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Angel Beat

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Angel Beat

  1. Hehe, right place at the right time. :3
  2. Yup! I'll be sure to stick around and post from time to time.
  3. Oh snap, I haven't kept up with metal in ages. Gonna see the Scorpions next month though.
  4. Thank you. It's true that I haven't been very active in a while and that's why I resigned. Knock yourself out.
  5. Yes, it's true. I just retired from the BZP staff. It was an honour to be a part of it for close to 7 years, but I figured it was time to move on.
  6. Yessss, another STO player...
  7. I never got into the AoE toyline, mainly because they're so dang expensive over here. The Deluxe class toys are only a few Euros short of the old Voyager class price, while the current Voyagers are almost as expensive as the old Leaders. For example, the AoE Deluxes are €27-ish, which is roughly $34, so yeah, I won't be getting any of those any time soon.
  8. Well, let's hope they won't make the story too convoluted this time.
  9. So here I am, wanting to go to Wacken Open Air next year. Turns out, the tickets were sold out in 12 hours, a new Wacken record. So no Wacken for me. ;.;
  10. Halcyon Days by Ellie Goulding Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV soundtracks by Malcolm Kirby Jr.
  11. "Zero Saints Thirty" by Malcolm Kirby Jr.
  12. Don't know about BronyCon, but I'll be at GalaCon over here in Europe. :-) Lucky you! I couldn't make it this year.
  13. Thanks, but I'm good. Hmm, it's no con or festival. Also, GotG won't open here until the 14th of August.
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