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Everything posted by Resev

  1. XXXoOOXx ;)

    I see you went back to being Kallista


  2. You need to shutup and back off of my sister, do you understand? Time and time again you come here making snide remarks about her and it's time you stop. You'd think someone as smart as you would see she doesn't think like most and has a small problem with comprehending things. ~R~
  3. Stick close to your teammate (if it's RvB) and keep a good defense; find debris or take cover behind obstacles. Conserve on ammo for those moments where you need to pin them down or cover-fire. Remember the element of surprise > Wear layered clothing or something thick like a hoodie since it's your first time and getting shot can really sting. NEVER take off your mask even if it becomes too foggy to see through unless you are out of the arena. Shouldn't be a problem since nowadays most masks have anti-fog lenses, though. And remember to have fun I hope it'll be a real great experience for you and a great B-day. ~R~
  4. Resev

    Ha Ahah

    The Texas Stuffy Massacre!!! ~R~
  5. Pretty busy :P

    You can check my blog for details lol


    How about you? :)

  6. I set your profile on fire.

  7. _________________6_ ________________

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    __________666666666 6666666666_______


  8. Are you trying to cause trouble?... PM me if I've somehow mistaken your comment, please. ~R~
  9. Hey all... These past months/year I've had a lot of things happen, good and bad. I've made allies and then I've made enemies, lost friends and gained some. Cried and screamed to the top of my lungs. It's been really stressful with the transition and living with these new changes. I recently found out I'm the black sheep of my family and the family tree is looking like it could be trimmed... My mom's health is declining and she's showing signs of the disease/injury (C.R.P.S.) in her other leg now and it could spread further. All the stress has been effecting my sleep/health and I've been worrying about Ranna's injuries (her other arm has been injured now, thanks to her stupid supervisor at her job). It seems like the days are sifting by, like quick-sand. I'm finding more silver hairs on my head as the months go by. But it hasn't been all bad. With my new job and schedule, I've been able to spend more time with Ranna and help out with everything. Ranna's getting worker's comp and getting taken care of legally about her condition. Been debating on selling my car and getting a motorcycle instead. B) I've come up with a pretty cool costume that I could wear throughout the year and not look out of place. (Assassin's Creed related) Picked up an old hobby of mine and started my LED projects again. Ranna and I have grown closer in our relationship and I've become one of the family We're making plans for a future and it's safe to say we are going to make this permanent (AAHHH, THE BIG QUESTION!!!) Good thing I'm not afraid of commitment I won't say too much, but Ranna's finally getting her car (brand new btw instead of used). And I've been making enough money to fly back to see my family occasionally. Anyway, just wanted to say I won't be very active here, but can be contacted on Skype or Facebook (PM me if anyone's interested). I'll hop on every once in a while to check up on friends, but won't make any more entries unless it's super important or special. Keep cool y'all. ~R~
  10. 1st: Wha?

    2nd: Whaaaaa? O.o

  11. *snickers evilly*


  12. Yeah, but not anymore :P I gots a haircut.

  13. Babe, you forgot to tell'em about the car! =D ~R~
  14. Happy 18th SIS!!! Hope my card gets to ya soon (sorry it's late). ~R~
  15. Not if you're dressed and smell like a hobo PITY THE HOMELESS!!! ~R~
  16. Go to a public place that has lots of people and ask for one dollar from everyone that passes by. ~R~
  17. I like the way you think. ~R~

  19. I've been stuck in my profile for too long :P

    I need to explore BZP more

  20. Same to you!

    I'm glad to see a fellow LP fan

  21. Haz I shocked U speechless? : l

  22. I wonder, I wonder...

    if 'He' is watching...

  23. I'm more worried about the fact that he even owns a speedo in that color. ~R~
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