.


    Congratulations. Hopefully you voted...I don't know if I can say or not, but, Obama.

    Most definately :)




  3. Aye, I went ahead and bought him.


    Blue seems to be your new fav colour....

    you had blue hair you bought a blue toy....



    There's a pattern/secret fact that no one notices about the colors I use/favor. :rolleyes:





    And that is?


    Resev Fact #1:

    I don't have one favorite color, but three...




  4. I follow politics, been watching the debates closely and whatnot... I also support Obama.



    Really? For some reason I thought you'd be a McCain supporter....




    :kaukau: -JG

    I used to be a strong republican, but past/current events changed that.

    *shrugs too* :D





  5. Where I live we're lucky if we get snow on Christmas. Last year we didn't. Wonder why? Oh, and to Resez: DARN YOU FOR HAVING SNOW! :P


    I used to live in Texas, so I know whatcha mean about not getting snow :D


    Its snowing were you are and yet no pics of your blue hair you promised!! also im supposed to get snow in the next few weeks WOOT for snow :P

    Growing facial hair takes time :P


    Snow and snowboarding, WOOT!





  6. _________$$$$ _$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$

















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